HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 530, July 17, 1930I Nim. 530
Proceedings of-----DoanD OF CO1ttiTFLioi l5 tilij of Paducah • l:r•N'rucr.Y, NLY Irlth 190
At n call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commirsionersf
Chnmbe.r in the City Hall. Building in tre City of Pncluenh, Kentucky, at 10:00
OtClock A.M., on the 17th day of July 1930, Mnyor T:nckey proslded.and upon
enll of the roll the following ann:••ered to their names: Commissioners Dradshnw,
Hnrnin, Nelson and Mayor Lackey. (4).
Mayor Lackey stated reasons for cnll to -wit: For the pttrnnse of
accenting bond of indemnity of Will Reynolds for r•.ryovnl of building of
Dr L.D. Sanders and such other business as may come before the Board.
Will Heynolds Commissioner Bradshow offered motion that the bond of indemnitly to the
indem^ity bond City of Paducah for the removal of the building of Dr L.D. Sand,-rs on
bond accented
Elizabeth Street to 4th Street; 4th Streot•to Meyers Street; Meyers Stroct
to Clements Street; Clements Street .to Powell Street; Powell Street to ',till
Street; Mi11 Street to Yesier Street; Yesior Street to Bethel Street;
Bethel Street to Bridge Street or Benton Road; Benton Road to City Limits,
be fixed at $1000.00,' and that the rermit for such removal be and the snmo
is hereby authorized to be issued to Will Reynolds.- Adopted on the call of
the roll. Yens: Cormiss.lonrrs Bredshaw, Hannln, Nell on and Mayor Lackey. (4).
Will Reynolds Mayor Lnekry offered motion LSO t"ill Reynolae h�vina executea bo^d
indemnity bond
received and th Ti,e Fidelity & Casunliy Comonny of N. Y. ns s^,re`y in t'e sum of ?1.000.00,
for the piirnose or o:trining nvrnit for removrl of certain one story tiiildings
for Dr. L. D. Snnders, xxal thnt snit Lend be received P-0 filed. Adonted on
t*e c^11 of t*e roll. Yeas: Commissioners Bradshs,•,, Hannin, Nelson and Mayor
T.aekey. (4).
Payrolls -first
half Ju17,1930 Commissioner Nelson offered motion thnt the payrolls for the first
l,nl.f or July, 1930 be allowed in t>•e nmol^t of !103=5.1.5, and the Commissioner
or Public Finance nuthorired to any snare. Adopted on tie call of ti -e roll.
Yens: ^.ommissiorn;s Brndshms, linnnin, Nelson nn•` Vsyor T:nckey. (4).
l.C.R.H.Shop 1'nynr hnrl•ey nrfer•c•: motto^ t.t•nt i.,Ic sn" f f3C0.00 bo n-Gi to the
band allowed T. r, R. R. F,o•n !'n -a for ti• a r,de, cn^•^.crcc,
ti300.00 a n•,rnnnn nr �d••nrt:isi�r �* t
-man°^ct.•;reo n•,.? cam-,era-.Tnl resnnrces of tYc Ci+y nr Fnr'n.rnh, said sum having
n t-etided in +}.e nnnrooriniion ror n•ivnrfisi^g in 1"(50. .mid s•.im he c',^.rger
t, ndcoted on ',re ca,l or the roll. Yens: Co!nq, sioners
elsca and L,nyor Lackey. (e).,
.Sigh �n r,!gh ;<.r• _ =kry cffcred ,-alien ti st t'e su of
f5o.co t:e r, I., to tho
n Pir- fJc}.anl Band POP the mrnrse of advertising it -e trnde,
-anuf—, .rc: n.ri cc .^enc!^l r"nairsos of tte city -f P',11•30nh, said
it tie engrn a 1r
nrintion ror nc,vert ^1. F, in l"�0. Enid
.'t" C e .. tl ,ae." I" t. r.rinpCed � „ the c 11 ,-�+• ,.'
1 1,
Pan...in, Nelson and Ua^nr Ln.•key. ( ).
f.. , „n fetirned.