HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 404, November 25, 1929No. 401 ProceedinLis of __VIA' 1 Ce PL • T`1:" ' c City of Paducah-, .11Ov_1lMEn__25,_lD2q At a regular meeting of the lsoord of Commiraioners held in the Commissioners' Chnr_ber in the City Hall-Buildinv in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 25th day of Nov,;mbor, 1929, Mnyor Lnckey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nomos: - Co7risrioners Bradrhaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 1:1ry or Lnckry, (5). Minutoa of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Comm!isrioner Hanrin offered the following motion: I move that 34 'Fhite 79ny Lights inetnlled. "'kite ':fay lights be installed by the Kentucky Utilities Co!npnny at points - designated by the Commissioner of Public Property in the City of Pnducah. Enid lights to be placed as follows: 2 at intersection of 2nd St., and Kentucky Avenue 4 on Kentucky Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets 4 on Kentucky Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets 4 on Kentucky Avenuenbet6een 4thland 5th Streets 2 at intersection of 5th street and Kentubky Avenue 4 on Kentucky ?venue between 5th and 6th-treets 2 at intersection of 4th street m-d Jefferson Street 4 on Jefferson Street bet-:reen 4th and 5th Streets 2 at intersection of 5th street and Jefferson Street 4 on Jefferson Street between 5th Street and 6th Street 2 at intersection of 6th Street and Jefferson Street Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commt sioner Rutter offered the following motion: The following Clnims allowed clnims h:vi.ng been duly approved for allowance and payment: Auto Livery Company for gravel $42.66 I.C.R.R.Co.,freight charged on a car of paving composition 203.98 Total X64 I move the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to th- street fund in the Department of Public 77orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisrioners Brsdshaw, Hsnnin, Nelson, Rutter am' "nyor Lnckey, (5). Brady Stewart Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the commission of 10% due cemmiscicn Brasy Stewnrt, back tax collector, on special improvement tnx bill collections for the month of October, 1929, amounting to V'136.22 be allowed and thnt the COT^Issioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay anme and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens; Cov..missioners Bradstsow, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). "tote-'copies :-t11 g Commissioner Rutter offered tt•e following 7,i1TFSAS, the � motion: Bnn`r. due-1:ever & 6 months note executed by the City of Paducah on Mny 28th, 1929 to the Peoples ikon ia�'rr:�nt Nntirnal Bank for amount of b366.83 to make settlement with A.L.Boyer for a atr--t cl-:im arninst r.P.Gilson, for which judgment was rendered ag,,1n1t the city, will bccr.Te due on November 28, 1929, I move that the Lln701- and Co=.Asaionor of Putlic Finance be authorized to renew same and pny the amount of `:11.00 i-.t,rent t'rrn ,hte. Adopted on enll of the roll: Yens; "e'- 1 Sr.rr-r^ Bra,tn;-nw, Han^.1n, N(Anon, Ruttcr and Payor Ln.ekey, (5). .eerie i�.nr•r Pattl:r offered the followlne motion: 5III"1'VAn, the 6 ."svin.as Yon% - udg^:Tanta in "ear nnt^ F, r.e �'tt •. •; - tt""�: •, , -' "" 7 1 3 of for!enh on Nay �] 1928 to the Citizens -t. closing =ngr Pan Y. for a-,unt of $39(10.00 to pay the judt±�rent obtr..Ined by proporty o^enere for ^.. to on ac^ount of cicaitY; Wnnossac :',troet, -1111 become due N.e•;,.=ber 60, 1;9, I t*cve !,eat the Moyer and Co^_; isrianar of Public Finnnee be euts.orized to r::•",, race at:natrrity aro! Prry the to(,tnt of :109.00 Snteredt ,....n due. n call of the ro..l: Yeas; ro-rl8Eicntra bra,lshow, !^ ;'.sr .., .._....-, ... .r.r an,! _r.,yor- Lnckf.y, (L). - i� r r •, ..: . r,re3 -otic, that taro ::o^-issiencr of Pu lte 1rts.seat so+tpcna for six .•-,nths due Lecember No. ' C-` _. Proceedings of err' of Ce�,:aia:lonerc City of Paducah.,_K,-rjlLcky,_Mgvembcr_25, 1929 on the 1;70,OCO.00 Chicago, st.Louis & Paducah R.R.Bonda (5S) $1760.00 , and a or 1% Bank collection chnrge 4.38 Total qM)4.M_ rabic through the City Nntionnl Bank, Paducah, for remittance to the National City Bnnk of New York on or before December 1, 1929. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Com;issioners Ibradahaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futter and Vnyor Lackoy, (5). Mayor L•nckcy offered motion V-st the report of the Paduenh hater ''forks F�cucah :rtrr '7ks Company for mains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing data of :;ovembor 6, 1929,; Co.,report be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and "nyor Lackey, (5). Payor Lackey offered the. following motion: The City Planning and 'Zoning City Plan- n1n7 & Commission hiving adopted a resolution requesting that Friedman Avenue be reduced P.oning Com Friedman to a width of 60 feet from the east property line of 36th Street to the east ' Avr_,rrsol property line of 38th -treet and the junction of Gregory Avenue and Friedman Avenue in Afton Heights, and having certified a copy of the resolution so directing said change, I now move that the certified copy of said resolution be received and filed. Adopted on cr11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and `nyor L^ckey, (5). tfsyor Lackey offered motion to adoot an ordinance entitled, "AN ORCINANCE Friedman Avenue CLG:iNG CFTS^IN PAPTS OF FFIF.rV? K LV-JiU- BrTTF7N 36TH STRFrT AND 38TH �TF-,T IN THE width re- ,=uced CITY OF PPLUCAH, AND EXTFNL'SNG FROM THE PAST PROP'FTY ?.INF OF 76711 STRrTT TO THE FAST PPOP'F-Y T.I,, F OF 38TH .17F—IT 5111' TFF J JITCTION OF 38TR STi — T P.10 GRFGORY STFFTT ! I5H FF.I-111!lN AV''JMUE, £0 F.4 70 P' OVIDE Tlif.T -,ID b1r11.-i'T'.11 'VFNU?! BE 60 FFITT IN WIDTH." ' Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commisslonrrs Brndshnw, linnnin, Nelson, Rulter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting odj(-urned. APPROVE): C— ME yor