HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 95, June 18, 1928No. 95
Proceedings of ° T..: T: City of Paducah r--1!TUC Y,Lu113 18,1923.
q f.t a rer,•ulnr meeting of the EonvC, of �arr_miscioners 1 --old in the
Ccr7nincicners' Clinr!ber in the City Tall. L'uildin,g in the City of Paducah, Y.entnchy,
at 2 o1clock r.!.i., on the 18th day of Junr., 1928, Mayor Enckey nreclded and upon
cn.11 of the roll, the following answered to their names: Cormiinsionr,rs Bradshaw,
Han�in, Nelson, I:uttcr and `..e.yor Lackey, (5):I
Minutes of the previous mooting :^ere adopted as read.
Commissioner Ritter offered motion thnt the sundry claims amounting
to :;•9909.90 be allowed and the Commicnioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay
care and curge to the proper dopsrtmonts: Adopted on the call of t-br. roll: Yens;
..:-,an ionnrs Bradsbnw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and :'ayor Lackey, (5).
Cor.missioner Rutter offered otion that the report of collections
--n iursorients for the month of 123;7, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on
cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners- Bradshaw, Ilannin, Nelson, ^utter and Unyor
LncS:ey, (5)'.
Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the
allo:mnce if %139.29 for naynent of interest due June let for soder assessment, i
account of Court Judgment rendered against the City for a 12;41 refund allowed
property owners assessed in ~ewer Zone "B", end that the Commisrlonrr of Public
Finnrco be authorized to pn.y sane. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;
Coraniscicnerz Bra'shsr:, Hennin, Nelson, Rutter and mayor Lac'.:ey, (5).
Commissioner cutter offered motion tlst the report of the 'pecial
`trect Fund Account for the month of Tdny, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on
the call of the roll: Yess; Connissi hers Bradshaw, ITel2on, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor
Lacley, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the cosh orders in t; -c anount
of `32.<•1 be allowed and tho Coasnissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed, same to be
;o hir, i-pr:rtscnt. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Coirmlon.ioners
"annir., 1!elsor., Rutter and "nymLankoy, (5).
Cor._ilsnioncr Fnnnin offered motion that the financial report of
c Hospital for thr; nontli of r.ny, 1928 be roeniv,wl and filed Adopted, on the
r• -`.I cf t I., roll: Yens; Co:r¢aisciorers Bradshaw, Ilannin, Nelann, Rutty r -nc' 7'^.yor Lackey,
>o: uis ierer ,in:nin offered t1io following: 70,e ;Jorr.I:r.fa sr of Public
. •Fir^ tnk+:n sealed bids of' t, -o eroc±ion of the Drill ':'ower at `.cntrnl
dif'"crcnt contractors nra,? all n,!o would subr_d.t bid:: t; ornfor,
"a Loose^,003 for .97;:.00 beim- tiro l,'rrest and best bid, the ccntrnctor
ion of a id .'rill Sowor neeor"Ir. ; to the :
en "11e is t:l',F office of the Chief of the Fire
wiclt, I ne:•: "Vo ,;i�st +ho bid of
.. - - .. of toaut.;.crizod
o-wr at thn price
iii onntraetor,
Ne. Proceedings of of 60' �` `"'' I T'```f` City of Paducah sm : 18,1m. _
e� to 2f� 1928 P.P?^0Ir, 'D _ z
introduced and laid over for one wouk in its completed form, that n-ld
rc_clu'ion no•:: be adopted. j;oopted on the evil of the roll: Yon•^.;
Cor•:ci_cioncrs Lrn.dsh •, Unnnia, }iolson, RAtter and "nyor Lackey, (5). 1
Co,mrisc:ioner Eredshaw offrred motion to adopt a resolution. cntItl.ed,
"A ...-_'6},r3T_.:)1•I FLF UIrll"G UTI, PA -UC.'.14 , i'Ti'(:(, -CI Y TO FXV -11D ITL . ?.TS'D Oil ")FEW 117
t.- gins,
`_? '_. TS' Si?: CITI 0^ P,% -UC }I." /Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;
Com_-aisA oners Bradshaw, Hannin, !Tolson, Rutter and !'nyor Lackey, (5).
Mayor Lackey offered motion tru,t the rcnorts of the Paducah ':!iter
Pachta..,h titer Co
Connnny be received and filed. >dopted. on th•; ca -)j of the rill: Yens;
Commis^ion-rs Bradshna, Ei rutin, Nelson, nutter and bTnyor Lackey, (5).
Mayor Lackey offered motion thst the Kcyor be authorized.and in -
Contract for
str.icted to sign a contract with the Caron riroctory Company for tre purchnso of
City Directory
nine copies•of the ne�, City Directory for the use of•the d fferont dopnrtr•eents
of the city, at the rn•ice of ?a0.00 per copy, total of 1';90.00; same to be
clrrged to t e contingent fund: Cdopted on the call of the roll: Yens;
Oo,mnisrioncrs L-rsris^^.::, llnnnin, llel.-n, Ruttcr and :'nyor Lackey, (5.).;
IFayor Lackey offered motion tint the report of the Commissioner a
Park Board accts
Public Finance, showing the abcounts of the Foor•d of Park Cormissioners bearing
date of June 18, 19280 be rcceive� and filed and t},at said accounts shoe= in said
r -port be nllo-,ed and Haid; same to be chorged to the account of the Board of
Parh ''ornissio ra, 1:dontec, on the cn,l of the roll: Yenc; Oor:r.lission'rs
Brals'.,sq, Nclson, Hnnnin, Rutter end ISayor Lackey, (5)'.-
Onri tion mcetin�, ndjourned.
e� to 2f� 1928 P.P?^0Ir, 'D _ z