HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 537, July 28, 1930x.... _ 537 __ Proevetlin9s of rGAI'D o__c06MT `10117r' ___ Cilq of 1'N(juc�fl. KPN7 uCKY JULY 28, 1930 At a regular meeting of the board of Commissicners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in t) -o City liall Building in the City of Paducah, KenAucly at 2 ovclock P.M., on the 28th day of July, 1950, Mayor Lackey presided and upon tail of the roll the followiing answered to their names: Commissioners bradahaw, hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and payor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings erere adovted as read. Commissioner bradshma offered the following motion; R.L. Beyer having Jcff., St. 25th to executed sidewalk and driveway contract number 1 (1930) for the construction of 07th St. a1dews lk sidewalk on north side of Jefferson Ltrect between 25th and 27th streets and having contract awarded executed construction bond therefor with the National :urety Company as surety E.L.Beyer received therein I move that said contract and bond be received and, filed. Ador.ted on call of and filed. the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move that the bond .7ill Rey- nolds ho,ise of indemnity to the "ity of ^adueah for the removal of seven, one story frame moving bond filed. buildings belonging to Dr. L.D. Sanders over the following streets, to -wit: Elizrbeth street to 4th street; 4th street to Meyers street; Meyers street to Clements street; Clements street to Bridge street; Bridge street to city limits, which bond is in the sum of $1000.00 and signed by `.fill Reynolds as principal and the Didelity & Casualty Company of New York as surety, be received and filed and that permit for such removal be and the same is hereby authorized to be issued to the said .,;ill Reynolds. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Ftayor Lackey, (5). Comminsioner Rutt.or offered motion that F.E. Graves be allmied the amount Y.F..Graves claim as of $100:00 for services as acting judge of the Paducah Police Court for the term of city Judge 12 days during the absence of of Judge Roy Holman while on his vacation. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co-missloners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). M. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the commission of 10% due Brady Bracy `_'tcwnrt M. f,tewart, back tax collector, for special improvement tax bill collections for the tom^lssion month of Jane, 1930, which amounts to $239.08, be allaned and t:st the Comminaionor of iublic Finance be authorized to pay same, and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeaz; Co.mi.sioners Bradshaw, Nannin, Nolaan, Rutter snrl Mayor Lackey, (5). Connionienor Rutter offered motion t)•at allowance to mado from the Lend Int., Ge..norn! Fund arrl the Cor.-:i3sioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay bond N. 0. & 0. Railroad into'.2t on the fol}onine lsnue -ua rn' payablo Augist 1, 1930 for deposit in the 1!(.:V1 . f:!'_zcn3 .avingn Hank, General `inking Fund: N.O. & 0. Pa.ilrond Itef2nc ing r.ondn of 1928 for P..20,000.00 G ronlhs lntnront on $20,000.00 01 4;N $425.00 /.'!opte'. on ca:: of She roll: Ycr:•:, CoR ir::;ton,:rr; 13radnha:;, Ha,nin, Nelson, Ruiter or l.,ckey, (5). Co-•. _ � donor F.a' ar o"`.'rued mot.lr,n t t}., n oalaq payroll fc:r work e:at:r ':ora 4A exten- ,no in Lr,:tta' ^ s7nar extes=nlons in .:one 4A nnr>inang to $39.38 be allorod and _na r.ay- Il p. i^ ed to !'ew t;anatruc`.1r n in theclora rt-er t of I uh. is :'torko . .. :. .roll: Yoe:; hrn:lalm•, Hannin, Nelcon, Ruttnr anti .570r /A N- 538 a.. Proceedings ofg31sT_�0_ 1 lul -- -- Cilq of P51C)UC7f1_L�NY 28. 1930 Mayor Lackey offered the followir4r, motion: Several Natural gas fran- erise to be prepnre3 .parties having requested the Payor and members of the Board of Co::,^j. asionora to offer for sale a franchise for furnishing and supplying natural gas in the City of Paducah and demanded that said franchise be formulated, adopted and offered for sale, and the hoard of Commissioners being unsatisfied as to the terms that Should be embraced within such franchise at the present .time and in order .to put. the question in such condition that the uoard can give proper consideration thereto, I move that the City Solicitor be Instructed to forthwith prepare and submit to the board of Commissioners•a draft of the franchise for furnishing and distributing natural gas within the Qity of Paducah. .Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hsnniry%llelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Jeff. St., 32nd to 35th at., and 35th Carey -Reed Company, contractors,.having completed the construction of paved st.from Jeff, St. to ^eentral Ave., hard streets on Jefferson street from the west property line of 32nd street to surface accepted the junction with 35th street at 34th street and on 35th street from its junction with Jefferson street at 34th street to the south property line of Central.Avenue, and notice having ;cretofore been given on the day of July, 1930 that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on the 24th day of July, 1930 inspect said street and all work incident thereto and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 24th day of July, 1930 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City. Rall Building in the Qity of Paducah, Ke^tuky to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and the Board of Commissioners hnvinr inspected said work and having found certAln defects therein, and having postponed the consideration of the acceptance thereof until this date for the purpose of allowing said contractor to remedy said defects, and said Board of Cownissioners being now satisfied and finding that said work has been completed in ncrordnnee with said contract, I now move that said streets and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; name being known as Street Paving Contract 14uipbor 8 (1929) Carey - Reed Company, contractors, and tbnt' the Engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and adopted and t at said estimates be turned over to the Comr_Lsioner of Public Finance for collection; and that the i'ity Solicitor be inatracted to prepare an ordinance assessing the property an shown by the Englnoer'a estimate. But in consideration of the acceptance of said work by the city pending the makln� of said corrections which were fr.und to exist on the Nth dny of July, the City of Paiiueah in to retain by aereoment rrit'r, sold Cnrey-^eed Compnny the slim of $100.00 out of any f•xnda collected on sai-1 tax bills until a^i' ^orrections nre completed to the satisfaction . of 5 -:id city. hdopted on call of tile' roll: Yeas; C07_1d1:!ioner0 Brr is-ri-, Ho-nin, Nr,ls-.n, Pit, .,v nn' I'ayor Lac�ay, (5). Jeff. at., fr= Cc -.1 -Inn,r isrn^•i}-,w o"ferci T• 'ion to adopt the 3pnd to 35t at., fol 50-+'_n a titled crt ??:; "IfF, ABUl': [NO TPr,,1'"RTY and :,5th at. frr_ ?erf. at to ii Ave,- i LIN' 0 332111):'rF1lT '110 ITS ,,-,•16 , tI:. "I 3541;:, ?ri' IT_" JUNCh': TN 31T11 1.9"NUE IN TIiF CT%Y OF . —_ 539 --- - -- — PmceeTlings h UCf,,Pll C: =TsLm"Its __Citlj of Paducah, 19'NIUCKY, JULY 28, 1930 PAD'ICAH, MCCRACKFN COUNT!, KFNIUCKY, FOR THE COST OP CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED S'iRITT, WITH ALL NFCFrSAPY CUPB, GUTTF'P, PnTVr"AYS, r.1rNHOLFF. INl'P'T', CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE I -ND Sb".•^'R PIPE, AND AIL NF.OF.SSARY ENGITNEERTNG, ADVFFTI°TNG ATID T, -GAL AND CLERICAL .,IFP.VICF IN CONN17CTION THFFF'11'fH AS P'OLLO"'S' COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION OF JFFFERSON STRF7T AND 35TH ST., 4588.45 ABUT`!'ING FT...............44.687249506 per Abt. ft. COST BARKWAY, CURB ,''.ND DRAIN TILE, 4588. 45 ABUTTING FEET...........................>'a0.7641055258 per abt. ft. COST SE"FR Oil 35TH ST. FROM BOUNDARY OF SE -7-11 ZObE 4A TO S.P.L. CENTRAL AV^NNE, 820.0 ABUTTING FFET....................................$1.851646341 per abt. ft. COST OF HEADERS, REINFORCING AND EXTFA 71ORK............ $0.012988252 per dollar construction cost COST OF INITFHEST.......................................$0.029388104 per dollar co struction cost COST OF ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION .....................$O.6 00000OOOpor dollar construction cost COST OF•CONCRFTF, GUTTER ......................... A0.30 per lin. ft. COFT OF CONCRETE DRIVE'i1AYS.. ........................70.25 per sq. ft. COP- Oil CONCRFTE CURB STRAIGHT .........................50.45 per lin. ft. COST OF CONCINFTF CURB CURVED...........................'0.60 per lin, ft. AND PROVIVING TITAT THF COST OF SUCH CONSTFUCTION. TNTFRFST. EXTRA WORK AND ALL NECEASAFY F"IG17NF-RING, ADVEP'ISING AND LFGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION '11NFRF"'ITH BE CNAPGFABLE TO PND ASSESSED AGATN£T TAF PROPERTY RFCFIVING THF 13ENFFIT 0•' SALE AND ABUTTING UPON SAID ILIPP.OTF-1-ENT, AS FFO".•'N BY TUF TNGIITf_rRvS ESTIMATES ON FILE IN TRF OFFICE OF THE CO'i1YI`FIONNFR OF PUFLIC •"OPKS, AND PROVIDING TRAT SAID ASSE EYFNT h.AY &-_ PAID IN TEN F9UAL INS1'A.Ti7,711TS, BF'rNG ONE. EACH YFAR FOR A PFRIOD OF TFN Y1:ARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (S). On motion meeting adjourned. ALOPI^D---/� 1930 1 PPROVED' {mak--�-� _Mayor .y uleric5L �="t.