HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 544, August 12, 1930Na 544
Proceedings of Botmi ov C0.''1`I`` wirk° Cihj of Paducafl AUGUST 12.1930
At a call meeting of the Board of Commisrio�crs held in the
Com i_r.ioncrs' Chamber in the City Hnll Building in the City of Paduenh,Kent:ucky
at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of August, 1930, fln•ror Lnckay presided and
uron call of the roll the foll^ening answared to their nnmos. Commissloners
Bradshax, Hannin, Ru' ter and !'ayor Lackey, (4),
tdsyor Lackey stated reason for call, to -hit: ]Car the puroone of
makinr final settlerrsnt on Contracts numbers 6,7,9 and 11, and such other
business as may come before the Board,
T,L.Beyor Gravel Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the report on the L,L,Beyer
St. Cr:ntrnct #11 Contract Holl be accepted and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized
to make final settlement upon sale of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon
on the ten year payment plan; and that the Mayor and Commissioner of Public
Finance be authorized to have printed, executed and sold such Improvement Bonds
to the amount of $3505.11 in accordance with the provisions of Lection 3101 of
the Kentucky Statutes governing some. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens;
Cocmissiow rs Lrndshwr, Ha,nin, Ruttcr and Mayor Lackey, (4),
F.L.Beyer Gravel Commissioner Rutter offered motion tint the report on tie F,I,,
St.Contrnct J/9
accepted Beyer Contract Ho.9 be accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Finance
authorized to make final settlement unon sole of the Improvement bonds to
be issued thereon on the ten year pn-rment plan; and that. the Mayor and
Co--missioner of Public Finance be authorized to hnve printed, executed and sold
such Improvement Bonds to the nmornt of $361.65 in accordance with the
provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes grmerning same. Adopted
on call of the roll: Yeos; Corm iecioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Nlnyor
Lackey, (4).
F.L. Beyer Gravel Commissioner Butter offered motion t'.-nt the report on the F.L. Beyer
St.Contrnct #7 Contract Ho.7 be accepted and tee Commissioner of H11•lic Finance bo be
to m-•Y.e final settlement upon sale of the T-provement Bonds to be issued thereon
on the ten yenr paym+nt pinn; and thnt the ?'ayor and Co-^-1•rioner of Public
Finance be m,tl'orized to hnve printed, executed nn•1 sold such Improvement hands
to the amount of $$3154.12 in accorannce -,itli thn nrovisinnr or :cation 3101 of
Ill" Kentucky •`.totvtos governing some, Arraote•r on call of rl•c ro? i Yen^;
Co i• inpFrs tr,°21— Pn-nin, Ritter and t`s•yor tnckey, (4).
.'.Bavcr Csravol Co--:lasioncr Ru':i,er offered motion th.ct tie report on tha F,L. Boyer,
r:tr• ct p6
Contract ::o,6 be necr-pted, and the Co•emis^ioner of Pubic Fi.nnnce be authorized
to i,ko final sct'ic. rnt !tp n enlo of tho Tmprovement Bonds to be. issued thoroon
on tho ton yonr pny!tent plan; and that t.i•,: yor and COMMIT ^ iorn�r of Vul,1.1c
?innnce b,; aathorizai to have prints•!, executed nnO sold auch hprovemont
• :::n s to t;.c n-.c,tn'. of w1367.i+9 in ec ord,,nce ittr the prrvlcirnn of '.action
3101 of the
of the roll.:
. .. , i:•t.n, R'rt1� f.nokeY, (4).
Wrkr-en Co•rnt.y .n
the .::ro^.kcn County
• ^ilr:'QPte.1 on