HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 66, May 4, 1928No.. - -66
`-Proceedings of BOARD PT r07 -IF. T(V!,S City of Paducah -eir
�t mAx 4th, lege _
At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the
Commissionors' Chamber in the City I[nll Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at
two o'clock P.bt., on the 4th day of May, 1928, B'ayor Lackey presided and upon call
of the roll the following andi7ered to their names: Commissioners Iinnnln, Nelson,
Rutter and 1.7ayor Lackey, (4).
Yzrpor Lackey stated reasons for ball to -wit: To allow the
payrolls for the last half of April, 1928, and such other business as may come
before the Board.
Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that
Payrolls '
lost half the payrolls for the last. half of April 1928 be allowed in the amount of $13165.67
of April,
1�?8 and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same; ABopted on the
call of the roll:Y&Wissioners Nelson, Hannin, Rutter and Uayor Lackey, (4).
C.osmiissioner Nann.in offered the following motion: I move that the
Deed in Onk
Grove to ssle of Lot No.102, Block No.2, in Oak Grove Cemetery, deeded to Lynora Atkins, be
Yrs 1-:=.a '
Sanders k sold as follows: The ;:est half of Lot No.102, Block No.2 sold to firs ESwm Sanders and
t:orman San-
ders rata- the East half of Lot 11o.102, Block Nio.2 be sold to Norman Sanders, their heirs and
assigns forever, and the sale of said property be hereby ratified. Adopted on the
call of the roliTe8ofimissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4).
On motion meeting adjourned.
ADOPTPD ,19?.8 APPROV> ps th�Y��