HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 611, January 7, 1931�• ( f r4oARn 0!' Cott[IIPSIotr.: -0111 of Paducah UNTUCEY, JANUARY 7. 1931 At a call meeting of the hoard of Commiscionorm held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m on the 7th day or January, 1931,14a7or Lackey presided and unon call of the roll the following nns•zered to their names: Commissionnro Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelcon and May Lackey, (4). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to-rit: vor the nurnose of adjust±n¢ numerous claims against the City, and,; such other business as may come bef t i.c near:l. cr Mayor Lackey offered motion that the communication from the City -rom City-olicitor with reference to judgments rendered against the city in some old puLlic -elicitor - r�-c'd & street improvement cases be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; filed Commissioners Bradshnw, Hannin, Nelson and Major Lackey, (4). F.L.Beycr Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: It appearing from the clnim report of the City :ollcitor that the McCracken Circuit Court has rendered a judgment agninst City -Judi against the city for ;;209.41 in the case of F.L.Beyer vs. G.C.Yatcs, etc., and that rent said judgment should be paid at once, I move that the Co-rmissioner of Public rinanco be instructed to issue check to F_.L.Beyer, or R.Y. Martin, his attorney of record, for said amount and charge same to the prover account. Adopted Gn call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4), Y.L.Beyer Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: It apnearing from claim the report of the City Solicitor that the McCracken Circuit Court has rendered a ogair.et pity-Judg-judgment against the city for $202.68 in the case of F..L.Beyer vs. John Herzog, crit and that said judgment should be paid at once, I move that the Commissioner of Public ri-mance be instructed to issue check to E.L. Bayer, or A.Y. b'•artin, his attorney of record, for said amount and charge sante to the proper account. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). L.>a r Cormnissioner Nelson offered the following motion: It appearing from the 3 claim report of the City -elicitor that the McCracken Circuit Court has rendered n Sge ir. s t judgment y'rb-Jue'-` agair,et the city for ;,174.11 in the case of E.L.Beyer vs. Clara Fletcher, etc., aril that esie Judgment shout, be x id at once, I move that the Commtssion�r of Public Finance be instructed to issue check. to F.L.Beyor, or A.Y.Mnrtin, his attorney of record, for said ascunt an- charge snore to the nroper necount. Adopted on call of the roll: rens; Cocrissioners eradshnw, Fannin, 11olson and Mayor Ynckoy, (4). ,L Pyan :CraL.:;o. Co^misrionr-r Nelsen offered the following motion: It aporortng from the ' claim rreort cf the t,±ty-olicitor that the "cCracken Circuit Court has ren,ered a Judgment aaai•:et City-Ju�rr aaa ±ret the- city for 4,83.31 in z're cane of '..J.Fyan Cons time tion Ccm y ),r m^-nt psn vs. .Isoman and the Lity of Pn,4ucah, an' that; said Judgment should be paid at once, i novt that the CQT�1aCianer of :ublie. : lr a,:a-• Lc instructed. to issue chock to the .'.J.F'yan Construction Co,Apany, or A.Y.Martin, its attorney, for vnid at.,ount ar:d charge same to the proper accc:ant. Adopted or. call of ciao io11: Yeaa; 00rr,4loaionors t=ra:'sY*':', llr.nnin, Nolson sr:. -ajar Lackey, (4). ±oW:r r.::lc•cn e"fef-" t.o r'nllc.v+int r.:otic:u: it apneari.rt> Prem the r•l mime r.. -t, of t•-�..�^.±t t r r age Inot - " tort a the 1.c;.rac, en Cire�.:it +I<rtrt l:nr rnnr ro i a J"dgmont :t7 PC. .78 In tht case of ',Z..ae er vs. Y :.Beal, -':pedal LernitY, .'.c., t:• 4.. .,: L4 Ju,'i✓;r:r;t c}..41 ,4,1d at nnec,, I move the: tip. - _ -r- r . .... _..., .. G< ir., t0 ::oyer, or A. v. Yf,., ., . 1e ra'.c cf raet.: to the nropev aeccunt.. Acottei cn call of the rc.li: Y+,ss; Coai,aiaaiorsrrs Bra-ohn7w,ir5•.r.in, Nelson N.. Prcivec-dings of—LL,ri 0" Cul".1Z .1(,l .—(;qty of Paducah an -i layor Lacxny, (J). 0.1 '1'l-lall 'T1,1VIL ADOPT7D 19,11 AV1.1,0V�D: C/ ffn-7or —z4z-4,T-