HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 49, April 16, 1928No.... 933_ Proceedings of l (',i '" (' T ' Ic''.'::T; City of Paducah .,l cl, zs':: 1U2t1 At a rogailar mectin?! of the Board of Commissioners held in the Conunissioners' Chamber in the City ]Tall P.uilding in the City of Paducah,Kent.ucky, at 2 O'clock P.1.% , April 10t -h, 1988, V,17or Lackey presided and upon the ca.11 of the roll the folio•vin, answered to thoir•rrnmes: Commiaaioncrs Brndslinw, Nnnnin, - ]Ioleon, Rutter and I•inyor Lackey: ?iinutos of the previous meeting were adopted as read. i ' Commissioner Bradshaw offeredmotion to adopt a resolution entilled, Paducah Water Cc "A :;':SOLUTION Rl.'(;UIRIIIG TRT PATUCSII ::'i.'_'ICR OO'.:I'AITY TO EXTT(ND IT:'• TVAI113 ON C ' to extend mains °TS IN •;IP; CITY OF PADUCAH." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoos; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, tlelson, Rilbter and '.ayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the .following: a resolution entitledp Resolution for sidewalks on "A R`T'OLUTION PT?OVZf)I19G FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SID-"3ALKS, CURBS AND I'adison adopted WiT:.IiS A11D ALL NFCFZ AP,Y NIANIIOLES, INTAKES, SF7ERS, CATCH BASINS AND SEPI:R PIPIT 011 LOTH SIDXS OF UADIS,.N STRFIT FFOP THE ':TEST CURB T.iNE OF 3RD STRI•IET TO THE BAST PROPERTY LINE OF FIFTH STRE' T AND FROU THE 17EST CURB LIFT? OF 13ICNTH STR1'.FT TO THIi FAST PROPERTY LINE OF EVELF-TITH STREET, AND SIDI:'.JALY.S ON BOTH SIDES OF IAADISON STLEF•T FROV TIIII :TEST CURB LINE OF PIrTH STPEET '20 THE EAST CURB LIE: OF 1!IGIITTT. STREET, WITH ALL NECES'ARY DRIVEI'TAYS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ImITUCKY, INCLU1,IHG ALL IMCESSAITY ENGINELRIITG, ADVErYI �I!IG AND LEGAL AIN CLERICAL SRRVICE IN CONIIFCTIOIT TE' nF..JITII, EXCEPT THAT THE PORTIONS OF S1ID SIDE';ALE.Z, CURBS AND GUTTFRS IHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN C1ISTRUCTED IId ACCOR:'A1TCF "IITH ills: CITY LITIE, GRADES AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL 1TOT BE, RTCOTISTR1P1RD ATID ARE EXCLUDED PROM THE "ORK TO BF•. , DOPE U1WR TRIS RESOLUTION AND ALL TO BE DONE AT TME COST OF THE ABUTTING FFOr-'PyY O"XE•RS ATID PROVIDING TRAT SrI-TE NAY BE PAID FOR UPON TIC•: TETT YEAR PA'.'I^ NT PLAIT," having been introduced and laid over in its completed form one woek, S now move the adoption of said resolution. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoss; Commissioners Bradshaw, Ilannin, Plelson, Rutter and :'a;ror Lackey. (5) Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following: Itis -ordinance emtltled, Grdinnnee for drive•asy on :'ad., "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING I•'OR THE COPI`TI;UCTIOII OF A DRIVIS::AY OTT I.7,TSS011 ':TF! --T F.^,O', 6th d 7th Sts. introddeed - LIN'': OF FIhTH ^•Tl,`:1.T TO THE I•TT PROPERTY LIITFUP 'ZGIiTI[ .,T;rT ZOT", TIPf NORTH P'RONIl'"l LINE. OV "T. TCr l ; ... ' T TO 4'11E. SOUTH '.%P :(RIYBT•E STIEFT AIN 5J•.Vi.iJ'rIi .": C ii'.''. NO TN T`T'01-RTY LITIE or i..f : ISUll :.'.i ` 0 TIC: SUUTII I'ROPFTt^1 i.' T..I'1:: G _ .__... T, I, '.1':'. CITY OF PALUCt.ft, N'.cC9AC1': a COUNTY, Kt1ITUCIfY, P:ZTII ALT._4:DY CURBS, CN'.tTFRS, i:',.:': _:.: TITS AND SEDER PIPE AND ALL 1!-'r?" "1' -...,.- . - ..C, a. - V. .. .. _ _'i T: IPTG VICE IN CONNECTION TL : 'ITH .T ;:i PP- . `f :- R(;VT_hING ',"RAT SALTS ,".TOY L;-' CONSTRRCTFI) Ur(,?; _ ,.. :LAII," Ls int— - ,^d a.nd lny over. Adopte,l on the call of Aho roll.: `0;:-Jsni.onera L'r::-': , Ilnnnin, 1101con, Rutter ,,nd Ce^�3.^.slaver :.. :•r offered motion t' ,t an orcUrnnce enritle,(l, "ATI Or.,rrnnce for drivn7a7 on':Ter6 - T ,. :. _ •,:' T!:� Q a _..; ).t' lntrc^.ueed _. •, .. T .......T ;N," be introdueee_I and 1n• ,f ever. Adonta-1 on u'., .. s,nl cG� A No. :0 Proceedings of EC" " 07 I ;s City of Paducah 1'J 1L I OTTI 19PO Commissioner Srndshaw offered motion than an ordinnnec entitled, "AN Ordinance „F.-il;.'•.I;CL F7Ovl:DING FOR TM,' COTI:TRUCTION OF A DRIV<::;AY Oil BRIDGE LTAlq;T, PROM SF[^•, construct- ing drive- . T i?tO?'.RTY LIN-` OF CLFIiFS,TS STPFF•.T TO TFL: FAST F111) OI•' "RIAT IS KNOVIN AS TIM SIXTH wqy on Bridge St.c BRIDGE, Iia TIE,. CITY OF PADUCAH, II,CCRACK+'.N COUNTY, KENTUCKY, ':'ITH ALL introduoed ..._. 7Y CURBS, GUI-TERS, LTANHOLFS, ITITAKES; CATCH BASINS AND Sr."IER PIPE, AND ALL -IJOIJIY7RIF:G, ADVFR'ISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN COINE•CTION T'I!,-PE- I'IH A TH13 CONT OF THE AEU 'TING PROPERTY C ri!FRS AND PROVIDING TEAT SAKE LU,Y BE OG:JSTi.UCTi4Z'' UFON THF TFN YI AR FAYTIENT PLAN," be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Brndshaw, Nelson, Rutter and 118yor Lackey: (5)' Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinance entitled, "ATI 0.,='I31A1ICE PROVIDII:G FOR T117 CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVE -JAY ON JEFFERSON STREET FROL: TILE Ordinance construct- 7,71T I' OF -R TY LINT OF TSTENTY FIFTH STREET TO T'II- FASB. PROPERTY LINE OF THIRTY SECOND ing drive- way on TFr_•:T, IN THF GIT)' OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCh'Y,-:'ITII ALL NECESSARY CURBS, Jeff. 25th to 32nd GU=TERS, iWI FOLF.S, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SC'AF:R PIPE AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEFRING, introduced ADVFT,'ISI.ITG AND LEGAL AND CLFRICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THi•R7.7ITH AT THF COST OF THE i ABUTTIIFG Fa'OP;CRTY O':'TI^P.S AND PROVIDING THAT SAME 1.11-Y BE. CONSTRUCTED UPON THr TEP YEAR P:;Yb1ENT ILAN," be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas! ommissionrrs Bradshaw, Hannin, Ralson, Rutter and -ayor Lackey, (5) Ordinance Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinance entitled, "AN co,astructinTjF:;.Ii'' 'C_ PROVIDING rOR 'IF,R COIISTRUCTION OF A !'RIVE:;AY OIl JEFFFRSON SW17T FROT, THE driveway on Jeff. T f,Pi•;�5'f ` INE OF NI!IFTI`•1T H . TPEET O THE 1;9i. T FROPwRTY LIJ:E OF TITFITTY. 11IFTI1 19th to 25 intro9ueed C.. ; ,-T, III -;ITY OF PADUCAH, Mi'CRACKEN COUNTY, KFTIT'1CKY, '::ITH ALL N^C' :4RY-CURBS, CUCTIRS, L9:iiIP;;Li'S, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE AND SE:LI1 PIPE AND ALL TIECT!OARY aYi:,i;1F:'LI?JG, I::I?LS ATID L^GAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IU CONVECTION THERE',," ITH AT T11 - CO -'T Q =FL's A 1:7._T?:G r'i �i_i,.Y 0.7N ERS AND PROVIDING SHAT S,�':IL• T.,AY BE CONSTLUCTIZ !I;C;'-7' T.J Y: 'R :.X::"':i' PLAN," be introduced and lay over,. Adopted on the call. of the roll: Yeas; Commisaionors Hannin, Bradshaw, Rutter, Nelson and i.:ayor Lackey, (5) Commissioner Lradshaw offored motion thnn an ordinance entitl^_,?, "ATI Ordinance 17'" 701' TFT! .,C""""'UC",'IC,r1 OF CO`.IOR<TF SID:7:ALKS, CURBS 411,11 GJJ":--'.i:^.'.TD constr:;ct-. rq r, ITR AND CATCH B/.^INS ON BOTH :'Ili":' OF JI,1 'ne - ... ..._ . T, :1, , }C7NTUCKY, I1;, L'_ ... IC; L.: i JsVICP. IN `o-•.,..CTTr:' _ be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of T te,::. _. _ . - .. ._ _ ..., _. u-as?akaw, ilarnin, Nelson, Rutter and ' nycr• I •ictrer, (5), :l1,ri;1:- ',utter' offered motion that the claims for the ;nontl- of rch !r. _ , ...n!, nJ' arl7q,.7 bn Fa•a •-nd tha Ctr:niaaioner of Fttbll c Pinnncc crit. e, Ii of I:;.,. roll.:'lens, Jo La:ic.nela "key, U-•). ?riper , :.er r.^s'r•r•_::-nt:r;n .:,at the cash or:ers in tiar, �moltnt Cas4 or....... of .::7, i.i u"i^ae ,rd wL'e • ..__ ..Tena o." at:) Sc ir:nnce a,lt;^.-•rizecJ to :,ay ..nr,:a, ■dapte'`. .,, _.. .. 1'ol is •<•at±! ':G " acirrr.%,ra rsns ;l:., t+, ':.n •,iin, Nelson, Ialtter -- . No.- _5I - Proceedings of "1, 1'0... T: ---'T( T':'RS, City of Paducah Ar'!"L. 16TII,T1998 Commissioner Rutter ogfored motion that the 1,1aYOr and Commissioner of rublic Finance be authorized to renew the note for amount of sM:7.70, bnInpoo Renew note fob $16"7.70 at due the Citizens Savings Bank, maturing Apri1.21, 3,928, for the usual period of Citizens Savings Bink six months and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to Day the amount of interest due, ;;48.83. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshaw, 11nnnin, Nelson, Latter and :;ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the new ernvol street on ':.healer Avenue (or 20th Street) from the I:outh property line of Jackson ftreet New gravel sts. to the west nroperty line of "B" Street; "It" Street, (or Baumor Avenue) from the Wheeler Ave & Baumor Ave. 1:orth property line of '.heeler Sub -Division to the 'Jest curb line of 16th Street, accepted having been finished and completed by Fraser & Cooke, Contractors, necording to the terms and conditions of their contract, and an ordinance passed relative to said improvement and the same having been inspected by the 7'nyor and Com- missions a on the 16th day of April, 1928, 1 now move that same be necepted and the rngineer's estimated cost of said construction be confirmed and tt'nt spill estimate be turned over to the Uommissioner of Public Finance for collection; and that the City Solicitor be Instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing said property as shown by the Engineer's estimate. Adopted on the cell of the IE roll: Yeas;'Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, 11elson, Futter and 1-:a70r Lackey, (5); Cor-Issioner Rutter offnred motion that the bond of the Citizens Bond of Citizens Savings Bank Savings Bank, as a depository of the City of Pnducab, to continue to the end of as official depository the term of Ross Rutter, Commissioner of Public inance, which bond in signed by the president or nnid bank, together with F.F.Lrcic and r. Rudy as suraties, be accepted and aDDroved by the ooardeC Commissioners. Adopted on the call of the roll- 'lens; Commisnlone,s Bradsba,*Y, liannin, Nelson, `.,utter and :nyor Lqckoy,(b) Commissioner liannin offered the.followinG motion- I-ra John ' :c?sdoen, having paid to thd Commissioner of rublic Finance the Sum of ;.95.00, Mrs John McFad- den -deed to lot I move that deed be executed to bar for Lot 13, Block 14 in the Now nddjtion of in Oak Grove Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yens; CoixiUs a loners Pnnnin, Sradshnw, Nelson, Rutter and ::a -:or Lackey, (5). Fefin,l of $4.0 Cozmnissioner liannin offered motion that V.Y. Lundy be refundod to V.1Z.Mundy 4.00 on grave bought and not -v,rd. Adopted on the ep1l. of 1-11.c roll.- Yens; r�­ -!aotonprs Bri0sraw, Hnnnin, Nelron, Futter 'Inc! : r"-" L^Okcy, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion as follows: The new ;ravel Nog 117Z.—lel :-.ts strm-t on ?lora :treet, from Vic :outh property lln3 of Drlrlgo :.;trot to the Renlricl:3 no- line of ",ndricks 3treot; Hendricks `.treet, From the `-' (rtrb 'inn of erpted InIrn "!tr .- I:n r.tnonls line; ''o -ell street, Cron 0-te enst curb I.Ine of Enys to , ^zrb line ,? :111 '.tr,et, linving been cn,i,,nleteJ and finislied !,q c, ,t,3r, according, to t) e ton a and aondit Inns O n f thoir nora,rtno .i rnintiv6 i*o n, !'! I—VOVOMent 9nd t`10 za laving t.e,.,n Innp�ctwl On I ol' 'pril, 10?2 --pte conntrac.lon b,,, and :`.st a turne'! nvev 1") Oto of rabltc i collecticn; ':Jty . olicl-,or Lo innti-acte,1 to asaaarin, a et, OL 3homn by the to. of the rn' 12 - ._ rsdsh*-T, ■ No, Proceedings of City of Paducah Nen gr -vel Sts. A" "B -021st & 20th Sts accepted ,Cochran ,R.Nev- ille to imp, Street... Com,issionor brn�lahaw ofi'rrcd motion ns fol.1o::':-: 9iha new gravel. stye et on "A" Otrort, from the Rortb property line of Guthrie Avenue, approximately 462 feet, to the :forth line of ::b.eclAr Addition; "B" Street, from the South property '.ine of Guthrie avenue to the ::Orth curb line of 21st Street; "C" Street, from the south property line of Guthrie t.venue to the north curb line of ':.'hoolor Avenue; 21st Street, fror. the south curb line of 4 cicson Street to the C+'cst curb line of ".ayfield Road; 20th Street, for the south curb .line of Adams Street to the north property line of drn'cscn Street, hnvinet be --n complated and finished by Fraser & Cocke, Contractors, according to the torrz nn :i conditions of their contract, and an ordinance passed relative to said improvement and the same having been inspected by the t'ayor and Concsissioneis on the 16th day of April, 1928, I now move that same be accented and the engin"r's estimated cost of said construction be confirmed and that said estimate be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection; and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing, said property as shown by the Engineer's estimate. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas;: Co-missioners Bradshaw, Rennin, 1lelson, Rutter and Layer Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: That the proposal of -:._.. Cochran and 7.11. Neville for certain improvements to be done by them under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public forks, be received and filed and referred to the Commissioner of Public :'orks with power and authority to him to csuse and permit said street improvement to be made at the expense of said ::.c.Cochran and '.`l.R. Neville, the city to be liable for no part of the cost thereof, except the expense of the street roller and the engineering and supervising of said work; srid work to be done entirely with the approval of said Commissioner of Public 7orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnw, Fannin, Pelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5); On rc`ion meeting relln77wrned. A=O= += S �2 _a 3 11)28 APPROVED