HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 728, December 1, 1931NO. 79P Proceedings of-_1'�''.1' U�' i:0' i,_[: 1 ;STH!::__-_,. City of Paducah 'Gi+t'niTR i ,L •,.i At a call mocLing of the board of ComAcnionois held in the qDq loners I Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, rygICom^dsn it Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 1st dny of December, 1931, !d,'yor Lackey f �ipresdded and upon call of the roll the following answered to th-air names: . Comnissioners Bradshawv Hannin, Nelson, Rdtter and ldnyor Lnekey, (5). {I ?nyor Lnckey stntee' reason for call, to -wit: For the purvose of extending time on last one-half taxes until December 12th.,1931, and such other business as cony come before the board. Sim k±yriek-to.-. j I, Commissioner I!n,.nin offered motion that the dee,' of conveynnce from Lydia E.P.oberts- deed to lot in Onix Jim tigrick, et al to Lydia F. Roberts to Lot No.13 in Block "Y" in Oak Grove Grove ratified Cemetery in Paducah, G.cCrrcken County, Kentucky, subject to the rules and regulations of sold cemetery and subject to the conditions of sold deed, be now ratified and approved by the board of Commissioners; and tient the efridnvit o: orinership be received and filed. :adopted on call of the roll; Yens; Commissioners brodshes, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Voyor Lackey, (5). '•ilbur W'ebb-deed ( ;' Conmissioner Hannin offered the following motion: l;ilbur 'Hebb having to lot in Oak Grove Cemetery noolied for deed to the north one-half of Lot No.19, Block No.5 in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, i now move that said deed be issued to the said "'llbur :Iebb to snid north one-(jalf of said Lot No.19, dock No.5 in the said Onk Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, MoCrockon County, Kentucky, upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Financo the num of ;70.00. i-dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners nrsdahn:, linnnin, :Tolson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). u R.C.KcMahon-i, Commissioner Iirnnin offered the following motion: R.C.1.TeMahan and vitro deed to lot in q Oak Grove having anolied for deed to a two grave space off the north one-half of Lot 110. 18 in Block 110.5 on Stewart Street end a vialk in Oak Grove Cemetery in tl,c City pof Paducah, t.cCrackon County, Kentucky, I now move that said decd be issued to the s-Sd. R.C.I::cidahan and, wife to snid tato grcvo eonco off the north one-half d f Lot 111o.18 in block No.S on ftewort street and a walk in the sr+id Onk Grove 10 71 Cc --tory 1n :aducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, upon poymont to the Cornrlsnionar o'' 'u;,lle k'in•ince the sum of .JL.00, fdoated on call or the roll: Yens; a.c-�i.asioners 1.rndsl- w, H+,nein, Nelson, Rutter and Ynyor Lackey, (5). + rt cd Gc-nis::lenFr Rutter offered mo, ion to adopt a rnrolutien entitled, l GP.[7.II:G :'NL D110 V ING LTi CO+ nS:; iCX< Fi 0..' C11:17CS :17NT TAX :,ILLS vOR 11. t L`f, i8 LF GF ^'l:" 1EXT.S FU' 19:1, i + - - - •,.,. .. (1Q/,) PEE CI.NT Pili: :?.?U3? :,..� il`::Tl•ST, p'-UVl :b nAIL' + 7:rr1' 4 eh I•': C.' 1€BFR, 1.9:1." Adopted on :all nntn, T.;clecn, xuttirr and Ga:yor i J + 1