HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 406, November 27, 1929N. .-406 Proceedings of _..BOARD OF COM1dI7sIonns City of Paducah A0K_-_J!,L29 At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioneae held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Rent:ue" at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of November, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Brad,baw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayo:: Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of passing assessment ordinances on Contracts Nos. 2,3 and 4, and such other business as may come before said Board. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads 4th, 5th, Madison, Company, contractors, having completed the construction of paved streets, driveways, Harrison do Clay Streets- Contract curbs and gutters on 4th Street, from the south property line of Madison Street No, work accepted to the south property line of Clay Street; 5th Street, from the south property line of Madison Street to the south Drop rty line of Clay Street; Madison Street, from the west property line of 4th Street to the east property lino of 5th Street; Harrison Street, from the west property line of 4th Street to the east property line of 8th Street - except the intersections at 5th and Harrison Streets, 6th and Harrison Streets, and 7th and Harrison Streets; Clay Street, from the east property line of 4th Street to the west property line of 9th Street, except the intersection at 6th and Clay Streets, and notice having h•ratofore been given on the 20th day of November, 1929 that the Board of Commissioners would In the forenoon on Wednesday, November 27, 1929 inspect said streets, driveways, curbs and gutters and all work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of November, 1929 in the Commissioners' Chambcr In the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding some has boon completed in accordance with said contract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto,as provided in said notice, or at all, I now move that said streets, driveways, curbs and gutters and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Street Paving Contract No.2, 1929, Southern Roads Com nny, contractors, and that t e engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said esti rtes be turned over to the Co—issioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the City Folicitor be instructed to propare an ordinance assessing the property as shown by the Engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yen— Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor 'lackey, (5). 4th, 5th, idi9lcrn, Commi=:honer Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, liurriccn h Clry 'All C 7,I14A:.Cfi A:::]EE::It10 Tiff'. AETIT7I110, PPOPFRTY ON BOTH "IDE -1 OF FOURTH STRlhT, .':tr•ets ''o^tract No. ,anrk ac rpted FPOM a GUTH Pl:OP?T17Y L11r, 011 MADIfON STRE'T TO TRF: .OUTTI PROP1,71,11Y LINE OF CL,°.Y S^'+F°^; FIFTH ETF'E^.', FT^CM TIF. .0111'11 PPOPERTY LINF. OF WDVI:ON :'TFFF:T TO 711Ti :GUTH PPOP:F:Y TIN-" Or f'lJY ',TR -:Tl MADV('N :TVVI-T, FROM TNF WELT H(OPFP7t LINE OF F(U1TI1 TG TF.' =...T KOP'F-"I 1-711F OF FIFTH -ITF!"T; HARCI:ON :TFT T, FVCM TILE R7..ST P.` Y LIN' 0= F•=' T TO TITF. F.'�' T P} OPFRTY T INF OF P•.IGTPIH STRUT, FXCFP'L FIF-TH A11.' fiAFTI`rN "T' F"T, SLK"11 AND HAhRIT'ON STRF:T, AND :1,!--T; rLAY LV -77T, F: , 1 THF FA£T PFOPI TTY LITE OF FOURTH UNP OF `.7IFiF7 fTrT T -T, FXC PT TID, IN- fi.`'ECTIQN AT ZrATF 4`;: IC • ?TY Gr W, TIC,'11, TtcCRt CF.' N rrUNTY, KFNIUCKY, FOP. i.._ C.t.. CF riAJ?:L ....... c.? ^!T. H''C APY GL'PB, GU'.TFR, L'FTVE:YAYS, N, 407 Proceedings of-.. .:BOARD_or- COMMIESIONrFS City of Paducah & iTU4&1��.liOYIME ??,.-19 9. MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASIM', DRAIN TILE AND SF71TR PIPE, AND ALL NFCESSARY FNGINEt•:RING, ADVFFTIFING AND LFGAL AND CLFFICAL SFRVICE IN COUNrCTION THrPF."ITH AS FOLLOWS: COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION ON MADISON ST., HARFISON ST., CLAY ST., AND 4TH S•TFFFT........ 44.85877229 PER ABUTTING FOOT , COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION ON 5TH STRFFT......:.:........ 4.58039682 PER ABUTTING FOOT COST OF EXTRA WORK..............60.00022346 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF F.NGIFEFF.ING AND - INSPECTION ...................... $0.02864913 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF INTETEST ................ 0.01850953 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST DOST OF CONCRFTE GUTTER......... 0.30 PER LI1T. FT. COST OF CCNCRFTE DRIVEWAYS...... $0.25 PER SQ. FT. COST OF CONCRFTF. CURB STRAIGHT.. 0.50 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE CURB CURVED...+0:60 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE HEADER ........ :10:35 PER LIN. FT. COST Or CONCRETF. GUTTER- RABUILT.........................tO.50 PER LIN. FT. AND PROVIDING THAT THE.'COFT OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTFREST, EXTRA "JORK, AND ALL NECESSARY rNGINErFING, ADVFRTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONITECTION THFRF"ITH BE CFAFGFABLE TO AND AFSFSSED AGNINST THE P13OPMTY RECEIVING THE BENEFIT OF SAME AND ABUTTING UPON SAID IMPFOVFMFNT, AS SHOWN BY'THR INGINE-,RtS MiTIMATES ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THF COMTlISrIONFR OF PUBLIC "'OFKS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PF.ID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONF EACH YFAF FOR A PFFIO'' OF TFN YEARS.° Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads 9th, 8th Company, contractors, having completed the construction of paved street, driveways, & Madison .`:t., Cont, curb and gutter on Ninth Street, from the south property line of Madison -treet to the l3 work accepted south property line of Clay Street; 8th Street, from the south property line of Madison street to -the north property line of Burnett Street, except the intersection at 8th and Clay Strer'ts; Madison Street, from the west property line of 8th Street to the east property line of 9th Street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 20th day ad November, 1929, that the Bnard of Commissioners would in t}:e fdrenoon on Wednesday, November 27, 1929 inspect said street, driveways, curb and gutter and ell work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o1clock P.M., on the 27th day of November, 1929 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work, and the cost thereof as act out in said notice, and said Boar-? of Cocmissioncrs having 30 Inspected said work and finding same has been completed In accordance :•,ith said contract, and no one having made or lodged any co -plaint or protest with reference there to as provided in said notice, or at all, I now move tl.at snld street, driveways, curb and gutter and nil work done in co"ection tl:^rcwtth bn accented; same being known as Street Paving Contract No.3, 1129, Southern Ponds ro^pany, contractors, and thnt anid engineer's estimet.ed cost or s^•^.o be conflreed Mrd that said es'imntes be turned over to the Commis:ioncr of Putlic Fingnco for co?tection, nrl t.hnt tl:c City Folioltor be lns$ructed to prepare an or''1.-"roe ss:,csning •,a rt: -?n by thf, Fnp,lnoor'a estl^aten. Adopted cn* of tie rel':.: Yegs; Co --1a,1 rn rn "re ;tol;•1rr, unnnin, Nolaon, Hu'trr and Mayor �= 1u r Bra,'e*.aw offered mourn to adont an erOlnnnee entitled, "AN 7 C''T"TY ON MOTH CID'_ OF NIS,711 ._;!'t; T, FROM i't4: 10 mr. ttORiH Pi"'f l:';Y %IN's' OP SLAY LTI",;T; LV`1-7 TO TM NORTH P110rFRYY AT F.IG tH AND CLAY STR�!T_F; MADISON No. 408 Proceedlnos of BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS City of Paducah -NOVTMT-17.29,192.9 STRFFT, FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF EIGHTH TRFET TO THE EAST PROPFRTY LINE OF NINTH STREET, IN TIFF CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KFTITUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED STRPTT "LITH A'L NECESSARY CURB, GU'FTFR, DFIVEaAYS, MANHOLE`, INTAKF£, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE AND SE;YFIR PIPE, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVPRTISING AND L GAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN COINECTION THFR37111ITH AS FOLLO',1S: COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION ON MADISON STFFFT ..............$4.793412220 PER ABUTTING FT. COST,OF PAVTNG AND EXCAVATION ON 8TH AND 9TH STRFFTS......... 4.546954906 PER ABUTTING FT. COST OF EXTRA YIORK............. 0.00082691463 PPR DOLLAR CONCTRUCTION COST COST OF I�1T PFST ...............•::0.01792819827 PFR DOLLAR CONETP.UCTION COST COST OF INGINEFRING AND INSPECTION....... ..........$0.03129712032 PFR DOLLAR CcusTRUCTION a) --T COST,OF CONCRETE GUTTER ........ $0.30 PER LIN. FT. DOST OF CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ...... S O.25 PER SO. FT. COST OF CONCRETE CURB STPAIGHT.SO.50 PER LIN. FT. COST OF-CONCRF.TE CURB CURVED...�O.60 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE HEADER........ 00.35 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER - REBUILT..................:.....$0.50.PER LIN. FT. AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF'SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTEREST, EXTRA WORK, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LFGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BE CHARGEABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAIN.T THE PROrFRTY RF.CL•IVIIIG THE BENEFIT OF SAML• AND ABUTTING UPON SAID IMPRCVFMENT, AS SHO1.7N BY THE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF'THF COYMISSIONER OF PUBLIC F30RKS, AND PFOVIDING THAT SAID ASSEE2?,FNT WAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOP A PERIOD OF TFN YEARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Year; Com:nisnioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Ratter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co, ,nmissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads 19th,20th,21st, 22nd, Company, contractors, having completed the constructinn of paved street, driveways, 23rd & 24th Streets - Contract No. 2, work cubb and gutter on 19th �-trpet, from the north property line of Broadway to the accepted south property line of J@f£erson:Street; 20th Street, from the north property line of Broadway to the south property line 6f Jefl:'erson Street; 21st Street, from the north property line of Broadway to the south property line of Jefferson Street; 22nd Street, from the north property line of Broadway to the south property line of Jefferson Street; 23rd Street, from the north property line of Brondway to the south property lino of Joffor:,,on Street; 24th Street, from the north property line of Broadway to the south property lino of Jefferson ''treet, and notice having heretofore been given on the 20th day of November, 1929, that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on '7edneadny, November 27, 1929 inspect said streets, driveways, curbs and gutters and all work incident thereto, and woulr be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of Novombor, 1929 in the Commiseloncrs' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Fentucky, to hear nny rompinint or protest with refFrenee to the doing, npd ac-^ptance of sr,id work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board or Co.^misrior.,rs hnving so Inspected snid work and finding same has boon completed 1n ac-or'.ance with said contract, and no one having m,!do or lodged any corpiaint or protest with rn£rr•enen thoroto as provided in said notice, or at all, I nod move that snl•i atreaetn, drivewaya, curbs and guitars and all work done In connecticn th:re,rith be accepted; same being knovm as Street Paving Contract No.2, 1929, ::o,t:^.err. Poads Ce^pnny, con+:ractc.rs, and that the engineer's esti-sted cost of s -:se to confirmed and t.nnt said W--tima Lea be t',lrned over to the Co7m19'Soner of FlAblic Finance for collection, and that the City "elicitor be Instructed to prer.r,re an or4lnnnce asae�aing the--,.roperty ss shown by the Yngineer's estiratea. en csll of t::e roll: Yeas; Comrissionora Brad • �rn-i,3ennin.Neleon.Rutter ori Y-ycr Lackey, (5). N,. 09 - Procccdinks of __ BOARD Or COVAIIS"IONT'17S City of Paducah . KrT'IUCKY, N0VF61BFR 27, 1929 Commisslon„r Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Assess- "AN-OPFDINANCE AS'FSSING THF ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF 19TH STREET, FROM sent Ord. 19,.0,21, .THF NORTH PROPrRTY LINF OFBPOADWAY TO 'HF SOUTH PROPFrTY LINE OE JEFFFPFON STrEF.T; 22,23 & 24th Sts 20TH STRE'T, FPQ' TAF NORTH PROPFRTY LINE OF BPOA.D'.SAY TO TIIF FOUTH PROPERTY EINE OF JEFFERSON STRFFT; 21ST STREET, PROs.". THE NORTH PPOPFRTY.LINF OF BPOAD2'AY TO TITF. SOUTH PROPrRTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRFFT; 22ND STRFET, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINF OF BFOID71AY TO THE InUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFFRSON STREET; 23RD STREET, FROM TH' NORTH PPOPERTY LINE OF BPOADF.'!AY TO THF SOUTH PROPERTY LIVE OFJEF;•TTRSON STREET; 24TH STR?ET, FROM THE NORTH PROPFRTY LINE OF BROAD1VAY TO THE.SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFPERSON STREET, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED STRF.FT !'WITH ATL NECESSARY CURB, GUTTER, DRIVEWAYS, WTHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE All D SEN,rER PIPE, AND ALL NFCESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVEr•TIEING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE.IN.CONNECTION THFREVITH AS FOLLOWS: COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION -.19TH ST. ...$3.44=8667 PFR ABUTTING FT. COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION - 20TH ST....,aa;4.700333839 PER ABUTTING FT. COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION - 21ST., 22ND ST., 23RD ST., 24TH STPFFT............ �4:536938543 PFR ABIITTING FT. COST OF INTEFF.ST........................ 0:01570837024 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF FNGINErRING AND INGPECTION.........0.03469665903 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF CONCRETE GU^TER....................•030 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRFTE DRIVE1,9AY..................50:25 PER SQ. FT. COST OF CCHCRFTE CURB'CURVED...............0.60 PER LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE CURB STRAIGHT.............h0.50 PFR LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER - REBUILT ........... PFR LIN. FT. AND, PROVIDING TPAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTFF.EST, EXTRA 'YORK, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINF-P.I'!G, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLFPICAL SERVICE IN CO"NFCTION TRFRE"'ITH BE CHARGFABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THF PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BFNEFIT OF SAME AND ABUTTING UrON SAID IMPROVEMENT, AS SHOWN BY THE RNGINEERIS ESTI,'ATES ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OP THE COZVVIsFIONIR OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSEFSMFNT }FAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTAILI%FNTS, BFING ONE EACH YFAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YFARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. a19F >!_ .GG - 1, �1r —1929 APPPOVFD7�C/.�1�y/' -r ---mayor --h • -`--= Ciiy e�h— V