HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 398, November 12, 1929No. 398 Proeeedin(ts of not,? or roe•' T9( Ton's:' City of Paducah _L(GV .,_77,_1929_ - At an adjourned regular meeting. of the Board of rommi--stoners held I in the Comr,issioners' Chamber in the City 11oi1 Building in the City of Paduchh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 12th day of November, 19P9, ?dayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following nnswored to their names: L4 Commissioners Brae.shaw, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings ^•ora adantad as rend, Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the following claims, having Claims been duly approved for payment: Billings Printing Co., Supplies for City Election $436.10 Illinois Central R.R.Co., Freight Charges 189.1.6 Total $625.26 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay some rnd charge to %hatp�oper departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Iiannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the city's part of the cost City's cost -Contract #3 Gravel on 1.'•th for the groveling of street intersections and alleys on the Duke Williams Gravel Atkins to city Its Street Contract No.3 on 1'th Street, from Atkins Avenue to the city limits, for amount of $576.29 be allowed and charged to New Construction, and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to Day some from the General Fund for deposit in the Special Street Improvement Fund in order to make final settlement with the contractor. Adopted on call of the roll; Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Bannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the City's cost -Contract #4 driveways,etc on city's part of the cost for construction of alleys on the J.M.Rouse Contracting 13th t.,Atkins to city li7:its Company's Contract No.4 for driveways, curb and gutter on 13th Street, fDom l,tltins Avenue to city limits, for amount of $114.81 be allowed and charged to New Construction, and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same from the General Fund for denosit in the Special Strect Improvement Fund in order to make final settlement with the contractor. Adopted on call of the roll: Year; Commispioners Brnd!•how, Ilonnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). City's cont-Ccntrnet Co=iseicner Rutter offered motion thnt the city's part of the cost #1 alley -6th to 7th for the paving of alleys on the J.M.Rouse Contracting Comonny's Alley Paving between Bdn & Ky A-ve anal Cont.#2 alley- Contract No.), from 6th to 7th Street and between Brondway and Kentucky Avenue, for 4th +:o 5th tet—n Edv, b Ky Lvtnue $7f,.00 ami Contract Ii0.2 for alley between brondway and i entucky Acerate, extending from 4th :trent towards 5th Street approximately 322.5 feat, for $70.50, total $145..'0, be allowed and charged to New Construction and the Connnirstone.r of tublic "s'i.nnrcr, anthorizcd to pay some from the General Fund for deposit in the -pecial :a re+tt Tmprcve^cnt Fund in order to make final aett.lem.ent with the contractor. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners llradshaw, Iinnnin, Nelson, cutter and Ynyor Lnekey, (5). yerkie ^entractirg :_c. C or.,10n nnor Putter ofrored :onion that the claim ofclv�:aorkla Contrasting Corpnry for $206,74 for extra so•>or :•ork outside of ::ewer Zone 4A, eitlr. eoerweresut— ea per st.r,t5zent of CCtoner 11, 1529, b.: nllewed and the Cc'rcniaaioner of hablic ^ria•ncs t" authorized to 12•ue check far snsie enc charge the amount to newer ,'t:n••'. n..^•,r?e? rr. c,:; r•.r. VO 11: Yen e; Cu^�Saoicn,-ra rrac'aha�, Nann?n, diel -'an, ru.ter and }layer _anlcey, (5), 399 Proceedings of B:'AFi_ ON COI"'I cI0I1'1 City of Paducah zUE .UCKX,_NOVTT,!HFP,_12,-1929 Mayor Lackey offered motion t nt the copy of the judgment in the case of ^outhern Rda southern toads Company vs Chnrloa C.iieko, etc and the City of Paducah be receives? and Co. vs Ricks etc -judgment filed. Adopted on cell of the roll- Yeas; Commis sioners Bradshaw, Tlannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the copy of the judgment in the case of -1 '-outhern His southern Roads Company va Sallie Parkins and City of Paducah be received and filed. Co.,vs Sallie Farkins,etc Adopte^ on call of the roll: Yeas; COmmti'csioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and judgment Mayor Lackey, (5). Sallie Park- Mayor Lackey offered the following tuotion: Charles A. Rottering having ins street offered and tendered to the City of Paducah his check for $50.00 for the benefit of Improvement taxbills Sallie Parkins and in full settlement of her liability for the street improvement ad.ted claim of Southern Roads Company against her property situated at the intersection of Meyers & Clements Streets, ane?. it appearing to the satisfaction of the board of Commissioners that the improvement tax against said. property amounts to more than fifty (502) per cent of the val+:e of said property, I move that the ten"er and check i of the said Chnrles A. Rottering for the benefit of Sallie Parkins be received and accepted in full of the liability of the said Sallie Parkins to the Southern Roads Company for its improvement tax against her property which is now in a suit, and that the city assume and pay the amount of said claim and the 'costs accrued thereon. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Pnducah Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, '.tater ..ks "A RESOLUTION PEC^UIPING THF P?:PUCAH T'•'ATER WORKC COMPANY TO EXTT-ND ITS MAINS ON CFRTAIII Co.,extend mnira —TppTs IN TPr CITY OF PAL•'UCAH,° Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnn-in, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5), Borrow Mayor Lackey offered the following motion; I move the adoption of an money- ordinnnee entitled, "AN OPF INANCF AUTHORIZING ANP FMPO"'FPING 7HF CITY OF PATUCAR TO ".Pnrkins Judgment BOPPO'N UPON THE CRFDrf AND RFSOUFCFS OF TIT CITY Tim' -UM OF V-0 ITUNDRFD T'.'EN'TY--ONE & 12/100 (:`221.12) DOT:LARS," Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brar'she:z, Ilenn n, Nelson, Putter and Meyor Lackey, (5). Bosrow mcncy .M.nyor Lnckey offered motion to adopt an ordinenee entitle,!, "AN ORDINANCE C.1% i` -'kc VT1YT IZTKG AND-P0:'1FPING TI CITY or PADUCAH TO BORROW UPON Tl!Tt CRT -PIT AND R'-SOUFCES judgm nt r,N '.I" ';I"Y Tl' fUM OF :FVFN THOUS?:ND FIVE HUNDPED SIXTY-EIGHT & 65/100 (07,565.65) ".;"," Adopted on call, of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, ^,n, Rutter and Mnyor Lockey, (5). Mayor l.eclrcy cffered the following motion: I move that the Mayor be lce.#rC '�'atrr,n—ii.cted an authorized on b,h-lf of the Cit of Paducnh, to give notice to the itlks., Co,, - r Y Ynyor to a•?asst 'n tar 7f:,rka y, Compan the: ^.oldr• enn,? owner of the prorerty end franctaso of the notify of nxr1." + icn ,.,,ter pinnt end nrnp. rt.l.es non owned r,nd opornted in tl , City of Pn,�unah, of "rrr.C! Sae ^^+.0^k., p+1r-nnnt. to the frnn^"ire •,.-Ich was adopted and went into effect on the 22nd risy of ?,'a.+., 1525; teat the l i:y of Par`.ucnh rnae.rven the right arci privilege upon the -..� expirntinr. cf ; y,Ara fr,.^: +. 'ntc: of sr,iri ory inane„ Find franeblae,nnd nursuant to the pros -±^'ens th:ererf, to nurchase ..ail wntc,r •aorka plrnt rn+1 nil oi' the nronertics cc --acted t': • rewith sena ir.•'^.en 1.n.' t".c.—to at A f-hir vrluatlen to be aaeertnine,t an rrevldeC in fraadr:Sle an,i or.?inr,ncc, an. -I frr trio pu T,oee of tifrccti.ng such notice •I,c dny"T. i:. herct,y x::t; c;rl¢e:3 +n^ nlrcnteQ to 11,n any an,+ ell petitions, notices and N7 . 400 Proceedings of BOAUs. Cr COTMVIfS1oNPL: City of Paducah _,NOV.,12,3929_ demands necessary to carry into affect the giving of said notice, an provided In said franchise and ordinance. Adopted on cell of the roll: Teas; Commis_ioncrs L+radshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Ln.ckey, (5). /O]n) motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTFD /[.Q --t!"",1929 APPROVED: Mayor` __ •_-CTS&