HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 553, September 4, 1930N... >E3 -------- - Proceedings oQ_ sonao or coMr > _IcllF'Rs _ Citg ofi.�ducah�'Lrc._ KY s1 PT-•T+Brr 4, hsn At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Comml-sioners held in the Com_­is-rloners+ Chamber in the City Hell Building in the City of Pnlueah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 4tb dny of September, 1930, nurcunnt to adjournment of a Coll meeting of snid Board of Commiusion,rs held at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 4th dny of September, 1930, Mnyor Lackey presided and upon coil of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiesioncrs Bradshaw, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter end '.nyor Lnckey, (5). S.7th Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following.motion: It appearing to the St.':"ash. to Clsrk Board of Cortmissicners that shact asphalt and cement concrete base writh gravel material selected aggregate is the most suitable material, in its judgment, to be used in the surfacing of South Seventh Street, from the north property line of Washington Street to the south property line of Clark Street, under Contract No.l :o be let today, and which contract 'III hereafter be referred to as Contract No.l, I move thnt the construction of said street be made by the use of concrete base with gravel aggregate, according to the pl^ns and specifications acconpanying bids for said street improvement, and that the surface thereof consist of a lnyer lj inches thick, known as binder course with stone aggregate, with a surface course of sheet asphalt 1t inches in thickness, and being referred to in the bid sheet as consisting of a 3 inch asphalt pavement on a 6 inch cement bnse, together with the installation of sewer and drains as cnlled for in the bid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor issioners Bradsh^w, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and )+:ayor Lackey, (5)., S.7th St. Corrnissioner Bradshaw.offered the following motion: It appearing from an ',*ash to exnmination of all of the bids on sheet asphnit, which has been adonted as the most Clark Cont.;l suitable material for the construction of the driveway on South Seventh street, from awarded r':o•rtl-ern the north property line of 'lashington street to the south property line of Clark oads Co, street, under Contract No.l, that the bid of Southern roads Company is the lowest and best bid, I now move that their proposal and bid on snid contract to lrardsurfaco snid street on a cement concrete base under the of^ns snd specifications stated with said bid with a 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of a It inch binder course with stone aggregn-e and lh inches of sreet asphnit on top thereof, and all other iters in s^1•1 pronosal or bid as shown in the prononnl, soecifications nm' bid of the V% -Il So"trerm 11080c oroany be accepted ---it being understood twat snid street It, to be surfrree nit} ol•ret asphalt upon a bane as heroin provided, and all of a thickness end a"al i' y an required in tie s e cifications, toget)-cr with the installation of sewers :+r•; dr%inn no cnlled for in the bid; and I further move that the Nnyor be a'rtI`!or'ized arA instructed to enter into a contract r.ith the sold Southern roads Co -'nary for t:be construction of nn -id otrert in accordance ?Ith the pl-+ns nd apecific�ti^.nn +.nd in s,coor+'',nee with the terms of said ordinance providing for snid improve tent. And i flrr:hcr mov,_ trot 'he certified checks of tl.e unsuccescful ti^."ers tc, r„`.+:rre to tl: m . ' donted r.•11 of r c�. he roil' Yeas; Can?-�ir.,ioners . sin, HCl cr, Ru` ter and .nyor i.nekc•y, (5). pa.r°rng ^.oc-... i r Pu ..r r. +re, rro'11,n n l C!' -IM of .J. 1pnulding, For claim rrnsU_L''.rr: f r`. S+:Gila tel exor.-ne.s Of trip to Pn+'•'rah regarding nurehaao of ic•r.' r�z nt, e-ounz.ing to �EG,'2, nn1 ,)y 8narev1-^ tp •he: t+aper, be n1loaCd and •r,- !. _. of .G:S� "irerce n.t-'Or!Zed to ,., .. re ^hnrtC to tl•e 'later ..:;n ; r:. ! • Yre rc 1 ion ra brnr'she;d, Ran.rin, Yelsor., i':- r anA V-yc,,r la••ke:•, (S). No 554 Proceedings P —_Citi) of Paducah .�FpTFr ar•.F 4. 1939 Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Dayrolls for the last hnlf Pnyrolls-lnst of August+ 1930 be allowed in the amount of µ14215.27, and the Commissioner half ,.ug.l^'�0 + j of Public Finnnee be authorized to pay some. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co-vissioncrs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (5). Com-dsnion�r Bradsha-v offered the following motion: E.L. Beyer, Seff.5t.25th to 27th Sts.side- Contractor, having completed the construction of concrete sidewnik and walks Cont.1/1 work accepted drive-asys on the north side of Jefferson street, from a point approximntely 200 feet west of the wrest Droperty line of ?5th stre=t, to the east curb line of 27th street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 2S,nd day of August, 1930 that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on September 4th, 1930, inspect said sidewalk and driveways and all work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 4th day of September, 1930 in the Commissioners, Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and ac eptance of said tiork and the cost thcr�of as set out in said notice, and said. Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accordance with said contract, I now move that said sidewalk and driveways and all work 'one in connection therewith be accented; same being known as Sidewalk & Driveways Contract No.l, F.L. Beyer, Contractor, and that. the Engineer's estimated cost of some b� confirmed and that said estimates be turned over to the Coaaaisrioner of Public Finance for collection, end that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordnance assessing the property ns shown by the Engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yean; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rw ter and Mayor Lnekey, (5), Commissioner Bradshaw offered notion to adopt an ordinance entitled, t.25th to to 27t 27t h Sts. A'1 "Ali ORDINC- ASZEFEING THP ABUTTING PROPERTY OF THE NORTH SIDE OF JPFFhR:ON sidewc STREET, FROM A POINT APPROXIMATELY 200 FEET WEST OF THE VTEST PFOPT�TFTY LINE aslea!,ment ori. sment OF 25TH STREYT, TO THE FAST CURB LINE OF 27TH STRT-FT, IN THF CITY ®F' PADUCAH, McCRACIT.N COUNTY, KFNTUCKY, FOR THE CO.^.T OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCR^TE SIDF7ALK AND DRIV77AYS, 'AITH ATT. NFCFFFARY W—UPOLPE, TNTAKFF, CP.TCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE. AND SE'.'1ER PIPE, AND ALL NFCF:':-"RY FHOITIFFRING, A1)V--?7IFING ANI• LFGAT: AND CLIRICAL FFFVTCL• IN r;07rCTT 7 TIT-13177I'TH AS FOT.LCi!F: COST OF COPi C?: ":S SIP" ".IK ................ 0,1475 PFF r--. FOOT CO£1or; .. _. ........................... -0.19 PFP rl. FOOT CGST OF 4" CAS; I' -:ON PIPE................$0.30 PFR LIN. FOOT CO5T OF RX.PANFIO'? JOINTS .................:?O.0279834024 PFF DOT.I:PR CONFTRUCTION COST COPT CF FNGi'tF"ITiG r. -I. 71CPECTION....... $0.0600000000 PrR DOLLAR CGIISTRUCTIOV COST CO^` 'T' h : .........................$0.0076016597 FEE DOLT•AR CON:TPUCTION COST ^.HT: S' OF : UC1? COT'fTFUC-IOTT, IVT?RSFT, FXTRA I?GRK, AND ATS, 1!!G AHI' L! 0.1, ANI' CT!FICAL C^•FVIC1,: IN CO`PI`IC-PION „!i AGAIN,, 11' Pf:014 RTY T, ,. 1VTN0 TIIF BT:N: LIT ";;7N BY TR.. .�� _ .. )••::'TT'dbIES IN ., p.. •.. ' [ ,!,' (:, i'n1 LT+^ OPKS, !!:G 'PPAT (PID fN 'i' T! T ,ING ONT ..'Cil '{ h 1' A . _ ... .....gt5Y1 •;r. r..�-:? nil the roll-. YC',-; .0....1 •.Ion,-rs = ,. iRttar -in, V,ynr 1,okeyr (5). .. _ Base-- Procc�:dings uf_ E> .Q`C�.`•L:�oN.*.1' City of f'adllcah KFNT!1r.1=Y. a 1930 Msyor Lackey offered motion to slopt an ordina co entitled, "AN ORDINANCE :ewer r.lght-of A17TFORIZI14G TRF MAYOR, FOR A`!- ON B"HALF OF THE CITY OF PA711(,AH, TO JOIN IN.THE may agrcemcnt EXFC11;'ION OF A '. RI'rFN AGFF1M'1,T BPT-TFN tTRS. A7'T'IF L. Cr LD"'FLL AND OTHFRS ANP THF CI^' OF PALUC!R, PPOVI!'ING FOR AN FASFtT'!7T OR RTGHT-OF-11AY FOP THI CONSTRUCTTON OF A CO?!':FCTING Sr^lfER LINF: B777FIN S111ER ZONE AA AND T1!F .A1:TTARY SF:?FR MUM OF CPL07IAL RlIGF.TS. " Adopted on cell of the roll: "ass; Commirsioners Brsdshaw, H^nnin, Nelson, Rutter snd '?ayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ALOPTFr -..1- � b — 1930 APPROVED: .ayor T—' �Z`lerc