HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 75, May 21, 1928No..-. —7-5 -- _ Proceedings of _.. BOARD CP Com?:Tss10re1:Rs, City of Paducah KY, Mqx 21,192s At a ReGu3nr electing of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hcll Building in the City of Paducah, t Kentucky on the 21st day of Ypy, 1928, at 2 O'clock P.N., Mayor Lackey • presided snd upon the call of the roll the follo•sing answered to their names; Commissioner's Brodsho-, Nonnln, Nelson, Rutter and 7ayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted ns read. Cormnissioner Rutter offered the following motion: "I move that the Fraser & Cocke Contract No.6 report on the Fraser & Cocke Contract No.6 be accepted, and that the Commissioner of Public Finknoe be authorized to make final settlement upon sale of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon on the ten year payment plan. And that the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to have printed, executed and sold such Imorovement Bonds to the amount of $1956.22 in accordance with the provisiona of Section 3101 Kentucky Statutes I S governing same." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners 'Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the Fraser & Cocke report on the Fraser & Cocke Contract No.2 be accepted, fthd that the Contract No.2 Coraissioncr of Public Finance be authorized to make 'final settlement upon sale of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon on the ten year payment plan. And that the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to have printed, executed and sold such Improvement Bonds to the amount of $8313.56 in accordance ith the provisions of .Section 3101 Kentucky. Statutes governing same. Adopted on the call of the call of the roll: Yeas; Com- missioners Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner nutter offered the following motion: I move that the C Conretracttract Pio.3 report on the E.L. Beyer Contract #3 be accepted and the Commissioner of p Public Finance be authorized to make final settlement upon sale of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon on the ten yaar payment plan. And that the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to have printed, executed anti sold such Imnrovement Bonds to the amount of $,176.37 In accordance with the provisions or Section 3101 of Kentucky Stntutos governin^ some. Adopted on the coil of the roll: Yeas; Co:rmisnioners Braas?lay, Hnnnin, Belson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5); Commis^loner Rutter offered the following- I move tl•pt the cash :ash Orao^s orders in the ar.6unt of $34.78 be alloyed and the Cormissioner of Public ^inanea be roini,ursed and that this amount be charged to the proper dep=artments. :"dopt,,d on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brads?1—, Hanninn, Nelson, Ruttor and t'nyor Lacl;oy, (5). Goa.a^:a finer Bradshaw offs'+red motion tl:a,t the profosnl of the '?anon Bret?:^ra -"'ru en Bro,,!.ara Gti".•.hy rot, furnia},ing i7nrrenite-Bithulithic Pavemont to gel'!^'Any :hat: art so prespeo*.ivy t, i''...:era Gn :: tr e��t iA */4ng contract in Pn;.11C 9i1, ?:f-1YLucky, nnd late or :.pril, 12, 1.920 be recotv,!,i an,l i'Llcd and ttlnt said pronosnl be r ^.�r'e in the m!nnte:: ai'.t': ? 1: tLan. cd^nta•i on t?l, e• 11, of tha 1011: _'te•- ra .':j. '!,.. L1, '•1 ,-1 1•.11..1 1 ^n'+ 'n'n: J.e1 ;•,:&Y. (5). it:e ar it 1-10, is Pnv, r-nt (P to -ata by) boaton, Boston, ±pr11 1^,1928, :o iron. Y%yor ,f Ccrnl3nlo ncrs, Ctry of PN' cry L1vy. s•±vis, 15• . the nronar a•;t..jrU je ,, r rna;'ter A' No.. - - 76 - - Proceedings of _. .Bo::rn, OR City of PaducahICE-Mlcla, MAY 21ST, -1928 known ns "party of the first pnit" that bids be resolved for the improvement of any street or streets, upon which which bids will be received during the calendar year of 1928 in the City of Paducah, Ry., with ':'ARI:'f•-T?IT?-BITIRTLITIIIC PAVrMFNT; 17FT-AS the construction of said pavement requires the�usc of certain pntents; NO'.7 TR"RL"_'ORE, the undersigned Warren Brothers Company,* an owner of such patents, hereby offera.to furnish to the party of the first part, or to any bidder to whop a contract may be awarded for paving the above denlgnated streets or roadways with ..APRFNIT'. -BIT RILI`fHIC PAVS11MIT, and who shall enter into a contract with such surety or sureties as. may be required by said party of the first prrt, for the performance of any such contract, the following: 1. PAT7NTS--The right to use any or all pntents, trade -marks, or trade names now or r+hich may be hereafter owned or controlled by 'Warren Brothers Comcahy, necennary to lny said pavement. 2. ',.LAT, -RIALS-- All the necessary !"arrenite-Bithullthic roadway mi?tures for the wearing surface, having a thickness of two (2) inches after compression, pronerly preparer? in accordance with the apeciCications and delivered hot in the wagons of the pnrty of the first pert or Co,tractor at a mixing plant located within three (3) miles of the work to be performed. Delivery to begin within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written order. 3. ADVICE-- An expert, who will give advice as to the building of such pavementAll be furnished to the pnrty of the first p•rt or Contractor at the expense of '.:'arren Brothers Company. 4. SERVICE-- Daily examinations of the mixtures as delivered on the street will be msde at the Laboratory of Warren Brothers Company; samples to be sent by the party of the first part or•Contractor (by prreel past or prepaid express), to"the Laboratory of ".Darren Brothers Company, 38 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Nass. 5. PRICE-- The price at which all of the above is-offered,to the party of the first part and to all Contractors ^rho make a bid on said prvoment, for said street or streets, is: TEN & 50/00 DOLLARS PER TON OF 2000 POUNDS (,10.50) per ton of mixtures furnished at which price it is also agreed to furnish the materials f.o.b. Paducah, 87., in barrels for reheating and the service for making all repairs, ' if any, which may be necessary for the wearing surface during the life of said patents'; It is understood that l'Isrren Brothers Company reserves the right to employ the facilities of the successful bidder or of others to produce such mixtures under the supervision of Warren Brothers Compahy. 6. PERIOD OF CONTRACT-- This offer is open for acceptance at any time within fear (4) months from this date, or at any time thereafter until withdrawn, provided however that actual construction of surface laying is =-craned within four months after award of the contract and shall then be prosecuted with due diligence, or an amended proposition is filed with the proper authorities covering the same or similar specifications for wearing surface minture. It is understood that if by renson of fire, flood, the common enemy or for any other cause beyond the control of 7larren Brothers Company, it is unable, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, to secure the shipment of equipment or materials or• procure the necessary labor for doing the work, that a length'of time will be granted to :7arren Brothers Company in which to comply with this offer, corresponding to the length of time during which it was unable, for any of the above causes, to proceed with its uniortaking. The accentnnee of bids by the pe.rty of the first part and the letting of a contract for 'AR.:NITP-BITIRILITF.IC Pa,V-i_"NT to a contractor, shall be deemed by Warren Brotbers Company to be an acceptnneo of thin offer cy tho p rty of the First part and by the Contractor to whom such contract shall be a^carded, raid are all, that shall be r.ecesonry to bind Warren Brothers Company to this agrocment'; "'AR!'PN BROTHERS COMPANY, BY A.V.R1ce, Asst. Trans. AND Ralph L. ']arren, Vice "roc. 119yor Lackey off•red notion that the report of the Poduenh !later Coripnny be -nh - c.t,;r do.!'. 3.,r't receive•nnl filed. Adopt'.! on the enll of the roll: Yens; Commiaoioncro Nannin, Ern-. ^n_•, '1e1:;cn, Eatt,'r r,.n' '•a7or Lackey, (5); ',nycr r,.,^ -'«y of -f, : c06lon t1 -9t the contract betecoen the City of fn'ticah c-;en.ns1 n?in- i In ny be received and filed. :ldoptel on the call of ..e r.^7:: Yens; CO.- I- ir.••.r^ Ern•',*:a n, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futtor nn -1 "ayor Lnckey,(5). Cf: .inr; n^;jr .zned. Alp