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Minutes Book 18, Page 634, March 16, 1931
Na.A34— Prtweetllnrjs O(_.DOARn_OFCObR.iJ---IO NF RSOtt) OE Padllftl)1 ,YAP. CR At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Nall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 16th day of March, 19318 Mayor Lackey nresided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Bannin. Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the pretlous meetings were adopted as read. Paducah eater T:'ks. Commissioner Bradsha-r; offered the following motion: It appearing to the extend mains on Park Ave., 25th st satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners that it is to the interest of the City of to.28th street Paducah and its citizens that the water mains be extended on Pnrk Avenue, from 25th street to 28th street; a distance of approximately 1875 feet, and that the public healthand safety will be benefited and promoted by reason thereof, I move that said water mains be authorized to be extended by the Com, issionors of Water „orks and that the fire hydrants be installed an provided in the water works franchise, and that the amount of said mains and fire hydrants be added to the amount against which hydrant charges and mains rentals are to be charged against the city. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshwa, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Report of collect- Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of collections and Ions & disburse= rents for Feb.131 disbursements for the month of February, 1931 be received and filed. Adooffied on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brsdsha•-, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Report Special St. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of t'e SD©Cinl Impv.Fund for Feb.131 Street Improvement Fund for the month of February, 1931 be received nna file,,. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradahs,, Harnin, Nelson, Rutter ane Mayor Lackey, (5). Cleims-Februnry Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the claims for the month of 1931 Februnry, 1931 be allo:ed in the amount of $12404.17 and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on c••11 of the roll: Yens; Co,missioners Bradshaw, Bassin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Borrow monoy- Commissioner Rutter offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitle9, 0,000.. "Ail ORDI`IANCE AUTHO' IZIN0 AND AIRECTINO TNR MAYOR AND COYBUSsIONFP OF PUHi.IC FIUrTICE TO ROF.FOW THF SII" OF FIFTY THOUSIND 0'50,000.00) POLLAPS FOR THF IISF AND P.F.NFF'IT OF THF CITY OF PAPUCAH, KENTUCKY ANP TO FXFCUT-e A NOT'_' OR NOTES FOR SAID CUM CP .'UY35 POF ANL ON B --HALF OF SAID CITY, AND TO PLP!C- THF RFV-1UFS OF TFF CITY FOR T?Ir FIF^T ONE-HALF OF TNF YFAR 1931 AS SFCIN'ITY TH'FFFOR." AdonteO on call of the roil: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Futter and Mayor Lnekey, (5). On "ftitn n,11c,urned. l P.i ". F-:-�.—..l. rf�*''f".. 11... __ •1'.:31 Ak'i'R OYF L:7 ��<�• ._ Ma OP��_._.� ...�^'.a_