HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 636, March 23, 1931N. 6_
Proceedings uLBOAna of cor rz . 1�,, r; _—City of I'Rducah -MARCH 23 1931
At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held In the
Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building In the r'it-y of Paducah,
Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 23rd day of March, 197,1, r9nyor d_ackey
Presided end unon call of the roll the following, nnswere,' to their nnmes:
Commissioners Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and rlsyor Lackey, (5).
Minutes of the previoue meetings ,vere adopted as rend.
"7a ter mains extend Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: The owners of
ed on Ashcraft Ave
Fnlmer to Bridge property on Ashcraft Avenue, between Palmer and Bridge streets, in the City of
Paducah, Kentucky having petitioned for an extension of :eater mains in all
respects as provided by Section 5 of the franchise ordinance creating the
franchise of the Paducah Water 'Yorks Company in Paducah, Kentucky, and having in
all respects agreed in writing to take, use and pay for :eater at the fixed rate for
a term of not. less t*an two years, commencing within thirty days after such nape
and main is completed and connections made, I now move that said petition of the
said patrons be received abd filed anA that said water mains be in all respects
extended and installed un -ler t'ection 5 of said ordinance, end that the Co-missioners
of Water "'orks of Paducah. Kentucky be authorized, empowered and instructed to
install said eater main and water connFctions along Ashcraft Avenue, from Palmer
street to Bridge street. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners
Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
George Gulley Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: Police porer having
police power
withdrawn heret6fore been granted to George Gulley on request of Ayer Lord -I;io Compnny, and
the Ayer Lord Tie Company having now requested that said police power be withdrawn
and discontinued on account of the fact that the said George Gulley is no longer
employed by the Ayer Lord Tie Company, I now move that the request of the Ayer Lord
Tie Company for the withdrawal and cancellation of police power to George Gulley
be granted= a,d that the bond executed b- the said George Gulley be cancelled as of
this date and the surety therein released from further liability after this date.
Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissionors Bra+shaw, Hnnnin, Nelson,
Rutt-r and Mayor lackey, (5).
City Acsessor 1931 Comilssioner Rutter offered motion tint the report of the City
,lscessor for assessed valuation of ell personnl property en' real estate for the
year 19"1 be redeived and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiastoner
Bralahnw, lien^in, Lelron, Ruttor edd Mnyor Lackey, (5).
claim Com-„lasioner Rutter offered motion that F.$.Graves be allowed the amount
Gt!., ar.'inu City
Ju'pc of :'3:;.33 Por services as noting fudge of the Paducah Police 1,ourt for the term of
four days during the abn enee of Judge Roy Holman while on his vncation. Adopted on
• cell of tht roll; Ynnn; Cor...:inalonrus nrudshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter anal :'ayor
Lackey, (5).
r_c.-..Sa:.lcner Rutter of.”; reri the following motion: It an -;oaring trot
r +-c .1 l .s• r of "c"rnc:aen '•aunty pa Li back tnxea and 1mprivo.rent tnsas
ra :nst oy AYd',latte, Frr,.,ntin! to "192.67, to t90 71ty by •r.into'ro;
s:. :; c,irg ncair.r,t a lot, or part of a lo'., be?cn,an to tic, city, a.:d tte said
P%7 --ant was r; se -::hg ,rade r:r.l .>n, .i t; `olic;tor having advised thnt said fun's
a o.: i^ to ....n:iei, I --" move brat the 'Gr isr;l :nror of ublic rinance b,: aut"-or-
N'_ --.6,5x _._ `_____ ...�
Pr' ,+f__^BOARA OF CO?PAI`f IO?1 F.S� 11,,11111C,1 11 TCcNl'UCKY iA1FCH 23. 1931
Sze! to pay to T.A. Millar, ?!aster Commissioner, the sum of 1142..57 as refund of said
erroneous pnyment and charge same to the proper account. Adopted on call of the
roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradsh^w, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Brady r. Commissioner nutter offered motion that the commission of 101' duo brsdy M.
:'tewart Feb.
cor.:cfs^ion Stewart, back tax collector, on special improvement tax bill collections for the month
of February, 1931, amounting to 592.39, be allowed and that the Commissioner of
Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on
call of the roll: Yess; Commissioners brodsha^:, Hannon, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor
Lackey, (5).
P.T. & A. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public r•inance be
R. Bonds authorized to nay the interest coupons for 6 months on the Paducah, Tennessee &
Alabama nailroad Donds due April 1, 1931
Outstanding 5;45,000.00
Interest rate 5%
Annual interest 2,250.00
Semi-annual interest 11125.00
Bank collection charge ; of 1,% 2.81
Total amount of interest due $1127.81
Payable through the City national Bank, Paducah, for remittance to the National City
Bank, New York, N.Y, on or before April 1,1131. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Commissioners Bradshn:, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Pacucah Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner Of Public Finance,
linter 'J'ks
Bonds -1st as required by ordinance, be authorized to pay 151,345.00, the semi-annual interest
of interest on the Paducah mater ^orks bonds, municipally o^ned, due April 1, 1931 out of funds
accumulating in the Bond and Interest Redemption Fund of the Paducah '.'later '.'.'orks.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and
M-yor Lackey, (5).
Paducah Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: It appearing that the Paducah '•iator
,later ,�
Bonds= erch: Works for the month of March have needed the entire income for the purpose of making
int. & Prin
cipal paid necessary repairs and improvements to the operating properties of said water works,
and it further nppearing that there are ample funds available for the purpose of
providing for the payment of the monthly installment of inteicat and the monthly
installment of principal on the wnter works conds derived from the sale of said bonds
no, bring held in the soecial fund by said city, and it being to the Interest of the
city and to the properties of the water works that the March installment of snld
Intercat and principal pnymFnt on said bonds be taken from acid special fund aforesaid
so teat t*.e entire revenues from t?".e operation of said plant for the month of ',arch
can be nopliel to necessary ropnire and improvements nforesnid, I now move that the
sus: of 48,207.50, the a^ro•:nt of the interest installment and principal instnllmsnt
fur tc+. .r ,n•_*. of ?rarch, 1031, be p':id out of the :special '7at, r .,'orks rand in the hands
of the city arising from the sale of sal^ sat,r wnrkc bonis, ani t�°it the Cor isclonor
of :sic linance be , lnstrsc`.ed c dray his cheek igninat said fund payable to the
i,04.'_ea'h ',ester cork-) for snld ,.mint. :.aapte;'. on &sill of th.; roll:
_c 1nsienlrs .ads^'.rr, Fan--in,7else,n, Rutter nn:i We—or isckey, (5).
Ed f .,d__- stayer La.c<ey off.... r.at! s: .hat the cri-m :unlcatien from trio noar:F of P,ducntion
ca+!cn- of ti'.F 1ta ,f
mac. _ 1 e Pa c.cah, t :. ire datr. of 1°e: ,, e0, 1�3 ?that w! tF: the
•c, vv 1, Y.-_ certified
reco_:t!-.. ._gti of ti'sn res.;t`:::rn - .,r: l vy for soh pal ur. poses f r'.
p or tc;e y.:ar 1.,...1, be recoived
Sri fila;'.; an, t'=et acrid r<:s:.lu'icn sa --;ring arl fixing anis tsx levy for school
....rpcaes c* .ae & l5fl^X ($1.15) :oilers on each "',ne :r.;.red +$100.00) l'ollar
N"-r,3ffi 1
hIY wPrvlin(IS 0( ----BOARD OF CQ•"'7'_'I OP/! LC. QhJ Of P:IfI11C1I1 MARCH 23, 1031
vnluation of property subject to sc;,00l taxes for the mnintennnce of public
schools, and Fourteen ('0.].4) Cents upon the One Hundred ($100.00) Dollar
valuation of such property for the purpose of -creating n Finking Fund and paying
interest upon the school bonds an' paying the oblignt•ions of the Board of
Education, be spread upon the minutes of this hoard:
"The following resolutions are a part of the minutes of a meeting
of the Board of Education held Tuesday, March 20, 1931.
'BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky..
that there be and there is levied and imposed an ad valorem tax of $1.00 on
each $100.00 valuation of real and personal property in the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1931, and in addition thereto if the
Honorable Mayor and Board of Commi-sioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, do
consent that there be and there is levied and Imposed an ad valorem tax of 15¢
on each ;100.00 valuation of real and personal property in the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1931, being in all levied and imposed
an ad valorem tax of ;$1.15 on each x100.00 valuation of real end personal
property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1031,
the same being necessary in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah,
Kentucky, to produce for said year the total estimated sum necessary to be raiaed
to support and maintain the public sdlools of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, less
the estimated sum to be received from the State Common School Fund.'
'BE IT RFSOIVFD by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky,
that ther, be and there now is imposed an ad valorem tax upon all the real and
personal property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the
year 191 of not exceeding 14¢ upon the <100.00 valuation of said property, same
being necessary to create a sinking fund for payment of bonds of the City of
Paducah, Kentucky, issued for school purposes dated January 15, 1920, and JanuSlry
15, 1926, and Arcadia bonds issued January 1, 1924, and October 1, 1926, and for
the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds ashen and as due.'
17e, the undersigned, F..B.Bell, President of the Board of Education of
Paducah, Kentucky and Mrs. Ethel M. Rice, Secretary, do hereby certify that the
foregoing resolutions were du}y adopted by the Board of Educatlion of Paducah,
Kentucky, at a meeting held March 18, 1931, and same is hereby certified to the
Honorable Yayor and Conanissioners of said City for the attention of such Board as
the law directs.
E.B.Bell, Pres.
Board of Education,
Paducah, Kentucky
Ethel M. Rice, Secrotary.•
Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Bradsha,:•, Hannin, Hellon,
Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Paducah '.Tater 1ks Mayor Lackey offered motion thnt the report or the Paducnh water
February report 1^orks, municipally a:ined, for the month of February, 19'1 be re^oived and
file?. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradahn^r, Fannin,
Nelson, Rueter and Ynyor Lnekey, (5).
Borrow money- Corm issioner Rutter offored motion,to adopt an ordinance entitle',
L.J.Pyar. Con.Co. a
city ANL' P';LOUFCFS OF THF CITY THF SUD1 OF FOUR P!J.^. FFr EIGHTY h 65/100 ($480.65)
1.CL UIF"." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commicsioners Bradshn:., Hnnnln,
Felarn, P.utt,e:r and Vsyor Lackey, (5).
On motion nrctinv, adjourn,%
• A Cr'r _ /`! 11 _ s 1931 P _
� AF ROVF[';_ �' Ear f'.i_c.a^•�«/L.lji^/