HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 566, September 29, 19301 hrocee(ings of P1ARD OF COM1•IESIoHFg__01tj of Paducah, SEPTFI/BEP. 29,1930 At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chnncbor in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 29th dny of September, 1930, Mayor Lackey provided and upon call of the.roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradsbow, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as reed, Agreement-F..L. Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the agreement and Beyer & City - Paxton street proposal of E.L. Beyer for a compromise settlement of tax bill for gravel street, and concrete curb and gutter on Paxton Avenue, between Bloom and Alexander streets, abutting the property of VI.J. Yopp, F.A.Smith and 17.O.Suthcrland, be received and filed and approved; and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorizgd to,pay to the said E.L. Beyer $167.52 in full settlement of the said compromise between the said E.L. Beyer and the City of Paducah. New Construction. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnokey, (5). Agreement-E.L. Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the agreement and Beyer & City- 8 proposal Paxton street of E.L. Beyer for a compromise set'lement of tax bills for gravel street, and conerete•curb•and gutter on Paxton Street, between Bloom and Alexander streets, abutting the property of J.D. Mocquot and J.Q. Taylor be received and filed and approved; and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay to the said E.L. Beyer $340.49 in full settlement of the said compromise between the said H.L. Beyer and the City of Paducah. New Construction. Adonted on edl of the roll: Yeas; Commmissloners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelsen, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Ilarnin offered motion that the deed of conveyance from Mrs Henry Hans to Mrs.r,•C• Mrs. Henry Hons to Mrs. C.C.Black to the east half of Lot No.2 in Block AA Black - Deed In Oak Grove in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, ratified subject to the rules and regulations of said comrtery, and subject to the conditicrts of said deed, be now ratified nnnd approved by the Board of Conmissicners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yons; Commisnioners brodshow, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Itr:.'ihrace Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: Mrs. Thrace Ricks -deed to 1-t In ove Onk Ricks having applied for deed to a two grave lot between Maplelnwn and Cloll ctrf,et in 0<:k ,rove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County,Kontucky, I now _neve that ar;idl eed be Issued to the said Mrs. 'Purace Hicks to said two grave lot betvre•:n Mapl•lawn and 'Heil street in the sold Oak Grove Cemetery, PaOucah, McCrncken County, Kentucky, upon payment to the COS'R11^, sioner of Public Finance the sum of 4.,',0.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisviont,rs bra^sh--,, Hnnnin, Heinen, Rutter and Mrr,.or 1_nekey, (5). a.11ller Cc+sa_ ^ienf-r Rutter OffeAe'1 c1*1m mot ion that the allo,yanee of :.A.Mlller, Master Co--innionrr'a claim for coats In the case of fo'.athern Roads Co:mnany ve Cs•,--=,rine F itYnmountirg to ?61.05, for sole of property bought by 07e City, any that ':he r0r!z i e,ionr•r of Public r'inonco be futt:prized to pny 5":e an;: charge to the nroper frnd, adapted on call of the roll.. Yens; 'ra<sht,w, Ftr,n.in, tlelocn, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (b). N.*. ---567_ _.------ {,I"Irrr•dI nllS nl_BOAF?)- OF _C �'"•'I: F. rCCiti{ of PA({llCa{7 . Kn1TUCKY. SFPTF?ijjr 2 .1980 Park Board Com Sssioner Rutter offered the following motion: The following pnrk Claims claims having been duly approved for allorinnee abd payment, to -wit: Richard Bell $94.50 Michael Hardware Co. 19.30 Terrell's Aquatic Farm 17.00 Total TnO.Ub— I move the amount be allowed and the Commissioner of ^ublic Finance authorized to pay some and charge to the Park Board Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co-Tissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance Arcadia Graded be authorized to draw a check on the Arcadia graded School Bond Sinking Fund for School Bond; of 1926 amount of 11500.00 to pay Arcadia School Bonds of 1926, which mature on October 1,1930, payable at the Mechanics Trust & Savings Bonk. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brodshrw, Nannin,.Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Cotamissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the allowance Arcadia Graded of $262.50 for 6 months interest due October 1, 1930 on the Arcadia Graded School School Bonds of 125 Bonds of 1926 issue, $10,000 outstanding, oaypble at the Mechanics Trust & Savings interest bank; and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same when due and charge to the School Bbnd Interest Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshr-•, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Refunding Commissioner Rutter'offered motion that the Commissioner of Public bonda-P.T. & A.R.P. Finance be authorized to draw a check on the General Sinking Fund at the Citizens retired Savings Bank for $65,000 for retirement of the City of Paducah Refunding Bonds of 1920 (naducah, Tennessee & Alabama Railroad Company) and to also draw a check on the General Fund for $65.00 to pay the bank's collection charge on bonds and make remittances to the National City Bank, New York, N.Y, wlere the bonds are payable. Adopted on cill of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter ny.d Mayor Lackey. (5). Co1.Ets. Commissioner Mutter offered motion that the payroll for work done in 8eotic pa Septic Tank Sower, amounting to $144.48, be allowed.roll installing the Colonial Hei hts and ordered pari an4. charged to New 1,onstruetion in the Department of Public 'Works, . . - Aeonted on call of the roll:Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, linnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Paducah Co=ricsioner nutter offered motion that the report of the Paducah Water 'Wst^r tiorka report & Works :;rm,.any for the cunrt,r com•eneing July 1, 1930 and ending Octoberl, 1930 be claim recelved err.': filed; nnr. that the amo•.xnt of said bill, $10,974.41 be allor•ed and that the. Co^.•rie::len,r of Public r'lnnr.ce be authorized to draw n check in payment thereof. Adcntem on cQ l of the roll: 'Yens; Co^mi^nioners bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Bayer Lackey, (5). . 7th Lt. Co=icaicner ruttcr orfcrcd mr,ticn thr,t trro Monthly Estimnte for work A's ^h.to Clark -cont. d,, re - ming the ^nntY: of beptx,rnber, 1930 on Contract Mo.l for street paving constructed /1 ilcnthly Estimate ty `.cuthern Foals Company, c,.rtraetors, tn: recelvrrcl un,1 filed and tkvit tho Co•r!5-'r.n.,r of ::rll! F!r.ince t=. inatructcd to idea(+ lmprovvT-,,nt ':arrant therefor In the a'rs cf $1'=9.39. ,.'cote -1 na cr.11 of ti,p roll: Yens; Cor 1oalcn rs nradshnw, ._-...,n, Nelecn, Huetwr arc Maser 4:r_key, (5). E Nn. 568 E Proceedings of BOARD OrCOIdGI_L GWI of PaducaluMTFL R .29193Q J.Nr.Fouse Cont. Comvriesioner Rutter offered motion that thaD Monthly Estimate for on7ashington work done during the month of September, 1930, on Contract No.10 for sidewalk, on 17ashington St.,Monthly Est. drive^rn s curb end driveways, gutter constructed by J.M.Rouse, contragtor, be received and filed anc' that the Cormission•-r of Public Finance be instructed to icsuo Improverent 7/arrant therefor in the sum of $246.81. . Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, Bond Bond works ordinance "AN ORDINANCE AUTF.ORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR TFr ISFUATICE OF $2,400,000 4b P1 -,R CENT adopted :7ATFTIYORKS BONDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, UNDFR TRF PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 133 OF•TFF' ACTS OF THF GFNF.RAL AS":E11BLY OF KETI7UCKY, 1926, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 92 OF THE ACTS OF THF GTUr^RAL ASSEMBLY OF KENTUCKY, 1930, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PFFRAYING THE COST OF PU-CHASING A '.NATER `ORKS FOR SAID CITY AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS THFFETO, PRESCRIBING THF FOP14 OF SAID BONGS AND PROVIDING FOR TAE COLLECTION AND SEGRFGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF TAF RFVFNUES OF SUCH NATFp*gOpKZ FOR TAF PUPPOSE OV SAFEGUARDING, PROTECTING AND PAYING. SAIL' BONDS" Having been introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I now move that said ordinance be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshavi, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, 'NatenCommissionorks "AN ORDINANCE CREATING A BOARD TO BE KNOYlN AS THE C031MISSIONFRS OF 4YA'1'FR ':JORKS Commissioners ordina adoDtence TO BE COMPOSED OF THREE rdF:MBFFS, PRESCRIBING THEIR DUTIES AND COMPENSATION, adopted AND PROVIDING THAT THEY SHALL BE GOVFFNED BY CIVIL SERVICE RFGULATIONS, AND BE NOT SUBJECT TO REMOVAL WIT11OUT GOOD AND SUFFICIENT CAUSE" having been introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I no:, move that said ordinance be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshow, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ALOPTED-OZ` G ?{ 1930 APPROVED• yor Y o