HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 436, January 17, 1930No._ 436 11 Proceedings of ...... .SOARD OF COiN'I: t IOD'FPc' City of Paducah.. Jl-1:111 Ry 17, 1930 At n .11.11 mrotirg of the eonrd or Commisvion,rs hold in the CommieaionersChamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 17th dny of Jonunry, 1930, Mayor Lackey prerldod and upon call of the roll the following answeroe. to their names: Cormi^slone•s Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).i Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -writ: For the purpose of adopting Funding Ordinance $1, and such oth^r buaineas no mny come before the board. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, held at the usual meeting place, the City Hall, in Paducah, Kentucky, on Friday, the 17th dny of January, 1930. There were present: Hon. Ernest Lackey, 'Nnyor; Mr;.Ross Rutter, Commissioner of Finance; Mr. E.R.Bradshaw, Commissioner of hx.lic "7orks; i idr. Dec. A. Hnnnin, Commissioner of Property; Mr. Jack :P. Nelson, Commissioner of'Fafety. There were absent: None Funding Ordinance #1 adopted The presiding of^icer declared a full attendance of the Board. Among other, the following proceedings were had: Mr. Rutter offered an ordinance entitled, "Ail Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance And Sale Of Funding bonds Of The City Of Paducah, Ky., In The Aggregate Amount Of $175,000., The Proceeds Of ':ihich To Be Used For The Payment And Redemption Of Notes, Judgments And Claims Of The City Of Paducah, Ky., In A Like Amount Now Outstanding Valid Obligations Of The City Of Paducah, Ky.," which, being rend, he moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bro�shaw. Remnrks being called for, and being variously made and ended, the , nuestion being called for, the Clerk was instrnteted to call the roll for the vote on the motion, which wps done with the follo^:Ing result: Ayes: Lnckey, Rutter, brsdsha^•, Rn—in, Nelson. Nays: None. Thereupon the tnsyor declared the motion carried, the ordinance adonted, ordered that it be spread on the Orlin"nc. Book of the Commission, and that a copy th',reof be delivered by the Clerk to the publisher of the Sun - Democrat, the official nocrspapor of the city, to be putlished once therein in the issue of Saturday, Janunxy 18, 1930, all of rhich is and will be done. Adopted on call of the roll: Yesa; Cos;mirsioncrs Brndaha , Hnnnin, Noleon, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Buckner 1.^nn P:oAd Conor ssirner Bradshaw, offered the folly-ing motion: 2outtern Ponds etveets ■c^noted Company, conlrnc*oro, having comrleted the construe*ien oP p'+ved Brunet, curb. glitter and drlveuays on both sides of Buckner Lane Road, or Brondwny extended, from the east rroperty line of 3Pnd irrc(t to the east property line of Vine Llrr;ct, an' notice h'+vicr, ber,n riven on the loth dny of Jnnunry, 1930, that t+le :.card Of Car. -i ^Scri•rn tl' in tta forenoon on T'nursdny, January lf,, 1930 irsnect said a+:rcet, e•trb, ,utter r+nd drivesnys and all -,ork Incident t%•( -roto, rnd 'eui` Le !n snae.icn nt .: or^lock P.M., on the It;th. >ny Of Jnnu;+ry, 1930 in the Chnm.br,r In Ur e, tlty Earl bull'ir.• in the Cit.; of i'nrruceh, Zt,nz'-icay to iron, any-rr.:pnlint Or r,rotn;,t lith rQf,rrnce to the colnr; ^nd ac-•�•^*r*.^w or s•: 1.: �:crk, nn.;. t r., c,st tt::,r!+af as .xet out 'n cnld notice, and said iron r'. cf _-ri ir.rr, i-• ;+n., co ;:cte,A ,nid _.ork and fin:?ing 81;rre h -a bran ,o^. -i• ted. In " - •> -y -+. =I r.rr it, nn` no ono hn ring r.a:'n or lodged any c1- inL cr r:rc:ar:st - . • r, ie thereto as -ra^Siler! in said notice, or N, 3 �.��,,- 2. ^Ip;�;•;.•;•Paducah-c--T— 117I1CKY JANIIhRY 17th 1930 proceedings of City of �,__,_-__-A ____ .-'- and said Hoard of Cormirsioncrs having adjourned until 2 61c3.ock P.M., on this date, I nor move thnt snid street, curb, gutter nnO drive-rys and all •-ork sono in connection therewith be accented; same being known as Streot Fading Contract No.7, :outtorn I•onds Compnny, Contractors, nnr thst the engineer's estimated cost of snore be confirmed And t'at said estimates be turned over to the Commmssioner of Public Finsnce for collection, end that the City Solicitor be instructed to nrepnre an orainence arressing the property as shown by the engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Com^issioners Bracrshn•v, Nnnnin, Nelson,Rritter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Brndsha- offered the follc^iing motion: N.,..Stone Company, ville Rd. str<ots Contractors, having completed the.construction of paved Ftrect, curb, utter and accented Cant .'.'9 driveways on both sides of the Lovelaceville Road, from the north property line at r'.7."tone the junction of. the Blnndville Road and commencing lit the north edge of the improved intersection of the Paducah and F.landville .Fond and .the Paducah and Lovelnceville Road to the ,junction of the 17,proved.strert or driveway at the intersection of Broadway and the Lovelnceville Rona, end notice having heretofore been given on the 10th d-7 of Jpnuary, 1930, that the L•onrd of Commissioners would in the forenoon on Thursday, Jnnuary 16th, 1930 !ns -est said street, curb, glitter snd drive^rays and all work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 olclock P.M., on the 16th day of Jnnunry, 1970 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky to hear any, compinint or protest with reference to the doing on -1 necentance of said r:ork, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work snd finding some has been co:nrleted in accordance .rith said contract, and no one having made or lodged nny compl^int or protest with reference thereto ns provided in sni noi ice 6r at all, and grid board of Commirsioners having adjourned until 2 o'clock P.M., on this date, I now move that arid street, curb, gutter and driveways and nil work done in oonnoction *,-r. ..... ITh be accepted; some being known as Ftreet Paving Contract No.9, N.F.Stone Cc-r^ny, Contrnetors, n -•d that the enginecrts estimated coat of soma be confirmed nn' --t said esti— tes be turned over to the Co—insioncr o^ Public '-innnce for ^o"Iecrion, ens thnt the City -:elicitor be instructed to prepare nn orlinnnee anre-^Ing the rronorty ar sloven by the en,inverrs estimates, rdonted on call of the roll: Yen Co•--d.nsioners BrnArl-nr, H••n• in, Nelson, Rutter and enyor Lnekey, (5). r -- re -Fr fora jCo^icrioner Brsdshnw orfered the following motion: E.J. Merkle, doing i 4A -aero' re bus!n-..s sc c'er.le Contrneting Core-ny, Contractor, having completed the construction .^tented- `� r're and ir,.,.._.. r, oi' 'I,1 of the storm venter snd sanitnry sewers in Serer Zone 4A, as rr.•.'.. •:r-".r^[cc "n,.' by hi: contract, and notice h•,ving heretofore b .-n • vcn - !:'J, :7, 137,0 that the :onre of Com•rissionorr -••uld in the r renoon rn .•r.0 -r^/ 17th, 197.0 innrsect c l sewer work, and would be in session at 2 o'clock r 7 of : •' c pry, 19,"T In t% f, k,o misr.ionersl "h••rbar in the City .. fiY:e -•ity of F^=•rc•,h, Kentucky to hoar any coli.1•iintat protest with - -. .o 4• air:; ,rr? acc,,p—nee rf' s•,ll ork •n,! tPo coat t.�-I.... nn set out is !d - ,• ice. rrnu trisnected s^id :..or.k „nd .. a.,.f. ..1• r.,n.roct, .,r� t-ele l.efnv no o -..... •id se,, -r- -ork ^nnnt,it ing in 4A in r,'.,. .t. o.• P. :nn`, nd ..-e• _ !•. rs ,� .-..,t._p o� .r..e .... r'`r.�..r .nd .-r s, id as,,I- ato, be to -" i.: r '^abli•^_ vete• .-ce far co!lc .. rn, the City Na. .4,"8 ProceedinEfs of 1-"1'T' r, '('..T,' City of Paducah,- JtNU! FY_ -17th_ .- Folicitor be instructed to nrennre an ordinnnce asse.,sinS the property in snid ,"wer '4ono 4A for the cost of snid sewer system thcroin, as shown by tho rn-lnecrls estimate. Adopted on call of the roll: Yess; Comaissioners Brndshal••, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and T.9nyor Lackey, (5), Buckner Lane Rd Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Asacsrm.ent Ord. "AN ORMNAVCE AFFF.`-TIM T"F ABTTTING PioPT:RTY Oil DOIIT f.IDFS Ob' BUCKNrl', LATIF TOAD, ON BROAD-1AY 1T'TFTTDFD, ;-ROM THF FAST PPOPFRTY LITTE OF 32ND S'IPT—r 'l'0 THE PFOP4P"Y T.INF OF VINE S,,Rrr7, ITi 'j FT` CI'T'Y OF PADUCAH, ?.TcORACKEN COUNTY, KFTI' U�.KY, ICOR 'CAF COPT OV CONFnT-UC''[ON OT' PtVFD FTP IT -ITH ATL NTCFS^AFY CUPB, GUTTER, DPIVF''em, TIATIFOLFF, T"-AT'T'9, cr,rcF BEFTFS, DRAIN TILT AND SEYM PIYr., AND ALL NF'CT'SFA11Y r''OINFFI•ING, A.DVFr-IFING AND lT'CP T: ATJD Cl.rPICAL ,:FPVICE IN COM17CTION 1•1'FR77'riH AF PCILWIS: COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION, 40.35 ABUTTING FT .............. $5.051053283 PEH AbRITING W1. CuFT Or, PAVTT'G ATID EXCAVATIbN, 49.92 AnU—ING rT .............. x4.078725961 PER Aif!YING FT. COSI' OF PAVING AND EXCAVA';ICN, 3975.90 ABU'i'i'ING r"i'............ f$3.722525717 PER AbUTI ING FT. COST Or' INT'FPFLT...... ........ 90.0129904285 PF'TT DOLIP h CONSTFUCTION Cu, -,,i, COST OF YNG11TEFP.ING AND INE'PPY;i•ION.....................v 0.04809-8078 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION �uor COST OF EXTRA 'NORK............. 0.0118540590 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER........ 0.40 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCT-TP•. DFIVEUAY...... 0.25 PER SQ. FT. CO,'T 0" CONCRETE CURB STFAIGHT....................... 0.50 PFR LIii. FT. COST OF COMPETE CURBrTTRVL•D... 0.60 PFR I:IN. F'r. COFT Ct CONCTFTE HFADFR........ 0.35 FrR T-T_F. FT. ',N- "OVI-ING Tr -AT TF7 LOFT OF SUCTI COTIFTWCTIOIT, TNT -REST, EXTPA "ORK, LND ^,T,Y FIJ!:INFT.PIidG, r.PVFT"I'r1O ;.qtr+ r`CAT: fti? -I-TICAL SERVICE IN �O'itPC:I'il 7TIFF-ITR Pr C.nnr,G"tl'Lr• "'0 AND t,F7F,rD ".Gr.7iFT TITS' PPOPT-FTYRFCFIVING ]1' 1377,111 IT 0" F41TE AND AT.TI'TTJTG 11°CTl F' I'. P°Pu NT, AS FF1077N BY THE 'j.�.i•'-•-n'S cFTT'PTFF 011 r•ILF IN T''p 0- ICE 0,' T.1-. �0"-IFFTONYR OF PUBLTC !O)TKS, „Y7 'FO''T-I11G ^'IT .!Tl' AFTr5STAi•:IJT "Y BT' '!ID ITi n:',i� T'::'_ "i;', IS-T1iu 0?'' `: •'i'. 'iT°R F01' A 7-T IOD OF TFT! YF!PS. 11 Adonted on cell or the roll: Yens; Co—iscioncrs Brodslur-, Hnnnin, Holron, Ratter �md'.'nyor Lackey, (5). esc�ent Or Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinnneo entttled, LovelacetlOr d. Rd., Commissioner 0`I11••'7•Cr A:SrS^TNG ALL O1' TTITABUTTTEG PFOPY.PTY Oil DOTIl €TDE•S OF Try - 7 C7 PFT.,'7. I. :. _.. 1 i': FCAD, FROMA T147 UORT1T PT'OP113TY LITH; AT TIE. rjl;CTION OF THE :11i -.. . _' i.:: ! D C',••-TICTTJC .13 TI?' NOF , li EDGE OF Till.: I`.1FFC:VED I''T-11:'FCT T:'t1 OI'' ,1T" ... .. II']T!'T1.Ty TO:D A1JD TAE PATUCA11 AN' LeVIMACTVITIF T'C+'D777 TT— 'Pis R 9 OF DRIVF"1AY AT TiT^ IT17 fiFFCTT0IJ OF BPO'. „+ '.. Tr',• 7.^...,T.... T'('aD, IN 9Im' CITY OF P'_DTICAII, v-cCFA.CKr11 C^UUTY, KT•NTITCKY, r.' ION Om PAVFD .'TF' 1 "'TTl ;LT. TJ''T'FF.':PY C'fF?B, CTl` SFR, C°T^TI WT11F, TFz"N ':IL: r,T.T.:.. Fp , (? -I PB, Mr,l. 1: ,.TTV' ,...,Yl m. T'.'.f.t:F , CATCII BAtTHS, . 'IN ,..FT_ „•, _ T. r.Y;y }.' )! ZT;STA' - D , -. !' . ?.,. n^ SAID 0' ..,Y IT) AM, 'T. FJ:: IN �0 012414F041-1 1. ... O1G1.0460567 i j 0..`.0 LIN, ................ �±. •t^ T _ V... Proeeed:n}soE�Cttyof171 1930 .. ,. '.ND IRG UPON :'AID IMPPOVFh'FNT, AS SRO'7N BY TF!F *R'C:T`!T'rRTS F T1WTrS Oil "..' Tr h`c OF TTTF COiWT!TION'R OF P'TBI:IC "'IRKS, A1!D ^POVTDTNG 'T'AT SAID 1•zAID IN TEN EQUAL IWTALL1-17NTS, BT -IT!(, ONE FACN YEAR FOR A P^IIO!? OF -:-N YFARF." Adonted on cnll of the roll: Year; Commission rs Brndshnw, Hsnnin, F!elron, Ruttev and'Tayor Lackey, (5). T Co-^.issioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSW ING ALL OF THE PROPERTY VITHIN SF:`JER ZONE 4A '7ITHIN THF CITY OF Seer ::one 4A PAr.UCAH, KF.TPIUaY FOR THF COST OF CONSTPUC^TION OF STORM WATER AND SANITARY SE --ERS Assess- m^rt TH17 EU'..! OF $0.02117724611 PTR SQUARE FOOT." Adopted on call of the roll: Ordinance Yeas; Com-nisnioners Bradshn:^i, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayer Lackey, (5).1 On motion meeting adjourned. 3'0'TT'D 1930 AP!'P.OVL•'D: iLt ay r y er