HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 370, October 7, 1929Proceedings of BOARD Ok'_ CUh^.'THIOTIrrc City of Paducah.,K"llI 0(;h ,_o Cront•:.P 7, 1929 At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners Chamber in the City Hall building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 7th day of October, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call or the ro'.l the following o�swered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meotings were adopted as read. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: r.L.beyer having executed Adams St. construction bond for the construction of gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter 28th to 29th Sts. and driveways on Adams Street, from the west curb line of 28th Streot to the east gravel,ete Contract property line of 29th Street, and having executed Contract No.7 covering said work, /i7 filed which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by E.L.Beyer as principal and the kYdelity & Deposit. Company of Maryland as surety, and the Contract approved by the City Solicitor, I now move that said contract and bond be received and filed and that the certified bid check of E.L.Beyer be delivered to him by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: E.L.Beyer having executed Washing- ton 'Lt. construction bond for the construction of gravel street, and concrete curb, gutter and 21st to 2-nd Sts griveways on Flashington Street, from the west curb line of 21st Street to the west gravel, etc Cont, property lima og 22nd Street, and having executed Contract No.6 covering said work, ,'i6 filed which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by E.L.Beyer as principal and the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland as surety, and the contract approved by the City Solicitor, 1 now move that said contract and bond be received and filed end that the certified bid check of E.L.Beyer be delivered to him by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Carey -Reed Company Carey - having foiled to satisfy the board of Commissi-ners that street paving contract No.l request for ex- con be completed by the 15th day of October, 1929, pursuant to the renueat pf said tennien deferred Cnrey-Need Company for an extension or time on said contract, but having requested the further consideration of said request, 1 now move that said request of Carey -Need Company as contractor, and the Maryland Casualty Company sa surety therein, for an extension of time to the 15th day of October, i1eSt within which to complete Street Paving Contract Ho.1 on Jefferson Street, from 25th Street to 32nd Streot, be further deferred until the regular meeting of the board of Commissioners on Monday. October 14, 1929. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradshnv,, tannin, Nelson., 1*'u*-ter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co:rmicaion,-r bredshov offered motion that the awarding of contract for the ectr. �t & .tae' -"r conatrrction of aldewnik, drivowaya, curl and gutter on the west side of 20th Street, Ave., -!,'law' _'k fr= •.he ,cath curb lino of drek::on :'trent to the junction of ^0th ttrect and :'rheeler (tc. a®arding i'v«,nuei and on the south side of heeler Avenue, from the junction of 20th :.treet r,nd of Cont. lt.ferred h?:eFlrr tvemut to ire we -t proprty lire of "t:" ntr ct, under Contrnct No,8 be deferred until le�nesdsy, October 9, 1929. ldop•e•' on en ll. of the. roll: Yeas; lo-r-^isoloncra Brn.ai:a,v, H1^nin, Nelnon, lutte'r nr.1 "yor L•eckey, (5). Nm . 371 Proceedings of _ BOARD OF COMMIS51014FRS City of Paduca}r_�T.�_7,1829.______ Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of J.M.Slaughter, Fire � part•ment vire Chief, for the month of September,1929, be recalled and filed. Sept.report filed Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). City Jail Sept. Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City report filed Jailer, for the month of -september, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners• Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelscn, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Police Department Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report or Gus Rogers, Sept. report filed Chief of Police, for the month of September, 1929, be received and- filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradslawn, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). H.Ynncy claim 6ommissibner Rutter offered motion that H. Yan'cy's claim of $120.00 for 24 days team hire, duly approved for payment, be sllowed and the Commissioner of Public I-1nance be authorized to pay same and charge to the Street Fund in the Department of Public l?orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coiranissioners Bradshnvr, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Carey -Hoed Co., Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the- Monthly Ealimate for work done Cont.#8 monthly during the month of September, 1929, on Contract No.8 for street paving Estimate -,opt constructed by Carey -gleed Comoany, contractor, -be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvem,:mt Warrant therefor in the sum of $3,757.68. Adopted on call of' the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw-, Hannin, Nelson, Hutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Southern Hoods Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Lstimate for work Co., Cont. 1/7 done during the month of September, 1929 on Contract No.7 for street paving monthly estimate September constructed by Southern Heads Company,• contractors, be received and filed, and that the- Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 'Pairents therefor in the sum of $5878.96. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hutt•r offerod motion that the Vonthl• Estimate for v:ork N.F.c_tone Corrany�one during the month of September, 1929, an Contract No.9 for street paving Cant. #9 monthly constructed by tI,E. Stone (:am any, contractors, be received and filed, and that ectirrn to-,ept the commissioner of Public r'innnee be Instructed to issue improvemont Oarrant therefor in the sum of $2225.4;. Adopted on call of the roll: Year; Co=Iccion,rs Brndahnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor L.q& ey, (5). souse (,Ont c,e Co rd-unionvr Rutter offered motion test the Yontl:ly Estimate for work done .'ontrnr:t A4 doming t'e mcnth of September, 1929 on Contract No.4 for drive ay a curb and monthly enti-,te- Y r opt• gutter conattuctcd by J.!±.1fouso Contracting Company, contractors, b€ received •-nd filo?, and tlat the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue tmprovr-cnt Warrant ther<:for in the sum of $40.^,92. Adopted on call of the rr,ll: Yee::; (,omAnsicn,,ra t.radshaw, Hannin, Nelscn, Rutter and Vnyor Lnek€y, (5). Cr:rcy-recd Co., Co.^rdssicncr Ruttrr offered motion tint the Monthly Lstimate for work done "t,iante- during ?Ye scnth of :eptember, 1929 on Contract No.l for street paving conat,ucted Mcpt by *.. - ead Co7reny, contract.nrs, be received and filed, and that the Co -:i. nicne,r of Public Flnnnca to Instructed to isaue Improvement r;arrnrt therefor In tt•e e= cf- tWe4.39. Adopt.€d on call of ttc roll: Yeas; vormicstanela Hrsd Ya , Her..^.in, Nelson, Rutter and Bayer Lackey, l5). Na. 372 __. .. Proceedings of__Bot,xD_ OF_OONU."I'LSICNi_83 City of Paducah,r {,,lira;—Qcrul3Gm_7,_.1929 ou Lh ern Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the fronthly Estimate for work done hds.Co., Uont.$6 during the month of September, 1929 on Contract No.6 for street paving constructed by nonthl'! estimate- southern heads Company, contractors, be receives( and .filed, and that the Commisaionor •ept. of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 'Warrant: therefor in the sum .of ;3114.28. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionorn Bradshncr, Hrn nin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that copies of the judgm-n is against the City Judgments vs city- of Paducah in the cases of George CI. Katterdohn, etc vs Mary E. Mallory and the City Katterjohn etc of Paducah, and George '.7. Katterjohn, etc vs Went End Improvement Compnny and the City of Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Belson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the City Board of Health City board of t3ealth for the month of September, 1929_, be received and filed. Adopted on call or the rept.:-e pt roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnv!, Aannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the, report of the Paducah PJator "{orks Paducah ,tater as Company for mains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing date of September 30, Uo.report 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners BradNAannin, Nelstp,,, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). A -1 � ♦ '1 \' Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the Paducah .later :'?orks Paducah aster P.1cs Company for lairs and Piro plugs laid and completed, bearing date of October 2, 19290 Uo.report be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Etayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt a rosolu'.ion entitles, Paducah "later "ks "A FF:OLU1'ION HF2IIIF12IG `tEIF PAEUCAH TA117F. "IORKS COMPANY TO FXTFI;D ITS MAINS ON Coextend mains CERTAIN STFFFTS IN 4AE CITY Ota' PADUCAH.." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Coasnissioner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinnnee anti*led , "AN ORI:INANC'r' Jens, Et. 2Cthsto PIWII' 11'iG f'O1, 'IRF CONSTF.UC"ION OF GRliVFL STREET, AND CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER. AND 28th Wit•., gravel,cetDI:IV'_-"!.YS ON J(P.i•S STP.FFT, FROM THE YJFST CURB LINE OP' 2611'13 .5TNFET TO TFT EA T CURB ordintnee LIT OP 281H S`.Y ET,• IN 'iHE CITY (F PPDUCAII, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, TOGF.TIIER ::IiH �LL NFCF:::.AFY K7,17HOL71, INTAKE, CP.TCH BASIBS, SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NE':E' : APi FNGINITRING, ADVI•RTh-INC !ND LEGAL AND CFRICAL .",]'VICE IN CONC4'C'riON THERE- -'1713 AT TH CVET OF 'ilAi I,BUTTING PROPERTY 9i'nIERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAI r GhY BE C :i lf!,,r.L U (X '1i'>' 1_-11 7P7A1i PAYt'FNi PLAN" be. introduced and lny over. Adopted an call of the roll: Y.ean; Co —Au sionors bradahm•:, Hannin, Nelson, nutter and Mayor Licka7, 157. l.rien,r Bradnhow offered the following motion: An ordinance entitle,'. WQv)I 3ngtcn "A 1{ r " t?': NCE. TE.11{G r'f.±? "" + rl .. l.C'?1 a' r_.IDI-NALK, DRIVE -'.7A -YS , CU i,.b t, Nr nU77ER ON St.,16th to 17th ?:;.%:N :., , FPOM 'i HE 7; 7 'r L FT 0; ;;IXrFl- NTH a'rF'T 'r0 TIT--- EAST Pit OFT: It%Y grr.rel,etc oi`'Lrsnce� VOCHAChrN COUN,Y, KiIrIUCKY, -Y „i{L c1 S, N ;IPI:, A 7 N_ . _ .. ,,.... r ."'G, ..�,... __ I. C:. 1, L .::1iV1C8 IN y •'-' e` !s..... :... gi:. .:?. Y:'hf: r4 i? . . ...`.N' having bran intro-aucod and lsic over for r.ne• wrrk in Ste co^:plr.tt;d " rm, I na move that anld ortlnaneu be 840;:te9. .;d ftea an coil of the roll: Yuan; Uor-,lscioncra oradabaw, Hr.nan, 3e 1z, or., i,u•:t r art: :a cr ,.azkey, (E). No.. 373 Proceedings of __ BOARDoF. corvuselOPrrR . City of Paducah 221"' 19z9 Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, horror. money- Kntterjohn.judg- "AN OrtL.LNANCE AUrhotialXG AND r:YPOPILhTNG THF CITY Or- PADUCAH TO TOHROw m.-nts UPON 91W CHEDI1 AND RE:'OUHCES OF ',HF CITY' TTIF FULS Or TTTRT'E iNNDRED (y-300.00) DOLIARS. " Adopted on cn11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, fatter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Judgments-Katter- Mayor Lackey offered motion ttat a copy of an order of the McCracken John vs .'!ilson,etc filed. Circuit Court in the case of George 7!. Katterjohn, etc vs. G.L.11ilson, etc be filed, and thnt pursuant to snid order Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue his check as follows: To 11'.A.Miller, Master Commissioner u74.60 " L.b.Alezander, attorney for G.'.'l.Katterjohn 96.80 And that same be charged to General Fund, pending a settlement of the purchase money bond in this case. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting, adjourned. ADOPTED 4L/ 1929 PFOV7C: ;in;ror ---- yCer�—