HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 467, March 10, 1930Proceedings of City of Paducah (_rT*ITUCKY, MAPCN 10, 1930 At a regular meeting of tho Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissionern' Chamber in the City Nall Building in the City of raducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of Tlsrch, 1930, Tanyor Lnckey presided and upon call of the roll. the following answered to their nnmen: Commissioners Brndshnw, Fannin, Nelson, Nutter an(' Llnyor.Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were ndopt'•ed as rend. commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: It being necessnry test the Oltty 5011c - icor to City Solicitor go to Frnnkfort, Kentucly for the purpose or sttendinr to certain Frnnkfort legal matters affecting the Citp of Paducah, and the estimated cost of snid•�trip bfing $50.00, I move trat the Commiscionrr of Public Finance be instructed to pay to PT.V,Faton, City Solicitor, the rum of 850.00 for the purpore of defraying the expanse of snid trip to Frankfort: same to be charged to costs and suits. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Ruttier and Mayor Lackey, (5). Ynncy Pros. Co•rmissioner Rutter 6ffered motion that the claim of Yancy Brothers for amount claim of 8135.50, having teen duly approved for allowance and payment, be allowed and the Cormissioner of Public Finnnee eutrorized.to pay some and charge to the Street , Department Fund in the Department of Public 13orks, Adopted on call of the roll: Ye -s; Commissioners Bradshn:•i, Fannin, Nelsen, Rutter and Voyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion test the city's part of the cost on the Jeff "t.& LnBe'.le Ave Csret-Reed Company Ftreet Paving Contract No.l, for intersections, crossings and Sont.Pl city's cost alleys on Jefferson Stre-t and LaBelle Av,nue, for nmount of $10,518.23 be allrnied ane charged to New Construction and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same from the General Fund for deposit in the Special Street Improvement Fund in or;'er to mrkc final sett.lemcnt with the contractor. Adopted on call of the roll. Yeas; Co•rmissioners Brndshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter end Llayor Lackey, (5). Co^-lssioner Rutter offered the.followin - motion: I move that the report on the J.M.Fouse Contracting Comaany's Contract No.8 J.�.F0113e S,)nt.,H,8 be accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to mnke final settlement ^rnsl srt- cicx^rt upon sole of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon 'he ten year payment plan; nrd tYnt the L"ayor and Commissioner of Public Finnnce to authorized to havo printed, executed and sold such Improvement Bonds to the amount of w903.47 in ncoordance with the provisions of Section '101 of the Kentucky Stntntes governing same. Adopted on col` of t.ho roil: 'Coati; Cornission-rs Brndshnw, Fannin, Nelson, Ruttcr and T.tnyor Tackay, (5). Co-_•r:ir.sin,n, r r:.i• • er off�rrd motion t1int the report on the Ynncy Brotrers Ccnti—^t 77,.7 be. n�!,crtcd nr'' tie Co-rissionfr of Public Finance Put'^orized to mnke ..^n2 r.. cat ,�.,n _�•l.• 0, 'he Imnrov+.cent Bonds to be issued trer,on on the ten ear r rinn; nn(' that the vayor and Co-mjGsioncr of Piblic Finance be n•itharized .n, rove -t( , (xe^•:tr•'. nn(' nol,l cur.*, Tmrrcver-ant PonAs t0 t_be amonn'. of ,'0,3,652.58 In n^.er.: oisinra of :.ec�irm 7.101 of the, KHntuoky ftnt,ites rcvcrning ro'l; Ync.s; Con':Srrioinra Prn'srnw, Hnnntr., Belem, `i-eirr: r clfcred roti.cn t•,t the rrmart of the Co-Is�Loner of ce or. t,?,e lis•rurses-.int of '.he pr•ace(ds of tY.o F.in(1'rg Bonds ii.cue of .' zts Wf,,000. 0 to res• i ved, `l ie l nn! recorded: Ron. !'Avcr on,! Bcar'• cf ^orvtiaslantrs, Paducar,Ky., Parch 10,1930. Paa.;cst , Ry. :ent?c-en: T autrit: ):rrewltr far y•ur approval 0 s _ c? t*e n- - int or rrocecds Proceedings of 1'. 0-p c01.'MI.' Ioti`r` . City of Paducah2'_"PRCH 10,1930 - from the sale of the City Of Pa'+ucnh 5-1/2 Funding Bonds of dato Febrnnry 1, 1930,1hrough the firm of Tl.ter, ".toady & Heimerdinger of Cincinnati, Ohio. in Also disroeitl.O� Of the funds resolved after some had been duly denori+ed the General Fund of the City, RFC -'T PTS. _ Amount of sale of the Funding Bonds p1750r0.00 Amount of accrued interest 320.83 Total 71767O..0 i Paid First Nntional Bank 935.39 a/c Koller Sewer Bills _ Zones #1 - 413 $ ' Paid Peoples Nntional Bank ' a/c McKelvey Const.Co. Sevier Zone B. Refunds 8207.30 Paid Peoples National Bank a/c Koller Sevier Bills - Zones 412-444-i'5 14212.70 Paid reoples Nnticnal Bank a/c Various Street Construction claims 10649.19 33069.19 Paid Citizens Savings Bank a/c Bal. on F.R.Harding Sower Construction 1627.70 Paid Citizens Savings Bank a/c Tennessee Street claims 3900,00 5527.70 Paid National Bank of Louisville, Ky. (Re -discounted) a/c General Fund Deficit 1927 - Claims ($43534.79) 20000.00 Paid Citizens Savings Bank a/a General Fund Deficit 1927 0 Claims - Bal 23534.79 43534.79 Paid Citizens Savings Bank a/c Accumulnted Deficiencies Yrs. 1925-1929 586465.21 Pail Citizens Savings Bank far Bank of Benton, Ky. a/c Accumulated defixtencies Yrs. 1925 to 1929 - Bal. 5788.55 Total �tI' Respectfully submitted, Ross Rutter, Commissioner of Public Finance. Approved: Geo. It. Oehlschlaeger, City Auditor Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Bradshaw, liannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: J.li.Rouse Clark Street -16th to 17th siderrnlk, Contracting Company, Contractors, having completed the construction of sidewnik, etc J.M.Rouse Cont.#'5 rork accept -driveways, curb and gutter on both sides of Clark Street from the west curb line ed of 16th Street to the east property line of 17th street, and notice hnving here- tofore been given on the 4th dny of ?parch, 1930 that the Board of 9oamissioners would in the forenoon on Monday, March 10th, 1930 inspect said sidewalk, driver•np curb and Butter n.+•i all. rrork incident thereto, nnA erould be in ses- Son at 2 owclock P.M., on the 10th day of 1.'nrrh, 1930 in the Commisnionersr Chamber in the City Hall Fuil%in,^ in the City of Pnd+cenh, Kentucky to hear any eompnlint or protest •pith reference to the dein;, and necentrnce of said -cork, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Bonrd of Co^._,iszionrrs hnving so Snnpected said work and finding same has boon completed in accordance with said contract, nna no one, having made or lodged any complaint or protest with refcronee thereto as provided in said notice, Or at all, I non move tient said aidevolk, driveways, curb and Butter and nll work d6ne in connection therewith be nccepted; same being known as Sidewalk, Drivewnys, Cu!b rind Gutter Contract !Io.5, ,;.M.Foune rantracting Company, Contractors, an! tint the Fnrineer's e^ti-^ted c.st or snm. be confirmed nrrl thnt s41d estir..stes be turned over to ti:e ra-"1•,!— r of '+hlic Hinr.nce for col iectIon, and thnt the pity solicitor he inatr,:ctel to prernr^ ern or'+innree ns•ensing the property �s Shawn by t*e ergincr r'a eetlsatea, naontrir! on call Oe t.hr roll: Yeas; Co -•d+?' iom rs P -nin, Nelson, Rivt;'.r ayi renvor iarkey, (5). 9':F .^• Co" Ir n i':a'r rrnAs r. r, r, rr rr; •' n,,Tjon to %,Ion- a n or' inanc'+ entll.lcr.+, ynth 1':G :: !) 0 .. ' F77 1`.ii F'078 SID79 OF CI F•.T X ..,t r; 'T, FT -10M ^•r l6 . ._ .. , ., c;..,.: r I.Vrr CP 17 -IM sm—t.l , in 7Br .A. ..'u, MsCFACZFN :r",..:Y, F. ...,. , 'Of", TFC' CO::T 0- rOt:CTR'I^.TI'•;N 08 rr:,;. ..- , ..'i' Ill; `!. e[':R A!:1 I+FCT''tftt , '�1:RN0Ll`' , 1 1 Proceedings of BOAP." ',� CO""7 ,"T^ • p City of Paducah,. F 1:17TCKY,_'; J" IT,. 10,19"o INTAKI-S, CATCP Bf.CINS, DRAIN TILE f TID ,P')A:'r PIPT', .ND ALL W'C7M: PY 'N(�Ir!F.I RITIG, AD4FPTIFII:G ANI', LT"G,.I. AN: CLERICAL SERVICE IN C'MITECTION T?A1F''IT1T PC FOLLGV5! CONT OF CONCRFTF "IDF"'ALK.......... ........$0.16 PER SQ. FT. COST OF COTIRFTE: GU -TER............ ......... 0.36 PFR LIR. FT. COST OF CONCRETE DT'IVfi:1AYS.................. 0.25 PF.P SQ. FT. COST Of COITCP.FTE CURB STRAIGHT .............. 0.54 PER LIN. FT. LOFT OF CONCRFTF. CURB CURVED ................ 0:60 PER LIN. FT. COST OF EXPANSION JOINTS .................... 0.01287155425 PFR DOTTAR COTISTRUCTION COST COST OF FNGINFrRING AND INSPECTION.......... 0.04832844574 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST CO.^T OF INTTrFST............................ 0.016'9736070 PFR P.OLTAR CON.TRUCTION COST COSIOF FXTPA "'ORK.......................... 0.01603284458 PFR DOIU P. CON:TRUCTION COST ANP PFCVTDI"0 TPIT 7TTT- COST Or STTrH COTTFMICTIOTI, INT'P"ST, FXTT-A 'ORK, AND ALT, �.cCT�rAny -•Ir.T^r•RTNG, ADVPPTTSTT'O AiTD LrGAL AND C.T,TTICAT, r"R"TCF IN CO""TCTION TRFPr- ^'ITA yr CF•.PO^APLF Tr ATT ASSr'rIr ArAITMI TTTr PFOPIFTY RrCrT'IITIC TFT BFT,TF"IT OF SfME ri-,r LT?TM—"G 'T'ON SAir I'"ProvE!MTT, AS SPOWN BY THF FNOTNFrR'S FFTIT'A^'FS ON FILE IN TFF CT'"ICF Or-- CO'?1IFFI0N-R OF PUFT.IC -CPKS, 'TIT` PrOVT^TNG —QT FAIP ASSFSFN1rNT !'AY B' PI..TD ITT TFT' FOTTAL INSTAT:TYTTYTF. B•ING ONF FAUN YFAP FOR A PERIOD OF TFN YFARF. Adopted on call of the roll; Yens; Covmission'rs Frodsha:•r, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and -R7or Lackev, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. APPROVED: ATavor� 40