HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 491, April 28, 1930N. 491
Proceedings of ` ^ ' ""'1`-s lo;� City of Paducah—EIfiac"-,_Arr,LL- 28,_1930 -
At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the
Co-.missloners I Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky
at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 28th day of April, 1930, D'nyor Lackey presided and upon
call of the roll the following answered to their nnmes: Commissioners Brndaha,
Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
P'inutes of the previous meeting wore adonted,as read.
Commissioner Fannin offered the following motion: Emma Nailing having
m a Nail_ nonlied for deed to Lot 110.51 in Block No.5, Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of
ins -lot in
Oak Grove Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I now move that deed be grin ted to the sold
Em -a Nailing for snid Lot No.51, Block No.5 in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon payment to
the Commissioner of Public rinnnee the sum of $40.00 Adop+ed on call of the roll:
Yens; Commissioners Bradshn,••, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and tf.ayor Lackey, (5).
Tom Hoflich Commissioner Hannin offered the follanin; motion: It opoenring that Tom
rehmd on
lot in Onk Hoflich paid x'4.00 to the City of Paduenh for a burying space for one grave for his
Infant child, Mabel Hoflich, in the public burying ground in Oak Grove Cemetery, and.
that nftenvards the remains of said child were removed from said public burying ground
to tit. Cnrmel Cemetery in McCracken County, Kentucky end said burial spnee having
reverted to the City of Paducah by reason thereof, I now move that the Commissioner
of Public rinnnee be authorized and instructed to issue check to the said Tbm Hoflich
for $4.00 as refund for said burial space; same to be charged tp account of Oak Grove
Cemetery. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw. Fannin,
Nelson, butter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offered motion that Thomns R. Clayton, Levi Brien
ad.of su-
pervisors and H.'.RntterJohn be allowed the amount of $5.00 each, total *15.00 for services
so -anise- in making a special npnraisement of the Paducah Y)nter Uorks Company's property, and
meet -" 'a t er
Co-mpnny the Commissioner of Public rinnnee Authorized to nay some and charge to the
Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradshnw, "nnnin,
Belson, Rutter and Vnyor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the tiom'7laston of 10% due orndy
L.te�srt Stewnrt, bnek tax collector, for special improvement tax bill eolleetions for the
,eo. i,: Sen
month of :esrch, 1930, which am wants to $369.72, be allowed and the Corcnissioner of
?ub iic rinnnee authorized to pr.y same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted
on call of tic roll.: Yens; Cor±miasioners Brndshmr:, Nnnnin, Nelson, Putter and vayor
Laozey, (!i).
Co..^:iesicncr e
1:'u nutter offered motion thot the claim of Eugnne H. Cocke for
Cooke cl-:in aervlcco in nu•'iting the city's books for the year 1929 at the contract price of
for 1930
a,x"it $500.00 be allowed, rand the Cor.rIznion�r of 'ublic rinaneo authorized to 1 -sue a check
on thr. "Tmd for snid nmorA.nt snd charge to the proper frmd. Adonte3 on cnll
of r.. roll: Y,,n^; uo•,Ii ,'on=rn brw'.s*n,, Hnnnin, Nelson, hurter and tn;ror Lockoy,(5)
Cn 'AnT.,!Journed. �7 s