HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 410, December 2, 1929Nn. 410 Proceedln�s of BOARD OF COfl"ISSI9NFRS Crty of Paducah,_DFCEYBL•'li 2, 1929 At a ref.ulnr meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners+ Chamber in the City llnll Building in the City of Faduenh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 2nd dny of December, 1029, Mayor Lnekey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commis sionera Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and rayor Lnekey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion; I move that the F.L.Beyer Front- ed extension com-runication from E.L.Beyer, contractor, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company, on grovel cont #2 surety in its contract bond, requesting an extension of time until Janunry 1, 1930 within which to complete gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and driveways Contract No.2, 1929, Ohio Street from 25th Street to 26th Street, be received and Riled and that said extension be granted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lnekey, (5). E.L.Beyer grant- Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the communication from ed extension on gravel cont. R.L.Beyer, contractor, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company, surety in its contract bond, requesting an extension of time until January $, 1930 ,,,itbin which to complete gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and driveways Contract No.7, 1929, Adnms Street from the west curb line of 28th Street to the east property line of 29th Street, be received and filed and that snid extension be granted. Adapted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). E.L.Bcyer ernnt- Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the communication from E.L.Boyer, ed extension pn gravel cont.#6 contractor, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company, surety in its contract bond, requesting an extension of time until Jnnunry 1, 1930 within which to complete gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and driveways Contract Ilo.6, 1929, 179shington Street from the west curb line of 21st Street to the west property line of 2Pnd Street, be received and filed and that said extension be granted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Commissioners Bradshn-, Hannin, Nelson, Ru+ter and ?,Inver Lackey, (5). ..^.h.Eeyer grant - Commissioner Bradshav offered motion that the communication from E.L. - ed extension on Beyer, contractor, end the Fidelity &.Deposit Company, suroty in its coatrnct ar,,vel ^:,,nt j9 bond, reque ting nn extension or time until Jnnunry 1, 19:0 within ^•Pich to complete gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and driveways Contract No.9, 1929, Paxton Street from the west property line of Bloom Avenue to the west property line of Alexander Avenue, be received and filed an d that said extonai-,n be grr:rted, t.dopted on toll of the roll: Yeas; COTMIsslonrra Brads"�am, Ila -,In, Holoon, Rutter and Mayor Lnekey, 15). %.I-.Hyr•r rrar,ted Coo:,iasioner Lrodshmg offered motion thnt the cor._municntion from !"..L.' extennicn on Beyer, con".ratter, ark: tiro National Surety Company, surety in its contract bond, S?Tuve? enrt.#ll requesting nn erten ion or tin o until January 1, 1930 within which to complete gravel otrr,t, and nonnrete curb, cutter and driveweys Con:roct No11, 1929, Jones ^treet .from the w,,nt curb line of 26th atr• t to thn east curb line of ?6th street, to rF•eeive•t and .fllnd and +irnt snid oxtonnion be arnntod. Adopted on call of t're roll; yea::; Go iasinners �-ra:ls}:nw. I3nnnin. Mol.^.nn, Durter and Mayor Lnekey, (8). eewfr 4f ,..•pry:;y Cc:r�.ir .cher Brad::hew o^ferF' -c:inn at the PO"Mr of A - ttarncy from r'J:t'-rrf. `"Co - "•.-...rr. ?sed, :r,:::a^.q a!sthar!z1ng Vra Thomea to sign Maintonnnee bond on to Yrs F.,",'. ass s g Ccntr,.at No.2, 15:=3, b; received, f11e and recorled. Adopted on call of the ?eaa; Co-°S^:sicnars 'rraci hav,xran•cin,Nelao;,Frwt :r and Mayor tackey,(5). No. 511 Proceedings of ti'len OF COh:''ISFIONFRS City of Paducah -!y 7 ---'C L' CFL78ER 2, 1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Power of Attorney from Southern P of A Soutbern Ronds Company authorizing Mrs K. Thomas to sign m.nintennnee Pond on Contract No.3, Ede Cc to Mrs K. 1929, be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; T::oTns Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannan, Nelson, Rutter and tdayor Lackey, (5). P of A. Commissioner Brods.hsw offered motion that the Power of Attorney from Southern Southern Rds Cc to Roads Company authorizing Mrs K. Thomas to sign Maintenance Bond on Contract No.4, 1929. ?.ars K.Tho- nes be received, filed andrecorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comrlissioners Bradshaw; Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mryor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Brodshma offered the folloirang motion: The Southern Roads Southrrn Rds.Cont. Corrsny having executed idaintonance Bond in the sum of 515,537.55 with the National -`2 ?'aantcn- . anee Bond Surety Co?pnny as surety therein, providing that the obli7ees shall be bald and firml7 bound to repair and keep in repair all or the streets and driveways embrneed In Contract No.2, 1929,'I noir move trot s^id bond be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on cnlI of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 4ayor Lnckey,(19). Southern Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: The Southern Roads Rds.Cont. ' X13 itain- Company having executedMaintenance Bond in the sum of $11,742.88 with the National tenarce Bond Surety Company as surety therein, providing that the obligees shall ne held and firmly bound to repair and keep in repair all of the streets and driveways embraced in 'Contract No.3, I now move that said bond be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and '.Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motiont The Southern Roads Louthern Rds. Cont. Company having executed Maintenance Bond in the sum of $4,843.83 with the National #4 Main- tenance Surety Company as surety therein, providing that the obligees shall be held and firmly Bond bound to repair and keep in repair al.l of the streets and drive:vays embraced an Contract No.4, 1929, I nav move that said bond be received,Eiled and recorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Bradshnw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commisrioner Hannin offered the following motion: SJ.C.tlitchell having W.C.Yitche applied for deed to Lot No.396, Block No.13 on Lindsey Street between Stuart 11- deed r tat in and '"alk Streets in Onk Grove Cemetery, Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I now 0. Grove move thnt said deed be issued to the said ,t.C.Mitchell to said Lot No.396, Block No.13 on Lindsey Streot between Stuart and 71alk Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon pa int to the Cormds_icner of Public Finance the sum of $120.00. Adopted on call of t'rn roll: Yonn; Com-nlssioncrs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (). rn--tnriannr Var.nin offered the following, motion: It nprearing that kattil, Ffinger Y?tril, Ffinger r, Roth, unlertskero, hove over -paid the Receivin• Volut charges at L. i:oth refund 0•Y Greve "e-mtery to '.r;n amentit Of $1i.00 by mistake, and thnt the city has recoived sill n-•r:nt aver and ntove the re •tlnr ,.nd fixed chnrgen, I now move that the Co--i^^len^r of r:'lic Finsnee be inn'r.ir.,;ad to isnuo chock paynble to kat.til, Ffinger h Fcth ."Cr ':''-e a --art of '.1:`.00 to cover ::sid over-chargo, nod t1nnt Urn same be C-srge•'. te, t"r.e ^.orcin or ^.,.'r Grey, C,.r-f-t.ery. Adopts,! r_.n cnl.l o'' the roll: Yens; Con=Izaaoners Ern,13!.a�,-cr.rin, Nel.:on, T:utt:,r and W.a ror Lackey, (5), i"llee� Cc:--�lsal^per Ne;.^,n offnre•i notinn t}'.nt the) report: of Guo Rogers, Chief of Ponce, for the w.rth °iov::�:her, IS29 be reeeiv,d and. filed. Adopted on cnil of t" ro''1: Yea-; "o7_aa!31cnar3 T'r5a^:A 7, manr.ir., Nelson, Rutter oral Mayor Leckey,(5). No 412 Proceedings of__B9LRA OF COMMIS5ION1•71F City of Paducah -Dr•.crr•`B--H 2, 1929 Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City Jn11 report City Jailer, for the month of November, 1929 be received and filed. Adopted for November bn call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Ilannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Cash Orders for the ' Cash Orders- month of November, 1929 be allowed in the am unt of $96.06 and the Commissioner November of Public Finance authorized to pay some nn,' charge to the proper departments. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Brndohaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rueter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissiorr r Rutter offered the following motion: The following Claims claims having been duly approved for allowance and payment and onyment: John Woelpert - Int., on notes due Nov. 30, $ 270.00 The General Mfg. Co., payment on pumper & int. 2405.00 Total—WW1-0r-. 0W I move the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). . Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work Southern Rds Paving Cant.#6 done during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.6 for street paving K^nthly Estimate constructed by Southern Roads Company, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner or Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement' :"!arrant therefor in the sum of $5,946.73. Adoptee; on call of the roll: Yens; Commissi nr-rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work F.L.Beyer gravel done during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.6 for gravel street, curb Cont.N6 Monthly Estimate and gutter constructed by E.L.Beyer, contractor, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement "arrant therefor in the sum of $256.88. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Ilan -,In, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly fstimate for work E.L.Beyer gravel " done during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.6 for for street; Cont.;/6 gravel Monthly Fsti^inte curb and gutter constructed by F.L.Beyer, contractor, be received and filed, and thnt the Commissioner of Public Finance be ins+ructod to issue Improvement l'arrnnt ther for in the sum of $476.36. AdontoO an enll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lnekoy, (5). Commisaloner: Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Lst:i:m to for work C%`'• ` done during the month, of November, 1929 on Contract No.2 for gravel strr.e.t, _.ato curb an,' antter cons'7ucted by E.L.Beyer, contractor, be received and filed, Find tP,nt Y. a Coxci3nicner of Public Finaneo be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the cum of $405.55. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co:n-ssieners Brndnha••r, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lockey, (5). - ,a Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly E',tlmnto for work dcne duri:g the month of llovcmber, 1.929 on Contract No.8 for streot paving ecnstri.cted ty Ca:^ey_Rcoq Company, contractors, be: received and filed, and that the ^r.-1s:,l.r.-r of Public Finnscf; be Snatruntad to Sssue Improvemont 'arrant In t ., sum of $6,745.70. Adnnte^ on ca? 1 of 0- roll: Yeas; Cn-.is>Son.•rs :radstnw, H*q:nin, N^ls,n, Flitter and !favor Lackey, (5). N,. S1,> Proceedinifs of..__BoaP_D"or.Covll ir-Illoif-'I City of Paducah ,__iCE1iTTZCK3L,�LO MB ._2,..1928 Commissioner Rutter offered motion t.hnt the Monthly Fstimste^for work done L,Beyer' Gravel St.during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.2 for gravel street, curb ^nd gutter Cont.N2 YonV,1v constructed by F.L.Beyer, contractor, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner Fstimate of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement '.?arrant therefor in the sum of $499.86. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work done J.i.!.Fcuse sidewalk during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.8 for sidewalk, curb and gutter Cont . i'8 Monthly constructed by J.Lf.Rouse Contracting Company, contractors, be received and filed, Estimate and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be im tructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the sum of $551.47. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndsra ' Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the Monthly Estimate for work Ynney Bros sidewalk done during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.3 for sidewalks and drivewnys Cont .,y3 Monthly constructed by Yancy Brothers, contractors, be recei',ed and filed, and that tre Estimate Commissioner' of Public Finance be instructed to iscue Improvement 'Yarrant therefor in the sum of $2,689.32. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Carey- Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work done Reed Co., Cont.#1 during the month of November, 1929 on Contract No.l for street paving constructed st.paving "onthly by Carey -Reed Company, contractors,"be'received and filed, and that the Commissioner estimate of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the sum of $5,324.70. Adopted on call of the ro 1: Yeas; Commission-rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lnekey offered motion t' at the'elnim of the Standard Oil Company :�tnr.Cnrd Oil Co., against Morkle Contracting Company for $7,581.68 be received and filed. Adopted on against yerkle call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshn*, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor claim Lnckey,'(5).' Mayor Lnckey offered motion t1-st the ronort of the City t+oard of HeRlth City Bd. tonith for the month of `Tovefiber, 1929 be received end filed. Adopted on call of the roll: report Yeas; Commisniom rs BrRdsh^w, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter an•l Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting ndjcurned. ALOFT'`. 1929 APPROVED:4� mac/ A. P g Cin k W