HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 441, January 20, 1930No. 441. --- - Proceedings of__BoAu�. OF con' le: ? City of Paducah Y,JANUAPY 20,1930 At a regular me,,ting of the Board of Commissioners bola in the Co—Innionors' Chamber in the City nnll Building in the City of Pndneeh, Kentu,ky nt P o'clock P.M., on the 20th day of Jerunry, 1930, Moyor Lackey presided end upon call o" the roll the follo•.-Ing ersvrcred to their n^mes: ComnL sioners Brar!shn-, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter snd YSnyor Lnrkey, (5)• Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ns road. Con-nissioner Bradshavr offered the following motion: Southern Roads Company, '-sllnce Fork -%dd. contractors, having completed the construction of paved strst, curb, gutter and sts nceent- ed driveways on both sides of the following driveways in Wallace Park Addition to the City of Paducah, 'o -wit: Maple Pane, from the went line of t}e Lovelaceville Road to the south property line of the Buckner Lane Road; Forest Circle, from the rest prorcrty line of N.nple Lane to the enst property line of Zycamore Drive; Sycamoro Drive, from the rouht property line of the Buckner Lnne Bond to the north property line of the Blandville Reed; Forest Circle, from the cast property line of Sycamore Drive to the west property line of the Lovelncoville Road; !Ssllsce Lane, from the north property line of Forest Circle to the south property line of Forest Circle; Cedar Lsne, from the west property line of ':.'allnce Lnne to the south property line of Forest Circle; Clark Street extended, from the crest property line of the Lovelneeville Rond to the east property lire of Wallace Lane, and notice hnving heretofore been given on the 14th day of Jrnunry, 1930, that the Board of `'om,-nissioners •could in the forenoon on E:onday, January 20, 1930 inspect said street, curb, gutter rind driveways, and all work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 20th day of January, 1930 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Faduenh, Kentucky to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work, and the cost thereof ns set out in said notice, and said Bear- of Co•missioners having ro inspected said work Pnd finding same has been completed in ac ord<nee with snid contract, and no one hn=,ing made or lodged any corplaint or protist with refrrtince thereto as provided in snid notice, or nt all, I no-, move :.,et said street, curb, gutter end drivewnys end nll work 'ono in connection ....ere-•ath be accented; same being known ns £trrrt. Pnving Conti -set No.6, Southern Fonds Ctxnnny, ccntraclorn, gin' tint the eneineer's octimnted cont of snare be confirmed and tl-nt s•1d e^tiFntea be turned over to the Conunissioncr of Public Financo for collection, Ar.' City rolir..itor be instructed to prepare en ordinr,nee assessing the prcr.cr�.y ria n=,rwn by the engineer's ectimntes. Adopted on call of the roll; Year; Cc_-^ic::ior,rs Prndnhn:^, t;•,nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Chos.O. & Co^-1anienr:r 11,nnin c^."'tired the folio-:inr.. motion: Chnrles 0. & Jesse E. Acker jean e cater hnv!n: n- )Sed ear n To` ^0.9, 'ectien 4 YLPusolcum Addition to 0ek Grove eel to et in C, r—t q7 i ;n"re,' c^meter, ,cvr,'y, :'nnr',t^ky, T move• that snid 'e ed be i^rued to •ne raid ,h -)as G. & J,-- r eker to eo1' Lot. 11o.90 :eet.ion 4 in Onk Grove ^.eme2ezp, __ ::r•r,>•:t; ....•-sty, Kentu.ky, upon ps menta to 'he Oo^-713�-Ioner of .. _ +.^...e t.Ye . "m of a °C.CC. A'.pnte• or, ce! t of !'•e roll: Year _ - rpt, F•t . ^.r c' • r<.. ±cr. th, :-1,1t!s n` • e .'eat K-ntucky Coal Coal C ., , ., -;zt. of 6745,75 having Leer, • sly a-.,.ro're:d fn! ,.i.las•:n^a enl nnpment, r,P ;ir Fir.sn,^e Le n-rYorized 'o n -,y a,:ne an=4 charge to the cr F:rLlic ;fety. A, crltel r,n ea' 1 or tte roll: Yea^ Ne,ln.or., Ruttar arl Nc,ycr Lnokey, (5). Nr. 442 Proceedings of Fn's c City of Paducah-, .71-TT'1,.t 20, 1q: 0 Co•'^_:ori on• r Rutter offnred motion that the cl•im of the T.C. Railroad cl^.im-freight on cruni,ad stone for freight charges on a cnr of crushed stone for amount of $211.27 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finnnco authorized to pny some and cPrnrge to the Street Fund in the Depnrt^^nt or Public "forks, Adonted on cnl' of the roll: Yess; Commissioners Bradshn^•, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter ' Chicago Pnving Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: The claim of the Laborntory alnico Chicago'Paving Laboratory for mmnunt of $2118.49 havinc been duly nDnroved for allownnce ^n11 Daymant, I move the Commissioner of Plblic Finance be authorized to pay same ants charge to new construe! ton fund in the DeDnrtment of Public "'orks. Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Br.aash-.-,, H.^nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnekey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance TPallnee Park Addition asses:.- Pnuitled, "All OFi?IIFAPT;E ASFESFING P.LL OF' THE ADUS'• ITIG PROPERTY ON L, SIDFS OF mint ordinance THF FOLLOWING DRIVEWAYS TN'"ALLACE PARK ADDI'-ION TO TITS CITY OF PADITCAII, KFTJ'UCKY, TO-S1IT:MAPLE LANE, PROM THE 'NEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE LOVFLACL•VILLE POrD TO 711F• SOUTH PFOPEFTY LITTF OF BUCKNER LANE ROAD, OR BROADeIPY EXTENDED; FOFFST 'IRCLE, FF -,OTA TFI "'E,T PFCPFT-TY LITT" OF MAPLF LANE TO THF FA:'T PFOPFRTY LINE OF SYCAMORE DRIVE; SYCAMORE. DRIVE, FROM TIT gOTTTH PROPFFTY LINE OF BUCY.NER LANE ROAD, OR BROf.DW-.Y F.XTFNL'ED, TO THF. NORTH PPOPFP.TY LINF C^ THE BLANDVILIFE ROAD; FOREST CIRCLE, FROM THE EAST PROPFPTY LITIF OF SYCAMORE DRIVE TO THE '•IEFT PROPTRTY LTNE OF THE LOVFIACFVILLF ROAD; WALLACE LANE, FROM THE NORTH PROPFPTY TINF OF FORFST CIRCLE TO THF FOUTF pPOpFRTY LINE OF FOREST CIFCLF; CFDAR LANE, FROM TFI, "!FET PrOPFRTY LTITF Or-ALTACF LA•Nr '0 THP FOUTH PFOP''FTY LINE OF FOFFFT CIRCLE: CLAFK STRrrT FST-rrn, r'FOY, TPF '"PFT ProprPTY LITTP' OF TILE LOV`LACrVITT,F FOrD TO TPF EAFT PrOPFR'_Y LINF Or TALTACr LANE, IN IFF CITY OF PADUCAII, McCRACKvN COUNTY, KFNTUFKY, FOR "HF.. COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVFD STKn WTTH ALL NFCrSFAF.Y CURB, GUTTER, DRIVE'.•AAYS, MANITOLF.1 , INTAKF-, CATCH BASINS, WIN TILE AND SEVIFR PIPE, AND ALI, NcCL•FFARY F.T9r,ITJT': FL"IG, ADWRTILNG AND TEGAL AND C,' F.RICAL SFPVICE IN COTWFCTION THERI..7ITH AS FOLLO!'IS: COST OF PAVING -'ND EXCAWTION......2.821338797 PER ABUTTING FT. COFT OF INTFRFST........ . ........ 180.01195326415 PFR DOTLrR CONSTFUCTION COST COST Or. FXTFA "ORK................. N0.00125725724 PER DOTLAR CONS77TUCTION GOT CO','T OF •IYOTNEFRING .AND 1TI.:PF_CTION......................... :0.D475e849157 TF,R DOTSA.R CONSTRUCTION COST CO'T OF CONCRFTF OU77FR,,,,,,,;.0.40 PER LIN. FT. COLT OF CONCR=TF. IL IVI'CrAY.......... 0.25 PFF SO. FT. CO`T OF CCNCP' TV C;TB c TRr TCHT, .... 0.50 PER LIN. FT. COLT OF COTTCR=. r•v<_ C._,_. pD....... 0.60 PER LIN. FT. Arr, rnc1.;'77G -. _ - ^OFT OF SUCH COITSTF'UC7ION, INT171fST, FXT:,A "WK, fTTD ALT .. `! ". Al'V"R''IFIIJG AND T•''GAL AND C'•:i..TC•.I, --r-vIcr TIT co,TTTFC'iTON 'r•-�,'F 0 2 -ND Acc-;crpD AOr,rxtpT ^� _'•1:7y RFCFIVTIIG 1"HF r J.U"' TTTG UPfNJ ^..IJ I'•nT 01!1:. - TT, ""N BY TFTf ^r 77 1: J.'rS .. _• .... .-. ... O LTC "GRKS, AN i; BT' 1 ^ T J7 IFJ ..'T1. Adorte. _.. .._:1, oT• r.!.e roll: .. _ i •:u• 1... • ...:�.n, R+attr•r an': .. •:or Fa 4 (.`). Coaziasinn IIo Ir. rr•;,t •o' . n +;, ... y: rrr '0.N 4"'IRApC:. . IXITiG Y.'UIr,' C'r P d' f nr r c„ c:,,...T T:`T; s C' d I f •PTCi:Y, .,r MY PY 20,- 1q;<:o roeee Tn}±s o ity of Pa uca 1,_r,,_.. _ . Co-'-Ir-!rncr NeTs-n o+'foxed tho-following motion: An ordinance onit'led, Fire 77oao AN 0^.'ST.P:iC1 ATI'}TOT'S' T'TC rT]P "TIFO RTI:G T' ".3'0TWI OF ONE. TVOTIS"ND (1000) FFI'T . OF 2j INC}T Flt' }TSR, ITTC FTCCT'TNG FOR TF ADV'T' T'IT'O FC`I' TDP "D ACCT'PTITTCL OF PAME ,"having been intro�'.nced and laid over for one �,ceh in its co^^nleted form, I now move t>•at said ordinance be nrlopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co^ issioncrs Br^dsharv, !In• -pin, Nelson, Rutter and T'.ayor Lackey, (5). 11,yor Lackey o"fcred rhe following motion: I move the ndootion of nn or,'inance entitled, "AN 0-11:47iC7 ATTTITOPIZ:I'.'G AND ITTST'r UCTTNG 4111• ?AAYOP TO LRT?CTTT� A D -7!i OF ::uit-ClalaC7IT-C1'I}4 TO CAFI° BUPGFR OF A ALL £'IIP OF G1 R1TND BFT-FFN FIS PFOP"PTY 'RTl T}Tr geed to Chris FTTk':SPLK AT 10TH STPr"T AND PARK AVENUE: TTM SP*T HAVTNG B;^TN ABATTDOUED BY TIM CITY Burger OF PP'TTCAH IN 1901." Adopted on call of the roll: Year,; Co-..iv,loners Brndshnw, Hannan, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lockey, (5). On motion meeting n-l,fourned. -- APPFOVFD:--I�.GI=^-y�F�—`�"''�,/—��" ' F