HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 98, June 25, 1928No.. 98.
Proceedings of_-nor,Rn 01'' G07.:17SIMFP: City of Paducah Jut1J?. 25,1928
At a r Lmlar meeting of the Board of Cou:+nisaioncra bald in the CommiS-
sionerst Chmnbor in the City Ball Building in the City of Faduenh, ro tue" on
the 25th day of June, 1828, L'ayor Lackcy prosidod and upon call of the roll the
followinS ansr•+ered to their, names: Commissioners Brndsha ;, 1Iannln, iia'Laon,
Rutter and '�yor Lackey, (5).
Minutes of the R'evious meeting c:ere adopted as read'.
Commissioner Rutter offored the following motion: I nova that the COM—
missioner of Public Finance be authorized to transfer on Juno 30, 1928 to tl,e
3rd Diset. Serer Bond Sinking 1•'und } 3,100.00
Bond intereot 2nd " Relief Sevier Bond Sinking Fund 1,247.50
Hard Surface St. & Right -of -WRY Bond Singing Fund 10993.50
Island Creek Bridge Bond Sinking Fund 998.00
School Improvement Bonds- 1920 " 51,625:00
it " It 1926 " " 4,4222.00
Arcadia School Bonds " " 1,416.75
General Sinking Fund 4 234:61
Total 1 ,03 .36
The amount due to be set aside each six ':onths to retire bonds as maturity:
Also that the Commissioner of Public Finance transfer to the General
27.0.& O.R.R.R.Bond Sinking Fund the sum of $1,000.00, add retire the 21.0. & O.R.Railroad Bond #2,
112, interest
for this amount, which matures on July 1, 1928. Adopted on the call of the
roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradsh•w, Rminin, Belson, Rutter and '!ayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offercd mot&an that the Commissioner of Public
Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months on the
27.0. & O.R.R.F. r.
Refunding Bond 1926 2I.0,0.R. Railroad 1926 Refunding Bonds b32,000.P0 (4j%) 720.00
of 1% collection charge 1.80
Less credit bal on hfc P2.50
Payable through the City Rational Bank, Paducah, for remittance
to the Hsnover Untlonal Bank, New York, 2I.Y. on or before July 1, 1928,
Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yens; Commisnionors Bradshaw, Harmin, Belson,
Rutter and ''.nyor Lackey, (5).
Cortm.isslonor Rutter off<:red motion that the Com aasioncr of itiblic
rinan.ce be autl"sorized to pay the interest erunons for 6 months on the
Arecdia Graded :;cbool r?1 Bond issue due July 1, 1928- Amt. ,435".00
r.;l;_ .. nding "14,500.00
ct 870.00
" 435.00
I:....... ? c'
1::t Z•: :'avinrs Bank f"Jotted. on ,I.o 0,111. of the
Iiar. "in, :.'1. _,n, `, Iter and "nyor Lackey, (`,).
ft'„r; ,; r:otion t, ."ho six ::",nabs Accrued intr.r.:;t
93t•..9 •rtes t.L.o rir•at
:.. nrizoct to n^y
” a o e > 88G7.09
... ... . `. , .. .. , ,c.:.5:. In L.,. t
No. 4 9
Proceedings of City of Paducah
!'annin offere,i nution U at Strcct Lights be pl�cod at the
Str-. t "ig::ts +'ollo::_n�: corners: 14th & Thompson Street, 13th & Reed Avenue, 28th & 1•inyficld (toad,
28th & Lrondaray, Adopted on he 0,11 of the roll: Yon--; Conwdn c loners rrndsha�r,
!`-nein, Belson, Mutter and T'ryor Lnckoy, (5).
Commissioner liannin offered the follo-:7in6 motion: I move thnt lots 1 to
Onk Grove Z6 inclusive, in Section 5 of tie 14th Street Addition to Oak Grove Cometery be act
e t„;,y
apart for the rurnose of holding memorial services for the colored people, uaid
lots being loented in t:hnt part of said cemetery that is set apart nndused by the
colored people; and tt'.^t the Commissioner of -ublie Property is hereby authorized -
to carry into effect the provisions of this motion. Adopted on the crit. of the
roll: Yana; Commissioners !raJ:':i:a•-, ..:.in, ..-.��as, �:,�'•.:-r and '?oyT�
Ynyor Lackey offered motion that the balance of the a^^ortionment due
Boy Fcouts the Boy Scouts '100.00; Girl Scouts {;100.00, be allowed and the Commissioner of
& Girl
`touts Public Fin,nee authorized to pay same. Adopted oh the call of the roll: Yogis;
Co_-nissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, nelson, Rutter and !nnyor Lacke (5).
Yngor Lackey offered motion that the bill of C. Holt, Contractor, for
C.Rolt improvements in liable Park in the amount of ;1061.00 be allowed and ordered paid
And charged to Park Board. Adopte1 on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
Bradahaa, Hn^.ain, nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)'.
Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move thnt an
curb F:
`','-:T, FF(`:" "•'I1'' IIORTH PPOP . "_Y LI:7 OF 1RI r;,!;F - T;'" .'T TO
.. 7. :'.. .. .. -_, ',I!D ON BOTiI ^ID-'; OF Cr,•r,..._rl C'I' 'T,-'rO'.' ,_rji•
...-•,i ... -- r j.:^ r,;•.. • c., ir '"f.ST CUM ".I1IF GI71GIITII :TT:77T Iii T`F
Ci."r '- ,. - , '"`IIClfl, "i, °li'C^"Cr.RY :7,1111OL-, ITImz.-rS, CATCH B'.SInS 11D
L"'CF,SSARY ?110TH7-, 11, Ilia, ADV" ' ' TF T-10 ASID LF. -GAT, n21D CLFCtIC.' h
TH, -1I0 :T. 70 B? I:C"'• :'i' , 1!E COcT OF TI:" 0" "Fi` OF
y1T "'.I: FOR UPO THF 1':11 -,,R ') 11`4
7 7"' Le i.:trolAce,i enc la;; over; Adopted an the cull of the roll: Yeas;
iorcr� Brodahaw, Rannin, liaison, Rutter and !Iryor Lackey, (5).
sioncr Urndshn•r7 offe,ed the folloerinr; notion: I move Lhet an
.. .... .-itied, ',. _ :.1:ui PFUVIi IIiG FOR T11E CUU;.TV:?ML'ti OF A !,RIV' 7,Y 011 -
7t -- -ti
_1" T `FUII lir :J' €T CURS 7.I1i5 OF '-:7:V' IiTI[ :'i' "'T
T, I.. 'ITY OFIL',.'IiC.'11, '1 7TUCKY, Wltli AL1
, .._ ... r
PI -IL CG ;`ECTIONS, i.'.:., _...
i7IC, L ..3RVICr. Ii' . , i'I s .77 .
N" be introduced and Iny over. ".dopted
r '•n,, Irnnnin, n,glr.on, Ruttrz• nn,t
__ tr.. � .. ... � _.._.CS/'[•2,tii�ikL�-0.19. 9�f't ,..�