HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 605, December 29, 1930Prnrrrvlings of�. HC_,Rn Or co_r x;:_ze_rri_ Citil of Paducah KENTUCKY, VCT",?B^R 29.1930 jAt a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comnisslonors' Chamber in the City Ball building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at two o'clock p.m. on the 29th day.of December, 1930, Mayor Lnckey presided and unon call of the roll the following, answered to their name: Commissioners 15radshmi, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Bd. of Commissioner. Nelson offered motion that Thomas H. Clayton, Henry Ba•:nl- 1zation Kattorjohn and Robert E. Parrish, w-io are housekeepers and owners of real estate and appointed have all been residents of the City of Paducah for more than five years lost past, be appointed to constitilte the board of Equalization of the City of Paducah for the year 1931, and that said members of said Board be each paid the sum of $5.00 per day for his services. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered motion ghat the claim of the Michael Hardware R.ichael Company for amount of 523.01 having been duly approved for allowance and payment P.dw.Co. claim by the Park, board, 1 move same be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same and charge to the Parks Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance 1i.0.& 0. be authorized to pay interest coupons for six months on the N.O. & O.R.R.Refunding P.' -Re- bonds, $29,000 (41) $652.50 funding ; of 11% collection -Lend int, charge 1.63 Total TOT.= Payable through the City National Bank, Paducah, for remittance to the Central Hanover bank 7.: Trust Company, New York, in time to make payment on January 1, 1931. Adapted on cal 1 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and mayor Lackey, (4). ..r•cadia Commissioner Nelson offered motion thr.t the Commissioner of Public hinenco Graded be a:t"r�orized to draw a check on the ;meadia Graded School bond Sinking rand at the , chocl bond Yechnnica :rust" & :invaings bsnk to retire 3 bonds of the year 1924 Issue for total L irking i'und- of $1500.00 :phich mature on Jrnuary 1, 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: t.or.da re.iren yeas; Comaiacd onerz; Hro3aha�, Hnnnin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). Co• :isairner Npl,)n offered motion that the Cormnissioner• of rublic r'inanee o'.rcr,iie Grrr:e3 IV- metc.orized to pay tic intereat coupons for 6 months on the Arcadia Graded school e? sol nc.nd '110.1 •,o.l m' lor,uc due Jr,-unry 1, i33.1, Ar:•.untinf, to $345.00: int. 'iu t s t a •,.1+_ n;r $11,500.00 int,: esL rate -ru 1 Intorast 600.00 o I, -a r:aa intarest 315.00 at the 'uec;:cynics ,rat t L!,V!nga beak. AdoptOd on call of V;e. roll: Yens; `:C"».i :. .. •:n c... ::ra':.�..r �, Mian-:_^., .. ..-un er.•1 'Ia7or r.ael:ey, (4). N".WG— Proceedings o[ tlCAHD O COL HA "roNt _ ___City of PatLtcalt •nFcr�ar'rt ��,1�,0 Comminsloncr Nelson offered motion that the Commisotonor of Public Finance be authorized to transfer from the leneral 7und on �ecombcr 31, 1950 rands trandforred to the 3rd. Diset. Serer bond Sinking Fund :r 3100.00 2nd. 11 Relief Se'•er Bond 1247.50 Hardsnrface Street & P.of i.'. bond Sinking Fund 1993.50 Island Creek bridge bond Sinking Fund 998.00 City or Paducah Funding bond " " 3775.00 General Sinking Fund 3680.00 School Imp. bonds of 1920 S1n'dng Fund 4691.14 " " " 1926 1600.00 Arcadia School bonds 1000.00 Total r MS;IT The amount due to be set aside each six months to retire bonds at maturity. Adopted on call of the roll- Yeas; Commissioners bradsbaw, Hannin, Nelson, and Mnyor Lackey, (4). borrowed money - Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the amount of $200,000.00 which ;;200,000.00 said the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Finance were authorized to borrow, be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay sumo on day of mat-irity, December 31, 1930: Citizens Savings bank w120,000 City National bank 10,000 First National Bank 40,000 Mechanics Trust & Savings Bank 30,000 7mul-oti Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). Paducah tater ';lka. Mayor Lackey offered motion t?:at the report of the Paducah '"later Works Nov. aryl Dec. for the months of November and December be received and filed, and that the amount report on mains and claim of the bill for said two months, amounting to $7,316.27, be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to draw his check in pnynient thereof. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey, (4). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: It apperin that the PPaducah:'ater "7;8 ag said -rney "or Paducah Plater ':orks for the month of December have needed the entire income interest and principal on bonds for the puroose of making; nocosanry repairs and improvements to the operating properties of snid water works, and it further oopenring tient there are ample funds available for the purpose of providing for the payment of the monthly inetnllm^nt of interest and the monthly installment of principal on the wator works bonds derived from the sale of said bonds now bein•- hold in the special fund by th.- city. and it being to the interest of V}a city and to the properties Of t ;,ntor :Norks that the December installment of said interest nn'.pr'Inelpal pay�nont or snid binds be token from said special fund aforesaid so that Cho entire r,v^nuan frog th,, rp:.ratinn of said plant for lite month of "ccer,ber can be t^_ r.i:rensary r(,pnlr•a „n1 improvoment:s nforenald, 1. now move that the sum of $8,e07.LO, t're a,-c,nt, Of' the intoreat Snotallment and princip•1 inctnllm�nt for thecan`. ec., 19.°A, bo :.i•3 'lilt er t!'e special wntar• weeks fund in t a hands of ti:o r, i'7 rtalsg f•..: ., ,.•.)c o' 2,,1° wntar ;corks bondn, .n' thnt the Ccesission' r of be ao l'i-truoted to draw his ct,=ok a;p;Ins t asid !*aryl raya .. _. ; r, _ r:: '':61 -v 'oFLa for snid account. ::dooted on call of the roil: Yeas; ;: ! -•r,• ra ra :n •q, +n, Nvlaon, and Mayor Lackey, (4). 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