HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 463, March 3, 1930Nm 463 _ Proceedings of_ _gip OF_co!r_;rlr IGmr sCity of Paducah,_ �IITUGI�Y, -antra--3,_ 1930..._ At a regul.nr meeting of the Board of Con.^issioners held in the Com:niscioners' Chnmber in the City Hell Building in the City of Paduenh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M,, on the ?rd day of March, 1.^30, t+nyor Lnckey presided and upon Coll of '%he roll the followSnr• nns Bred to t"Ir names: Commissioners Pra<ishnr, Hnnnln, Nelson, Ru+ter and Vayor Lnckey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were .o"onted an rend. Lovelace- Commissioner Bradshaw orferedthe followinP motion; N.F.Stone & Company ville-Cont. having executed Maintenance Bond in the sum of $5815.38 with the National Surety #9 ainten- ance bond Company as surety therein, providing that the said N,I:.Stone & Compsny shall be held and firmly bound to ropair and keep in repair all of the streets and drivewnys embraced in Contract No.9, 1929, I new move that said bond be received, filed and recorded. Aaopted on Cali of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nel^on, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). i:ity Jeil Cormissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City Jailer, reb.report for the month of February, 1930 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Police Dept. Commissioner Nelson offered motion thnt the report of Gus Rogers, Chief of r'eb, report Police, for the month of February, 1950 be received nna filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cosx,issioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, flutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Claims- Commissioner nutter offered the following motion: T'he following claims HnvinS sundry been duly approved for allowance and pa-ment: Department of Public Affnirs :-rshall Jones- Court Costs, Brown Street case $160.00 Department of Public Finance brown Sheet Metal tiorks - bridge Street rennirs 100.00 Department of Public Safety Kentucky Utilities Co., Police Dept., traffic light. ....................................... :390.76 Fire Dept., Supplies ................................. 63.65 City Hall auppl.ies................................... 93.90 bridges..... ' ................................ 16.80 515.11 Total 795.11 I move the same be a]lowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same ane' charge to the proper departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; L;o:..issioners brnda1n•r., Hrnnln, Nelson, Rutter and fey or hockey, (5). ',a ah orders Corrrissioner Putter off, -rel me' ion thnt tho cash orders in the amount of i'ct, ;96.29 be n1.lo--ed and the comnisrionar of Public s,innnee be reimbursed by check or. '}r Generr.l Fnnd ror amount of 484.59 anA the Special .street improvement rund for ,.11.70; some to be charged to the nroper fund and dernrt.ments. Adonted on call of the 2'011: 'fes ,o Sr^inners isrndshaw, hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and rtnyor Lackey, (5). eo^-irrlcner t:uatcr nf'ered r°otion tknt the payrolls for the last half of lnet -e e. r'P�L:�r�.ry, 1:,'0 be n'lowe:' in the amount of 413,567.15 and the Commissionor of Riblic r'inance n;tl'orized to ,^.ny some. Adopted on Coll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioncrs rra,'ahr,r., HR-inin, Nelson, nutter nnn i6oyor I:nckey, (5). savor Lae'r.:y r°forC Ir th,; Clain os' Jacksott Ionndry ana tinchlno r^rkle _o.,.<•..^on for $191.9 be r s:C^*psny av,inst r,rkle :Cntr.csinc c`na any r•,raSv^.d and filed. ?:Sop r. -.'r? •'& tod '. i. 'Ao ',o.,ca3 Call cf the ro1': Yens; •;Ca 1^aicar,r ilre?ni,n,:•,, H,u;nin, Nelson, Ru'ter an,' mayor ,lni.. Larkey,t. of cy o'?*' e'' a *°•:• r,,P,(,t of the ^•Sty roar:i of )lealth t -or the f,;Itr re.rc.:t ..._. eo-_,. ry, _.::fl Ce r+:. ar. .•'.o(tr,i +n .:. pe .y.0 roll: Yoas= . ... ..r. -..r and "r,yo:=•n^key, 15). A1'4JPT"D' / AQ 1950 APPROVFD: 46 F ayor�"�` r> er No. 464 _ Proceedings of _. ' . >1 e o'."'I. r T� ' 1 : City of Paducah,_ w rri Co..^dcsioncr Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordlnance entitled, LaBelle adjnce- "AN ORDTWANCE DI•CLARING YIP' D7DICAT10N 0` cr(-T1,111 PROPFFTY. IN, AnU1T�010 nt nroperty dealcatcd tTPON AND ADJAC3,JW TO LaBELLE AVFIIUE AM 11.4 -FFR -ON SYHFFT A:I A PART OF LabRLTZ AVENUE IN PALUCAH, KiTNTUCKY% Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Frsdshw�, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and :.'nyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion to adopt an ordlnanco cntitle•l, borrow money - 1 -120,0^0.00 "AN ORPINANCR AUTHORIZING AND DIHF^.TING TER MAYOR AND COY1;IC-10TIER OF PUPLIC "'SEANCE TO BOPP'017 THT, "UM OP ONF: HUNDRFD AND T"TNTY THOUSAND (;('120,000.00) POTTARS FOF TFF UST' AND B"v"T7 Of- 'IT'T PIT" OF PATrUCAH, 10�TIPUCKY ANC '1'0 FXFCTTTE A NOTA' OF NOTES FOR SAID S?TM or S1TM,9 FOP AN^ ON hFTPLF OF SAID CITY AND T'0 PLFDGE i "_'FP R' -VI TT'F 0' TlT CI -Y 1`01- TFF FIFrT OIIF.-Y!ALF OF TTN' YFAR 1930 AS S1-CTTRITY TF`F—OR." Adopted on call of the roll: Yees; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, butter and Mayor Lackey, (5). a Commissioner er•'shaw offered motion to adopt a-resolutton ent.itied, :e,•:er ::one 4A eatcnsjon "A RFSOL•UTION PF.OVTDING FOR AN EXTENSION IN SE':lEH ZONE 4A BY THE EXTF'NSION OF SAID SPT,.RS FROM ADAMS -TPFFT TO CLINTON COURT IN 29TH STR!'F.T,'AND IN , CLINTON COURT l`P_'377ARDLY FROM 29TH Sln-,FT A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 560 r'FL•T, AND IN CLINTON COURT FROM 31ST ST'RL:P:T L'ASTWiRDLY APPROXI':°ATELY 440 P'ET•T." Adopted on call of the roll; Yess; Commissioners Bradsha^, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On mots^n meeting adjourned. - A1'4JPT"D' / AQ 1950 APPROVFD: 46 F ayor�"�` r> er