HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 393, November 4, 1929N,,. 39:
Proecedrnos of 130ARP_OF 001,^..'1S°T01.1F'PS City of Paducah,xrNTUOKY, NOVFMBEF. 4,_1999
At a regular mooting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the '
Commissioners' Chamber in the City ]jell Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at
2:00 o'clock P.M., on the 4th ds* of November, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon i!
en'.1 of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiseionors Bradshaw,
Rr.nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)•
Minutes of the previous meetings wore adopted as read.
Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: F.L. oyer having
Jones Z�t.,
26th to executed construction• bond for the construction of gravel street, and concrete curb,
28th St.
gravel at. gutter and driveways on Jones Street, from the weat curb line of 26th street to t'a
filed east curb line of 28th street, and having executed Contract Noll covering said
work, which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by E.L.Beyor as principal
and the National Surety Comnrny of New York as surety, and the contract approved by the
City Solicitor, I now move that said contract and bond be received and filed and that
the certified bid check of F.L.Beyer be delivered to him by the Commissioner of Public
Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin,
Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers,
Dept.Oct. Chief of Police, for the month of October, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted.
on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor
Lackey, (5).
Cormissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City
City Jail
Oct.report Jailer, for the month of October, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call of
the ro'l: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw., Hannin,Nelson,Rutt-er and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of J.M.Slaughter,
Fire Dept
Oct.report Chief of the Fire Department, for the month of October, 1929 be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeast Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Ru' ter and
Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Ruttcr offered the following motion: '11EREAS, the 6 months
Nat'l Bnnk note issued by the City of Paducah on May 4, 1929 to the,Pcoplcn National Bank for
amount of $1.:84.79 to make settlement with the D.J.Ryan Construction Company for
sundry street claims, for which amount judgment was rendered against the city, will
become due on November 4, 1,291 I move that the Yayor and Commissioner of Public
Finance be authorized to renew acme and pay the amount of b4l.GO interest due.
Adopted on call of the roll: 'leas; Cornmiseioners Brndshae,, Hainin, Nelson, Mutter
en,'. u!nycr Lnckey, (5).
Int. duo Ca-i:asiracr Ruttrr offered the following motion. WITEFFAS, the 6
rkeopiea mcntha note isr.ued by the City of Poduenh on May 7, 1929 to the Pcoples National Bank
Nat'l tank
for nm- = of 457.C8 to make satcicc;cnt with P.L.Beyor for sundry str!et claims,
fur wl-ich r,rc ni: judgm- nt wen rcr!c:ed r,painat the city, will become due on November
7, Mg, 1 cove that the Mayor arWl Co.:rir;nicnor of iiiblic Finance be autl:orizod to
rens-w some nm:, pry thn rr_•e-ant of x^,14.06 inters;nt due. Aooptod on cn1.1 of the roll:
!en•!: ^,==-is<iorsrs Lrodalr:r„a, ;'n':an, Nee -con, Rut Lor and Mayor Trickey, (5).
Futter c"fr-re,' >Ye roll-.7,lns; mrUon: 75_!'ti;AL', the 6 months
Peeples Peeples
s€r,ezral note issued by the City of Pr,::lcah an May 8, 1529 to the P,.oplen National
Nat'l crnk
me;-e.vey B�,r.k .for e. ,int of t8:'C7.,"0 to ,.ny the 1.1.42 T'bfl:ndD "-r eves ae:er.rr.::rtts charged
claims f. r-.. ovn. ,! a cn !- e ' cKt- .-.el r i
Constcticn CaTrany crnrract in "ewer Zone "B" will
pr p'
teacmo rue cn Nov -anter 8, I£.29, : MOW: :t_,;, the Mayer end Co,-7--iDoicnex of ?ublic
lrs•rce to ®':thcrized t, renew ar,r.e or.” Pay t%.e r,'•,•,rt of X225.70 interest due.
cr. ea>; of t 2 rc :: .ese; .._-^iss.nn,rs erntal:asr,F& in,`Ialecn,F<u'ter and
No.. 394
Proceedings of BOAhll (N" lONFPF City of Paducah_ move; awr,_h,_ 1.929
Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: VWiREAS# the 6 months
Int.Peoples Nat T'
renewal note issued by the City of Paducah on Moy 10, 1929 to the Peoples
Bnnk-Koller P.Co
serer zones 2,4,5
Nntional Bank for amount. of. 414,212.70 for bnlance due on the settlement for
the purchase of the unclaimed sewer assonsmont bills against property owners
on the Koller Plumbing Compnny contracts in Sewer Zones 2, 4 and 5 and will
become due on November 10, 19290 I move that the Mayor and Commissioner of
Public Finance be authorized to renew same end pay the amount of w426.38 interest
due. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin,
Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the amount
borrowed money
of $120,000.00, which the Mayor and Co-missioner of ?ublir Finance were
ae id
authorized to borrow,. be allowed and ,the Commissioner of Public Finnnee be ,
authorized to pay some on date of maturity,.November 5, 1929:
City National bank $ 50,000.00
First " " 45,000.00
Peoples " 25,000.00
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hninin, Nelson,
Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Cash Orders -October
Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the cash orders in the amount
of $66.00 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be rgimi;ursed
by check on the General Fund; same to be charged to the proper departments;
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners brodshaw, Hrn nin, Nelson,
Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Commissioner Butter offered motion teat the payrolls for the lest half
Payrolls -last half
of October, 1929 be allowed in the amount of $14,454.54, and the
Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay as=. Adopted on call of the
roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Velton, Rutter and Mayor Lackey,
Commissioner putter offered motion t at the Monthly Estimate for work
at.pavinc L'ont+�%6
done during the month of October, 1929 on Contract No.6 for street paving
monthly estimate
constructed by Southern Roads Company, rp, contractors, be received and filed,
and that the Coemissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement
Warrnnt therefor in the sum of $21,006.24. . Adopted in callof the roll: Yeas;
Cornissicners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
N.F'..:tone st.paving
Coca-isnicner• Rutter offered motion that the Monthly batimste for work
cent. k9 ronthl.y
done during the month of October, 1929 on Contract No.9, for street paving
constructed by ?1. .Stone & Company, contractors, be received and filed, end that
the Co�-risstcner of Yrblic Finance be instructed to issue Improvcr.r,nt •arrant
tcerefor in thr, rum of W12,708.30. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens;
Co=.dssioners brn4ai;aw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter nn� Wayor Lackey, (51.
Carey -reed '.o., at.
Coe Isnionor mutter offered -otion that the VOnthly Estimate for work
:.ont4rl;r aat_�.ste
Pane ON ring t*e month of October, 19^9 on Contract No.8 for street paving
constr-'Cted ;nre,-Reed co^:rnny, Contrar_tors, be received o rel file,.i, and that
the Ca--i_si:ner of ublie ?1nance be instructed to issue Improvement :warrant
thercfor in 'he Num of $0127.53. Adopted on call of tho roll: Yeas;
Cc-.r!s.n.i.cn :.; ErnW-.sar, Hnnnin, Nelson, gutter and Mnyor• Lnckey, (5).
Cc -, r,<
ienicr ru'
:tcr offered notion that the Monthly ?'stimate for work
et-.. ./ 5 M'nt'.^.ly
dare ^`.rtn.^ tw,e-,r,•r.th .f October, 1929 on Contract No.5 for sidewalk, curb
Proceedings of .. EO11R1.-' City of Paducah _.!ir_y 9KY. M0VT'1Br•.R A_,_ 1929_
nni,,T,xttor, constructed by J.M.nouso Contracting Company, contractors, be received
and filed, and that the.Comminnioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue
Improvement -+arrnnt therefor in the sum of $1320.25. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yens; Uommlssioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckoy, (5).
Ynncy Bro Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Est.imato for work
si'erialk- done during the month of October, 1929, on Contract No.3 for sidewalk c -Instructed
'stirrate by Yancy Brothers, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Co'nnisaioncr of
rublic Finance be instructed to issue Improvement "arrant therefor in the sum of
$1489.72. Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin,
Pelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, x5).
Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the Monthly Estimate for work
gravel St, done during the month of October, 1929, on Contract No,2 for Gravel Street on Ohio
Monthly Street constructed bg E.L.Beyer,•contractor, be received and filed, and that the
Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 1arrant therefor in
the sum of $67.93. Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw,
Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and. Mayor Lackey, (5).
Cbmmissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Estimate for work done
Carey -
Heed Co., during the month of October, 1929, on Contract No.1 for street paving constructed
Cont.j�l by Carey -Heed Company, contractors, be received and.filed, and that the Commissioner
estirnte of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the sum of
$13,667.56. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners B3Zadshaw, Hannin,
Nalcon, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
�' -Commissioner Rutter offered Motion t}:at the Monthly Estimate for work
Rd,.;. Co., done during the month of October, 1929, on Contract,No.5 for street paving on Bridge
Cont.#5 Street constructed by Southern Roads Company, contractors, be received and filed,
estimate and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement
Warrant therefor in the sum of $$1194'.87. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
•Commisnion rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, -(5).
'outhern Co=issioner Rutter offered motion thnt the Monthly Estimate for work done
Y.ds Co.,
st.paving during the month of October, 1929, on Contract No.7 for street paving constructed
Co t.#7
monthly by -�outhera Hoods Company, contractors, be .received and filed, end that the Cor!mianioner
of F^ablic ^innnce be instructed to issue Improvement 'Narrnnt therefor in the sum of
27,914.12. Adopted on call of the. roll: Yens; Comminn.ion^rs Bradshas, Hannin,
elccn, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). .
t'cyor tnekey offorcd motion that the ronort of the City Board of Health
ity Ecurd
of H,nith fnr the month o!' OotoLcr, 1029 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ro.11:
Yva.n.; Uc-Jsnicn,rn £rodah•.,w, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).
Gn r..otlon meeting ad+ourned. .
1929 APPROVFDT�,�y<r_
— —'mayor