HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 421, December 19, 1929N,, .^a.
Proceeding, of ,"', a v:_ Ccs• '1_ 7:11,-t•s City of Paducah, K12 aci,Y, DECF _1R, 1,329
At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commitvionern'
Chamber in the City 11x11. Building in the City of Paducn'-, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M.,
on the 19th dny of December, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll
tho follo-Inc answered to their nnmrs- Commissionera brndsl—w, lfnnnin, Nelson,
Rutter rnd Wnyor Iickey, (5),
Aln,or Lackey stated reason for cnll, to -wit: For the -•uroose of nllov-ing
semi-n•onthly psyrol's, snA such other bnsinors as may cornu tefore the Bonrd.
Coo _T.issloner Bradshaw offered motion Vint the po••!or of attorney Bf the
sou�`ern .outi•e..rn Fonds Company to Ers K. Thomas, authorizing her ns.its attorney in fnet to
Bds.Co., P,
of A. to ',rs sign itc name to M<•intennnce Bond on the Street Improvement Contract No.5, and bearing
h oma s
date of November 25, 1929, be received, riled and recorded. Adopted on cr,lt of the
roll: Yeas; Co=issiom rs Bra7sha,:,. Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
YouV-rrn 1'Is Co•--issioner Brndshn:^ offered the following motion: The Southern Foads
Co., lain-
trnr,nce Lend Ccmpnny having executed Maintenance Bond in the sum of $1,187.25 with the Nntionnl
Surety Comcsny as surety therein, providing thnt the obligees shnll be held and firmly
bound to rene.ir and keen in repair all of the streets and driven ys embraced in
Contract No.5, 1929, I now move that said, bond be receive4, filed and recorded.
Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yeas; CoTmissioners I:radshnw, Hnnnin, Nalson, Rutter and
Mayor Lnckey, (5).
Comnis.icner RW ter offered Totion tr-nt the clnim or Lackey's Cnsh Grocery
L- c, ry's
Grocery for amount. of 1.180.81 havinr, been duly auoroved for allowance and payment, I move the
Comrrission•r of Public Finance be authorized to pny anme nm' charge Lo the Charity
Fund in the riepartmcnt of Put:lic Safety. Adopted on dill of Che roll: Yens;
Commission-rs bradshay.•, Haanin, Nelson, Rutter nod Mnyor Lnckey, (5).
Cortmissioner Putter offered motion thnt the payrolls for the first: hnlf
of Lecember, 1929 be allo:^ed in the smount. of $9498.05 and the Commissioner of fublie
Finance authorizer? to p•y same. Adopted on call. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
Btsdshanr, Rannin, Belson, Futter and Mnyor Lnckey, (5).
?'rgor T.-ckcy offered motion that the deed from C.1'.".locquot and his ,rife,
C ccs
deed to City Lelia '-'oceuot, and Vr. Knte Buckman, devisee and widow of F.'"."r_'ockman to the City of
1'o r^r rah, be received ani' filed nn -1 that the Co•:misaioner of Futlic i•innnce. be
ent-hrrized nn'' instructed to cause same to be recorded. Adontorl on cnl' of thr roli..
?,.,,^;-drrionerr, Lr^.'n i. 11-:nin, }felFon, liutter nn -1 Mayor Lnckey, (5).
"-yor i.'•. ay r.� ^r' ...on 'o n,'Orf. rn or•rrinrnce ant ltle•', "Al: L1?syr)P
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Co�TLn niOners crrnc'a`:o iirnnin,
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