HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 433, January 13, 1930N,, ------ Proceedings of _.--_....-._ ___ City of Paducah. At a regular meeting of the Bozrrd of Commissioners hold in the Co:i^is,loners ' Chamber in the City Ball Buildince to ti -c pity of Paducah, Kentucky nt 2 o'clock P.M., on the 13th dny of Jenunry, 1930, in the absence of Mayor Lnekey Oo- lssionrr Nelson presided ^s Vnyor pro tom and upon enil. of thr, roll the following nns-ored to tbcir names: Co^-lssioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and "ayor pro tem Nelton, (4). Minutes of tl-e nrovio•is p:eetings were adonted as read. bars Gene- Commiecioner Hannin offered fhe following motion: Mrs Genevieve Cochran vieve hnving npnlV ed for deed to Lot No.3, Addition to 13 on Ftewnrt Str,el: to ,'nik in Cochran lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I non move that said deed be Oak Grove issued to t: -.o said Mrs Genevieve Cochran to said Lot N0.3, Addition to 13 on Stewart �i.r•e t to walk, in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of $60.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brsdslinw., Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Int.duo Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance School be authorized to pay the interest coupons for six months on the School Improvement Impv._orrb , 1920 Bonds of 1920, ,ahlch become due on January 15, 1930: Outstanding $187,500.00 Interest rate 5% Annual interest 9,375.00 Sem-annual " 4,687.50 r Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Ru%ter on" Mnyor pro tem Nelson, (4). Int.due Commissioner Rutter o`•fered motion that the Commissionfr of Public 1926 2innnee be authorized to pay the interest coupons for six months on the School ch o0 I'p,v. " Improvement Bonds of 1926, which become due on Janunry 15, 1930: Bonds Outstanding $175,000.00 Interest rate 4 3/4% Annunl interest 8,312.50 Semi-annual " 4,156.25 Adopted on onll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners tsrndaliw.v, Hnnnin, Rutter and Mayor pro t -m Nelson, (4). Check on Commissioner Ru'ter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public 1 on0o1iTrFln^ace be nut=orized to draw a check on the School Bond Sinking Fund No.l nt the ing-#tfnd Citizens Vn'ri.ngn bank to retire bonds of the year 1920 issue for nnount of $62,500.00 Nl wrlch mature on J-runry 15, 1970. f. oeted on call of the roll: Yess; Co-ninslcners 8rn tem axs, ;.'nn^in, Fu%t.r arsl *,;ayor pro tem Nelson, (4). out*•«rn :om�ninsioncr Ru'ter offered motion tt'nt the Commissionfr of Public cdaS oO1 " na.^.ce be nut-orized to nay the CoutF••:'n bonds rompnny ;143.23 in settlement of their a;crt 1#3- fer^- 1-prty_^-�ns rl;ir, on Contract o3 agninnt .G,,rAner on property at sough side 8th ner „r,.et, between Harris & Boyd, said air im having been allowedGardner by the P'n,lneerl: dopr.rtrert, on the property had br:%n tnxod in a cess of &0% of the value fpr ;v..::ente. ,.'opte.! cn 011 of Lha roll: Yoga; Corla:ieninners Bradv),nw, Hannin, f`.e_ter an^:-nyor pro tern Ne?eon, (4). No. 434 Proceedings of.__BOARP Ch' COF'•?{I^FIONFF:' City of Paducah ,.r wq&RY__11.',,l9a0 - On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTF D 1930 er .A v Commissioner Butter offered motion t1nt the report on the Southern Southern Roads CO., Roads Comnnny Contract No.5 be accepted, ane, the Commissioner of Public Contract #5- einnl settln7ent Finance authorized to mnke final settlement upon sale of the Improvement Bonds to be issued thereon on the ten year pay—nt plan; and that the Mayor and Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to have printed, executed and sold ouch Improvement bonds to the amount of $1677.91 in accordnneo rith the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes governing same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners bradsh—m. Hnneiin, Rutter Find Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the claims for the month Claims-Dec.,1929 of.December, 1929 be allowed in the amount of $11248.62 and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on enll of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners bradsha%:•r, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tom Nelson, (4). Mayor pro tem Nelson offered motion that the annual report of the City City Board of Health report -annual 1929 Boar,? of health for the year 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yeas; Commirsioners Brodshn^r, Hannin, Rutter and•110ayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Mayor pro tem nelson offered motion that the report of the McCracken McCracken County County Public Health League for the month of December, 1929 be Public Health received and League-Dec.,1929 filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Col*•missioners Bradshaw, Hannin, report Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Tiro Dept., Receive Mayor pro tem Nelson offered motion that an ordinance entitled, bids on 1000 ft. fire hose "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND FMPO:'+'ERING THE PURCHASE OF ONF THOUSAND (1000) FFFT OF 2J INCH FIRE. HOSE, AND PROVIDING FOR THF ADVFRTIfING FOR BIDS AND ACCE'PTANCR OP SAME" be introduced and lay ow -r. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTF D 1930 er .A v