HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 380, October 17, 1929N,,- Proeceding,; of BWF OF CQ?RAIP°S011FPS City of Paducah.,K: NTUCKY,_OCTOBFR _17, 1929 At a call mooting of the Boars. of Commlcelonors hold in the Commissioncrst Chanbor in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, KenLueky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 17th day of October, 19:'9, 'eyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following nnswored to their names; Commia,ioacrs Bradshaw, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (3). 1Snyor Lnekey stated reason for call, to -nit: For the purpose of allowing semi-monthly payrolls, and such other business as may come before the Board. Cormissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: J.M.Rouao (lontracting N.13th St. Atkins Ave.Compony, Contractors, having completed the construction of driveways, curb and gutter to City Lts.curb, on both sides of `forth 13th Street, from the nest property line of Atkins Avenue to the rt n1 cr, oto Cont. present city limit line, which line is approximately 149 feet neat of. the nest property ?14 accept- ed lino of Reed Avente, and notice having heretofore been given on the llth. day of October, 1929, thnt the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on Thursday, October 17th, 1929 inspect said driveways, curb and gutter and all work incident there- to, and.nould be in session at 2 otclock p.m., on the 17th day of October, 1929 in the Commissioners? Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Poduesh,Kentucky, to henr any complaint oit protest with reference to the doing and acceptnnee of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commis'rd overs having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accordance with said contract and no one having made or lodged nny complaint or protest •ith rofcrence ther,to as provided in said notice, or at ail, I.non move that said driveways, curb and gutter and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as.Drivewoys, curb and gutter Contract No.4, J.M.Rouse Contracting Company, Contractora, and that the engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the City -Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property an shown by the Engineer's ostimntes. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Conznis,�ionArs bradshnw, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (3). Cor._^issioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Rester- " Want Ord. fill GF1INANCF. ASSESSING TIfi: ABUTTING PROPURTY ON'BOTH'SIDES OP TEIRTFFIITII STRFFT, N.13th St.:POId VIE' 7!E`.T PlOFTTY LINE OF c.TKINS AW;WUE TO TIP PIRSFNT CITY LIMIT LINE, ,11ICII LIIIE Atkins Ave to City IS APPRO%IVATBLY 140 FEET "IF. T OF WE TST PROP'.RTY LINE OF RF71+ AV;:.IRIiS, IN TIP: CITY Lite. tv PAL.ICAE, KLt15UCKY, FOR THF CO -IT OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE DRIV1.,3AYS, CURB Am GU:;FP, t",ITH ALT, NECFt:IAi:Y MATTUOUE,, INTAKES, CATCH BVINS, DRAIN TILE A. ND SI.7FF PIPE AND t't. IIf?^,=°'ftaY FIiOIIiIP PING, ADVrFTIFING P -ND LFGAL AND CLFRIC:L `FFVICR IN CO'INECTTON !T T: ITH AS Fol T O'7:': TF r^ ;0.'6 PFI? LIN. PT. r, ';E .... L�. l PEP SQ. FT. ............. 0.54 PF:R LIN. FT. 'hR,Tp. .. o.fo PER HE na. P CP F::{ 7 ,':7 ............. .'C. PF P' IGLLAh CGNRT UCTI'N CGT ..................yO.05."..8374427 I•i"I' 1.OT.1-112 COTT.-IT ICTION COST ............ vC.0196%19b9 P- r , r ?.r,rir C')N.A'i UC:ION COST ''f,TRA 011K, T1:' ,.:L ..:•L Ii: Pi C ,. :ICN TbPRE- i. 'i: CN FILE IN 'IID: :!1: :;T ..:.%"!'RT WY B7 I4 F. r' A,Jopte'. on call of the Loll: Ys -q; C,,--1„'1'-a.ra bra ^him, P:s;tor an.,i nyor lz+ckey,(3). No. 380 Proceedings Of_.,_804RD_OF C0'fiS FIONFFS City of Paducah OCTOBER 17,1929___ _ Dnke Piillinms, Contractor, having completed the construction of gravel N,13th "trcet- Atkins 've to city street on Horth Thirteenth Street, from the wost property line of Atkins limits -gravel at. see epted Cont.il3 Avenue to tho present city limit line, c:hich line is approximately 14.9 foot west of the nest property line of Reed Avenue, and notice having heretofore been given on the 11th dny of October, 1929, that the Board of Comminei.on,�ra would in the forenoon on Thursday, October 17th, 1929 1929 inspect said gravel street and all work incident thereto, and ,rould be In session nt 2 o'clock p.m., on the 17th day of October, 1929 in the Ca•mnission•.rsf Chamber in the City Hal l Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and anceptance of snid work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected snid work a d finding same has been completed in ac ordnnee with said contract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto as provided in snid notice, or at all, I now move that said gravel street and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; some being known as Gravel Street Contract No.3, Duke 57111isms, Contractor, and that the engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the City Solicitor be inFtructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as shown by the Engineer's estimates, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (3). Assessment Ordinarm Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, N.13th :lt.,Atkins"ATI Avenue to City Lts ORDIiIhT�CE AS.`ESSING TfT APUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH THIR'J'T7_tlTH gravel street STREET, FROM THF 17EST CURB LINE OF ATKINS AVENUE TO THE PRESEW CITY LIMIT LINT', "IHICH LINE. IS A PPFOXIVATFLY 149 FETT ''•PST Cr THE iTEFT PROFFRTY LINE CP REED AVENUE, IN THF. CITY o PADUCAH, McCRACKEN "OUTITY, KFNTUCKY, FOR THE COST Or CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVEL FTFT'IT, "!ITII AIT NFCEFBARY FNGIr1RFRE?r, ADVETTIEING 'IIT` LF_GAL AND CLFRICA.1, SFRVICE IN COTINF'CTION TIERI" 7ITIC AS FOI.T.O".'S: GRAV-L .TT—T - 39 FT. IN "'IDTTI..... 01.57W PFR ABUTTING FT. CO:iT GT+'Tl^T',Ir''RIi1G AID INFPFCTION..•0.01307406 PER LO'!_rr CONSTRUCTION COST CO.T OF IIITPF!T'FT.................... '0,00894048 PER DO'LAR CONSTRUCTION COST til!'NO _"i'•;, !?" CG.`T 0" GO''i;c':`rtiC"CON, IT+'T1PS'fT, EXTRA PORK, T 1!'C:7£"A!'7-NGINErRING, ADVER'1I.1ING 'ND I:TG+1, t,TID rT-T+ICAL fFrVICE T': "c,:': C7I01I S'—T-•'ITH BF C!!ARGFARLF TO '.?,S A:::E:1 'Z7 AGrI-.T SITE PI OP:iPTY ..•-TP OF S1:?•:' f,ND ABUTTING UPGN :i:IL I1fiPf.OV!?A!'YP, AS :.RO41H WC T 'L C":,TF.S 011' FILE I:1 TIF. OF'rICE 0' ',F"e: ^0^S I:.:I011 N OF .'!T iNG'. '..T .f•ID AFSEC!,"flIT IV.Y B'.' P: T:,.IN TI -14 FeCULL ? ` ",Clf Y' r.R FOR h P'TTOD OF T"11 Y-7AFS." Adoptod on call of tho roll ; ': _., , .,•-a loners Brndsha;;, Rutter and Mayor I:ackey, (3). Co^-1e:.icn'r luttnr offcrod motion that the payro'lc for thn first !:alf of Cctober, I1,)20 1/. allowed in the nmu"nt of y10,456.87, and the r, r,--iarloncr of ;vbllc F'inanr.-n ;• it :prize-! to pay soma, Adopted on on 11 of t.1io 1: YC" s; Cr.-ig"ic•nerr. hrainhaa, Fa ter and T!,yor 'Cnekey (3). r;.-• ^.._ :; ❑P.,tirg a3,lr,trrnd, ,iyor