HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 462, February 24, 1930No.. 462
Proceedings of BOARD or' Cot+."I1.11OII"R: City of Paducah• 11.B._24,1930 _
At a regulnr m"eting of the Board of Corimi^eioners held in th)
Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building in the City of Paduenh, Kentucky
nt 2 o'clock P.M., on the 24th day of February, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided end
upon cell of the roll the follo^;In one ered to their nnmes: Commissioners
Brai'nhar, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Meyer Lackey, (5).
Minutes of tl•e previous meetings e:cra adopted nn rend.
Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: The following claims
Claims -Sundry having been duly spnroved for ellowahce and payment:
Department of Put:lic Finence
Brady 11. Stewnrt, 10% commission on impv. Bills collections $290.08
Department of Public ''corks '
Conturp Tool & Metal Uompany - Street Department 151.20
Department of Public Property
I.C.R.R.Compony freight P Oak Grove Cemetery
I move that some be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finnnee authprized
to pay same and charge to the proper departments. Adopted on call o7' the
roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the city's part of the cost on
Harrison, Cloy & 8th the Ynncy Brothers' Contract #3 for sidewalks atic2 driveways on Hprrlson, Clay
Streots-Contract #3
side;falks, otc.,citys and 8th Streets ss folloms:
part of cost
City of Paducah, alleys and returns $397.64
Bonrd of Educ^tion 133.58
Total 7531—.2'-r-
be allowed end charged to New Construction, and the Commissioner of Public Finance
authorized to pay some from the General Fund for deposit in the Special Street
Improvement Fund- in order to make final settlement with the contractor. Adopted
on call of. the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Brndahaw, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter aryl
Mayor Lackey, (5).
Mayor Lackey offered notion that the nnnunl report of the Board of
Board of =ark Com-
missioners-nnnunl Park Co.-rislssioners for the year 1929 be received and filed. Adoptoden call of
1920 report
the roll: Yens: Commissioners Tlrndshnw, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutierand 14syor Lnckey,I5)
Notional ::hest ketal Mnyor Lackey offered motion th+,t the el^im of thn National Sbeet Metal
:i$^.Co., clnim ngninst
1Frrkle Cort.,Co., "orka ngnisst Merkle Contracting Compnny for $418.05 be recolved and filed.
leontel on cn?i of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Brndsha,-, Hannin, Nelson,
Putter ens' ?'F., or Lackey, i5).
Cc--^is^i.nnnr Brndsha:v offered mo+ion to adopt an or Innnce entitl.orl,
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