HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 449, February 3, 1930No. 449 - - -- Proceedings of - BOAPP, OF_COMMIFS10NEPS City of Paducah.,. KENTUCKY FEBRUARY 3, 1930 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 3rd day of February, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Msyor Lnckey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Bradshaw offeree' the following motion: Yancy Brothers, Harrison St.,etc Contractors, having completed the construction of sidewalk and driveways on both sides sidewalks of Harrison Street, from the west property line of 4th Street to tte east curb line of Cont .#3 work 8th Street; Clay Stre-et, from the west property line of 4th Street to the east curb accepted line of 8th "treet; Eighth Street, from the north property line of Madison Street to the south curb line of Park Avenue, and notice having heretofore been given on the 28th day of January, 1930, that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on Mondny, February 3rd, 1930 inspect said sidewalk and driveways and all work incident thereto, and -ould be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 3rd day of February, 1930 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hell Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accordance with said contract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto as provided in said notice, or at all, I now move that said sidewalk and driveways and all work none in connection therewith be accepted; some being known as Sidewalk & Drivewnys Contract No.3, Yancy Brothers, Contractors, nrd thrt the engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said estimates be turned over ao the Cosmissioner of Public Finance for collection, and thnt the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property ss shown by the Engineer's estimntes. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelson, Rutter and Vayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: J.M.Rouse Contracting 20th --t., etc curL Company, contractors, having completed the construction of sidewalk, driveways, curb E'it*`r, etc Cont and cutter on the west side of 20th Street, from the south curb line of Jnckson #8 work aor.enttd �,treet +o the junction of 20th Street and 'fhieolor Avenue; and on the south aide of '::heeler Avenue, from the junction of 20th Etroet and :'rheeler Avenue to the west prrpnrty line of "C" Street, rm d notice having heretofore been given on the 28th day of January, 1930, that the Board of Commisnionere wouli in the forenoon on Monday, FebrH,:f Srd, 1930, 'inspect side! drivewnys, curb And gutter And r11 -ork incident t} erc-to, Ars'-o'xld be in ses•dcn �t 2 o'clock P.M., on the 3rd day of Februsry, 1930 1n the :o-^Ss^ionre:•a' Chn-bar in tine City EAll. Building in the City of Paducah, Krmtucky, *o hear nny ompl,ln% or protect with reference to the doing And accept+.neo sn!d cork, And the anat t`erfof nr, act rut in said notice, and the Board of Co--'isr.!-�ers hAving so inspected sairi wr,rk nn -1 fineting anme has been completed in ticmer' n e :,!t`. said CC:ntrAct, and no on^ hA'drig made or` lodged tiny complaint or r test Stl: ref. ranee ^o r. Prcvl+ed. in aal : notion, or at a11, 1 now move that ani^. sida�ralk, dr!ve,,fyn, .rc •n! utter err: All work done In ronnontion therewith be ,: d; came Lr;In, knran as ."1d7welk, :'rivoanys, Curt and ,utter Contra -!t No.B, ...::trectlr , ',n' t. ,At thr, enainecr's catimnted coat of sr.:... L* t t as -id ec.. be :lrn?:d ov, r to the Co--is-lonry of r^.:ti!^ 'Pinsnce ^r r., n' t' `t . .. "ity=olicitoe b^ inetr--,wee. to prepare N-450 Proceedings of. DOARD OF COL 11F`I0111'RS City of Paduca}t!_FRBPUARY 3, 1930 an ordinance asnoosing the property as shove by the Engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackoy, (5). Commissioner nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Police Dept., Chidf of Police, for the month of January, 19710 .be received and filed. Adopted Jrnunry report on call of the roll: Yeas; Comrissioners Brnds1,a-n, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rut:tor and Wyor Lackey, (5). City Jail Commissioner Velson offered motion t)-st the report of Tom King, City Jnnu my report Jailer, for the month of January, 19309 be received and filed. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commi"ssioner Rutter offered motion t*at-the claim of H.McGhee H. McGhee claim for hay amounting to $162.72, having been duly approved for sllo:,rsnco and payment, I move that same be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same and charge to the Street Fund in the department of Public ''Norkz. Adopted on call of the roll. -Yeas; Cormnissionere Bradshaw, Hannin, nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the cash orders in the amount Cash orders of $140.55 be allowed and the Cormissioner or Public Finance be reimbursed by check on the General Fund; same to be charged to the proper departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners "rndsbaw, Hannin, nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work J.V #1 0monthly est. one during Cont. jJ10 dding the month of Jenunry, 1930, on Contract No.10, for sidewalk, - driveways, curb and gutter constructed by J.M.Rouse Contracting Company, contractor be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public finance be Instructed to issue Improvement Warrunt therefor in the sum of $393.76. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea:; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). F.H. Cocke to Mayor Lackey offered motion that F.H. Cocke, certified public audit city accountant be em y P accounts , employed to immediately make n complete audit of all Of the aeco+ants of the City of Parhieah for the.yenr 1929, an,i - nke detailed report thereof to the City of .Paducah for, consideration of not exceeding $500.00 to be paid uron completion and filing oC said report. .clouted on cal! of the roll: Yeas; Co, Isfioncrs radshnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, 7711!iAr Perbst Mayor Lnekey offered motion that William Herbst be appointed as a member r Pl+rnl,ing Boardof the Lonrd of Plumbing Examiners of the Cit` of Paducah to succeed A.B. W,oiing Board and to fill c,.At. his unnx-pired term. Adopted on cell of the roll.: Yeas; Co 'rissionfra rr+dsh:w, ttrnnin, nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Pl:^:Seip Irsr.nct r Y.nyor L,ckey o`fr.red motion that tin annual report of the Plumbing 1929 am+lel rr_p-, Inspector for the year 19::9 be re-3ived and filed. Adnntod on call of th e roll.: Yea=; Co-T^izoir.nera F9radahnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter an^ Mayor Lnekoy, City _:oar! of Ms-ror Lackey offered mof.ton that tie report of the int F; on rd of F,.a!th repott y for Jnnu)r.ry 1'ea.th rrr tl- -or.t Of Jnnu-ry, 19:'..0 be-- received and fil.el. Pdopted on call of t -e r.r.?1: Yeas) r07..'r.12ntonrr: Brariahnw, VInnin, Nelson, Fatter and Mayor Lickey, (_). N, .151 Proceed:ngS of EOARD O" 1"Ni 7 F City of Paducah, KTTI' Ur KY,-_UFBRUi,RY 3, 1930 Commissioner Hannin offered the follrrin,g motion: Nova :Veber and Blanche Sow or having, tendered to the Board of Commisoloners their nffidavit stating that they Neva 17eb- ' er k are the only children and heirs at law of Jacob Ziegler, who heretofore died intestate Blanche Sower deed nnd the owner of Lot No.345J, Block No.22, lying 9 feet between 345 and the street .in to ""illis Land Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, Kentucky, and said affiants reauent that as the sole ratified heirs of the said Jacob Ziegler that the register of owners of lots in said cemetery be so corrected as to s' -ow that trey are the owners of said lot, I now move t.Nnt said affidavit be received and filed and that the register or owners or lots in snid cemetery be no corrected as to show that the said Neva "'eber and Blanche Sower are the owners by inhc*itance from the said Jacob Ziegler of a lot 9 x 23 in Block No.. ^2 in Onk Grove Cemetery. Adopted on call of the roll -.Yens; Commissioners Bradshnw, H"nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the follo-,ing motion: I move that the deed of conveyance from Neva 'Veber, ",idow, and Blanche Sower, widow, to Willis Land and his wife, Gladys Land, to a lot 9 x 23, and bbing the southeast part of the Jacob Ziegler lot in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County,Kentucky, subject to the rules and regulations of snid cemetery, and subject to the conditions of said deed, be now ratified and approved by the Board of Commissioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradbhas, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Assess- "AN OPDITIATICE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PP.OPr•PTY ON TIT, VTEST SIDE OF 20TH STRFFT, FROM ment ord. 20th St„ THF F'OU•TH CURB LINF OF JACKFON STF-FT TO THF JUNCTION OF 20TH SWEPT AND '."REFTLR curb,etc AVT,NTJE; AND OTT THF `OUTF STDF OF "F 'LLf? AVENUE, FROM THE JUNCTION OP 20TH STRFFT AND 717FLFR AVFIPJF TO TRF "FST PPOPFRTY LINF OF "C" SIP—T, IN aITF CITY OF PAPUCAH, MCCRffKFN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR TF" COPT OF CONSTPUCTION OF CONCRETE FID77ALKS, DFIVF'.71,7S, CURB!, .GUTTER, MANHOLES, TNTAKF'S, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TTLF AND SEWER PIPE, AND fLL NFCESSAFY FNGINF`RINO, ADV-rITFING AND LrGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CO?lNECTION TFETr"ITH AS FOLLOJS: COST OF CONCRETE SIDF!!/,IK.............. $0.18 PER S0. FT. COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER ................ O.35 PFR LIIT. FT. CC. C" 'OITCFFTF DFIVF"'AYS............. 0.30 PFR 80. FS. C'' "' S" CAST IRON PIPE .............. 0.30 PI- R LIN. FT. Cr: ^'N^_RFTF. CURB STRAIGHT......... 0.55 PFR LIN. FT. C :ONCPFTE CUFB CURVED........:.. 0.65 PER LIN, FT. C(:FRPANSION J''INTS............... 0.01671415457 PFR DOLFAP, CONSTRUCTION COST 1ND INSPECTION..... 0.04999940391 PER DOLLAR CONSTFTICTICN COST ....... 0.01037183629 PER DOLLAP CONSTrUCTION COST 'i117 CO:T OF PUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTETFST, EXTRA 'WORK, AND ALL '-TTt,, ADV PTIfIN, t•N: LEGAL PIT.' CLFF'ICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION T'!' I; i' Ir' - •''LE TO AND A£SE. VF.D AGAINST THE PROP�mTY RF IVT TAS BFN F'IT W,11 °f,Ii IuPT )V T;=tIT, LS SFOIVN BY TNR FNGIIIFFFTS F3^11j% E5 OS F, , 'T-7 OF T"F Cf.V IT ' T^!T' P OF P11P.LIC "'OFKS, AN- PPOVIDTNG TFA.T SAID r. '" 177 " F'' PtTD IN TGN 7; 1^T xt ,,T•rrtFTf;, DT'TTTn ONF T.•ACF Y''F FOR A PERIOD OP Adcnted en ca11 of the r011: Yams; Co•mia^inn,rn Bradahn-, Unnnin, IiEt: •atrr rand V,:ynr Lnckey, (5). Assets- CoYei^_^.Sor.r B,^nagrna, ,ted „ irr, .� n ...., nn ordlnn,,ce nncitled, iskout ard. , Harriscn I', .. T 1:ROM Math Sy" :F i'' :0 r AND sidewalk - �...�_... !,PON .r .. t ' ...'* .: Y ,.1:N:' tfT- 1V,'.;,I:`02I S T r- F"d' i 4 4'f: N,JF., P.':' LCl.FI 1lcCRAChTii COUNTY, C4a C .^:IDFNALK AND L'?V iVP.YS, kAN?CLF', Proceedings of BOARD OF COT.^.0.111FIONFRS Funding Ordinance yl -Final Pansage Funding Ordinance #1 No. . 452 _ _ . City of Paduca6__FFBRTARY_, 1 30_ ADVETTISING AND LEGAL AND CLFP.ICAL 51`RVICE IN CONITF.CTION TFFPFtYITFT AS FOLLOXS: COST OF CONCRETE 3IDFIALK.............$0.13 Pry so. FT. COFT OF CONCRETE DRIVF:1AYS............ 0.20 PER SO. FT. COST OF 4" CAST IRON PIPE ............. 0.25 PFA. TSN. FT. C05T OF FXPANFION JOINTS .............. 0.01684537885 PFR DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF ENGINFFPING AND INSPRCTION.... 0.03370309865 PER DOTTA R COI1;'TRUCTIOTT COST COST OF INTFPFST...................... 0.01130738342 PFR DOLLAR CONFTPUCTION COST AND PROVIDINO TEAT Tllr CW7 OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, ITITFP.EST, EXTRA WORK, AND ALT NECEFFA.RY ETICINT-FI"G, AT)V?PTI."TNG AND i.FGAL AND CT.FrICAL SFP.VICF IN CO'111?1F:'TION THFRr"'ITH BE CHAFGFAI'LE TO AND ASSESFFD AGAI'!ST TPF PPOPFPTY RTCFIVING TIT BFNFFTT OF SAME AND ABUTTING UPON SAID IMPROVF1;FNT, AS SHUYN BY THF FNGINEFRIS ESTIMATES ON FILr IN TNT OFFICE 01 TITF CO'-'1'IffIONFF OF 6UBLIC PIORKS, AND PPOVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BF PAID IN TT•N ROUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor L,ckoy, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDIIIA14CE DESIGNATED AS FUNDING ORDINANCE #1 AUTHORIZING Th- ISSUANCE AND SALE OF FUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKY IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $175,000., THE PROCEEDS OF !'1RICH TO BE USED FOR THF PAYMENT AND REDEMPTION OF NOTES, JUDGMENTS AND CLAIMS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFNTUIKY IN A LIKE A140TTNT NOW OUTSTANP.ING VALID OBLIGATIONS OF WE CITY OF PALUCAF," having been introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I no-' move that said ordinance be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Colmissioners Bradshn-*, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Lir. Rutter offered nn Ordinance amending an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Funding Binds of the City of Paducah, which being read he moved that it be put upon Its final passage. The motion being seconded by Mr. Bradshaw and the question being called for, the Clerk was instructed to call the roll for the vote, which was done .-lith the following result: Ayes: Lackey, Rutter, Bradshaw, (Tannin, Nelson. Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor dcclnred the motion carried and the amendment to Funding Ordinance No.l finnlly adopted. On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTFD /19 1930 APMOVFD: eZ_�-C-.s.f /i _—_mayor - v