HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 542, August 11, 1930N 542 Proceedings cf_Bsvl _-Lcc .i-tie.._—City of Althicall ll_GU 1' 11 1930 At a regulnr meeting of the bonrd of Com-ir-ionr.r, held in the Co-rrierioncra' Chnmber in the City Ball building in the City of Pathronh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 11th day of August, 1930, Voyor I.n0cy presided and upon cs11 of the roll the followlnr answered to their ;Fomes: Co—Icsioners brndshnv, i±nnnin, Nelson, Rui ter and tiayor Lackey, (5). Y:inutes of the previous mectin_; trer•e adopted as rend. Alice Dean -lot in Commiscionor Fannin offered the follo'aing motion: Alice Oak Grove Dean hnvine, applied for deed to Lot IFo.16, block No.4 in Oak Grove Cometory in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I no -n move that said deed be issued to the Enid Alice Dean to said Lot No.16, Block No.4, Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, upon payment to the Commissioner of Put -lie Finance the sum of $50.00. * Adopted on enll of the roll:Yeas; Commissioners brndshw,.,, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnekey,(5). Fire Chief's Commissioner Nelson offered mot±on that the report of J.61. July rcoort 51augl,ter, Fire Chief, for the month of July, 1930 be received and filed. adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradsha,-, Fannin, Pelson, Rutter and 11Qyer Lackey, (5). lever extension Commiseloner Pu'tcr offerer' motion tl"nt the weekly payroll for r:ork to Button done in installing server extension to the Hutton factory, amounting to ~51.20 Fnctory-weekly P -:-roll be allowed and ordered paid and charged to New Conatruction in the Deportment of lublic .7orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiss.ioncrs tiradshnr, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). N.B.9loole7- Commissioner o°fercd motion that the claim of N.S. t'!ooley for claim for gravel furnishing gravel to the street department, amounting to $551.60, having been duly approved for allornnce an,' payment, I move the claim be alto.,ed erv! the Co^missioner of Public Finnnec be nuthorized to nny snme End charge to the prow r department. Adopt.o' on cnl' or the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and I?nvor Lnekoy, (5). L.Y.eyer Cont. Commissioner Rutter o^fered motion t'nt the report on the P.L. Beyer !j2 sc^ented- Contrnct No.2 be accepted and the Comminsienor of Futlic 1'inonco be autl^.orized to Take "irnl settle -ant upon sale of the Improve•^ent Rends to be issued thereon cr, the ten year Pr,rmcnt plan; and that the Mayor and Co•rnisnioner of FuLlie :'Innes be a•;thorized to have printed, executed end sold such Improvr;n:cnt rcnda t.o t` -e r. m,unt of X2218.06 in ac cords nee with the provisions of lection 3101 of e Fen'.,,eky tatutes governing same. F.dopte on call of the .n11: icnr; Cr r. isnlr e:r: i:rsdsh:.•r, 11nn,,in, Nelson, Rater• End P5yor I.•,cke Y, (5). .. - f•• :•fir. «,r:•'. •• Gfi'r:rc•t tiro folio:: f r.7 motion. In oro -r to further ar nip, co-7,rce, nnnut•,,rt,;rcE nn, co• nrclel re—urces of the t*at `F: 0.00 br- f. pit' t^ tl.e t: ,r.teky '"unte.ipal Iea!,ue, re to br• ch,rgea to ......:n' �. r 'r -R, 3•,1 '. _ . ,..•. , , r.n ,.. , . �..q '' " ,~.`bre b,, en mn,'o in the . rail: Yens; -Ss .a...rtI. c.-. Mnydr Lnek.ey, (5). ,. -- -5AZ_ - Proceedings r,�: _Cilq of I'aducall., k, _NTucK AUGUST lith, 1970 Commissioner Brndchnw offered the following motion: An ordlnanee entitled, .Feventh "AN OP"INANCE P!OVIDING FOR "TTP CONT-I'UCTION ADD RFCONSTPUCTION OF TNF DPTV-"+AY St.T? ON SCUTA SEW.11TH ST117-T, FFOM THE 14OR711 FFOPFPTY LINE Or "!AFTTTNG?ON STPI-T TO THE ordinance n,eo°ted SON.F PrOFFPTY LINE OF CLARK STRFFT, IN Till'. CITY OF PADUCAH, 1d0CFACYPN COUNTY, 11-T'11TUCKY, "'ITH ALL NT'Cr `.'ARY A!ANPOT.F::, TNTAKFS, CATCH BAFIM, S -"'FR AND DRAIN PIPE, IND ALL N_7CFSFAPY FNCINF-RING, AUV'_7i;T`ITM AND Ll -'GAL AND CLFPICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TFIFF',VITH AT TAE COFT OF THE ABUTTING PROPT•RTY 0"'ITT'PF, AND PROVIDITJG THAT SANE ITAY BE CONSTFUCTFD UPON THE TFN YEAR PAYl,7NT PLAN, ACID PROVIDING TTTAT SO A!UCH OF TI'F. Ckl`T OF SAID IAWOV ATF'NT AS SPb.LL BF APPOPTIONED TO TTI7 COUNT HOUSE PROPERTY OF KcCFACKF.N COUIITY, KFNTUCKY SHALL. BE z -AID OUT OF AT! APPPOPrIATION MADE FOP FUCH PURPOSE BY THF FISCAL COURT OF MCCP.ACKFN COUNTY ON TA?' IST DAY OP JULY, 1930" hnving been introduced and lnid over for one week in its completed form, I no' move that snit+ ordinnnce be adopted. Adopted on toll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshn-, Fn-nin, "elson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that an or0lnence entitled, "AN ORDINANCE 1!otural Gas Fran- PI 07, IDI'M FOP THE CRFATION ACID SALE OF A PPA`!C11ISE AND PPIVTT.FGE OF F+IFNIFFING AND chise ordinance DIF^FIBUTTT!G 14ATUFAL GAS IN 71T' CITY OF PAT'UCAH, KENTUCKY, PUP PPOVI:ITTG FOR THE introduced IN£TALLATTON OF P.I:T. EQUIP'r1IT AND OTHPR Yl'AT!S OF DI1,TPIB11TING AND FITNIFHIT!G SAID GAS FOR TF -r UFF OF THF PEOPLE AND BUSIT.TrESES "'IT!iIN SAID CITY, AND REGULATING THE 1.ETIIOD ADD MADDER OF DISTFIBUTING SAME., THE PRICE TO BE CHARGED THEFFPCR, AND THE CONDITIONS UND'F'PAiICH SAID FFANCRIFE MAY BE OPERATED AND TTTS' TFRAT THPT IT SHALL CO':TITUE" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and A:ayor Lockey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. —L %/��� �- 19S•0 APrpOVFT: � _Ow -`L�^ --- --1 a�- — , 'C7erTc