HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 357, September 16, 1929No. 357 Proceedings of a. r: 7:,i , ; ; City of Paducah "_;: 1 i^_' At a regular meeting of the hoard of Comnin.;ionevs hold in the Convois•_ionors' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 16th day of September, 1929, Mayor Lnekoy presided and upon call of the roll the following nnswereO to their nnrton: Comr.I.-rionors Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted no read. Commis_ioncr Bradshaw offered motion that the petition of property owners Petition against imsroving alley residing on Broadway and Jefferson Street, between 7th Street and 9th Strcet, between 7th & 9th `ts.,Bdw.,to Jeff. protesting 'against paving the alley abutr Ing their property, be received and filod. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisnion,rs Bradsha-, ITannin, Nelson, Rutter and T!nyor Lackey, (5 ). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that Progress Estimate No.11 ' Sewer Zone 4A Progress Estimate on Sewer Zone 4A, as to work done and materials'furnished during the month of 270.11 August, 1929, in the construction of said sewers in said zone by Merkle Contracting Comrany,'be received and filed and that a copy of sante be furnished to Uarkle Contracting Company. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw., Pannnin, Nelson, Rutter and Y.ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: A.Z.Hsmmock having applied A.:.Ham_-ock-deed to lot in Onk Grove for deed to lot No.5, block No.4 in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I nor' move tl•at deed be issued to the said A.Z. Hammock to said lot N0.5, block No.4`in Oak Grove Cemetery,upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of ,50.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Gutter and L'nyor Lnekey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the claims for the month of Clnl7s-August,1929 August, 1929, be allowed in the amount of $11648.77 and the Comaiar:ioncr of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T:`.ayor Lackey, (5). Special Et.Impv. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of the Special Stroet Bund for :.uust Improvement Fund for the month of August, 1929 be received and filed. Adapted on cn'.1 of the roll: Yens; Co•nmis_Loners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Futter and Meyer Lackey, (5). Cornisnioncr Rutter o�fered motion that t1,c report of collections and r.7 .ran for disbursements for the month of August, 1929 be roccived and filed. Adoptee? on ^nll of the roll. Yeas; Conmissioncra Broffho w, Hnnnin, Nclnon, Rutter and Mayor Lockey, (n). '7,ycr L•ckey offered motion thnt the report of the, 1ZcCracken County tr i_1. , Len,ue for the month of August, 1929, be received. and file•'. nrtr •' r::. ^. ,. rf t1:a roll. Years; Com•nl ani enc rs Frndshs•••, 17nnnin, Nelson, F-at',:r s9 '.'nyor TAckey, (5). 9,,ycr Lnckcy c,''.":rn: the following notion: I move t'nt the Payor be lgnn In-tr•u tel�and alt orizod to aov rtiso and recoive bids nn,d report the same to the for c0nnirr,rns.ion for 9,OCO feet of 1i inch galvanized. :T.•, :.it in 10 fsot inngths. d,rX 0 feet 0" ehnnnel iron Inchon, cut In 10 foot lengths 0,0(}0 frit of anal.(; Iron 7x2xi, tnc}:rn, cut. in 10 foot lvngthn. ::d :a .[:n __i c'.v,r l r^.,,nt be by }publication in the officlsl r., :cr_per 'SvF ''nys. .'.•.ie*,t a:�? nn c.a11 o �..: roll.: Yeas; Cos•._ais:covers Brada};aw, Fsrnlr;, Kelscn, T' -utter and royer No, 356 Proceedings of _ BOARn _OP_C_O.11I+':1,)I R_ . City of Paducah ,1C `Pr(G1iY„_'r= !T cai- 1G, 1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offcrnd the following morion; I move Chet a reeolution Jones Ltreot 78th to 2Sth entitled, "A RESOLUTION rROVIPI`;G T'OP TILT' CONSTRUC710N OF GPAVLL SIR! 'T, AND COUICP.FTF on CUFB_`, GTUTTIT.- ANI' DRIVF'�PYS ON JONES STRT'FT, FROM TIE 'i'FST CUPB LAIR OP 96TH STV-7-T TO TIF EA.S�T CUFB 1111E OF 28TH STFF,'T, IN TINE CITY OF PADUCAH, 1AcCRACKFN COUNTY, KF';iUCKY, TOCF9fl7F 'TTN ALI, NECF;SARY G+ANHOTrF, INTAKF`, CATCH A4£IVS, SE'-`P;R AND DRAIN PIPIC, t... :TL t".. .,.!'.''Y ENGINFTRI.NC, ADVERTISING AND LFGAL AND CLFFICAL SFRVICR IN T. i'. TFNR COST OF TRF ABUT' ING PP 027-: R'lY C"'TTRS AMA PROVI LING THAT SAw'F AS",Y BS' ._Pr:TFD UPON TIT TFN YEAR PAYITRT :LAN" be introduced and Isy over, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Corcmiscioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Yayor Lrekey, (6). Conmissionnr Bradshaw offered hto following motion: A resolution entitled, t°n "A RFSOTUTION rl;(WIDING FOP. THE CONSTRUCTION OF SID7.7ALKS, DRIVE:-JAYS, CURBS AND to CU' T'P.r ON .AfFTNGTON STFFFT, FROM TRF. V.ES•T PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTF'FNTH STRFT:T TO Tim -T' EAST PROP?-TY LINE OF.SEVFL'TEFNTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, TCG-THFP `ITH ALL NFWSSARY XANHOLE£, INTAKFS, CATCH BASINS, SF,—F AND DFAIN PIPE, AVII ALI, NECESSAPY PIOTUE•EPIAG, ADVFRTI`ING A11D LFGAL AND CL^:FICP.L SERVICE IN CO;IITCTION TH7RT"'!IT1! AT THE COLT OF TF.F ABUTTING PROFFRTY O'72"RS AND PFOVIJTNr, TNA.T SAYE 11YY BCONSTP.UCTRf UPON TPF' T'•N YEAR PAYlr-NT PLAIT" having been introduced Kra laid over for one weck in its completed form, I no-, move that said resolution be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Cornissioncrs Bradshaw,' Hannin, Nelson, Rutter an,' Mayor Lackey, (5). Co, issioner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDITIAIICE Paxton .^,t., PFOVT IlIC frF TF' CGP.ZTRUCTION OF GRAVEL STREET, LND CONCRETE CURBS, GUTTERS AND Blccn to. Alexander DPI%, :JAYS ON PAXTON STPE7'T, FROM THE iVEST PROPERTY LINE OF BLOOM AVFNUE TO THE ;JEST ernvel,ete PRCFTP.TY LINE OF ??.=:LANDFF AVENUE, IN TNF.' CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKFN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, TOG`:'TR "ITH J.T.T. 'i'C7112APY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CF.TCF. BASINS, S',-:ER AND DRAIN PIPE, AND : 1-T 'T'C:' ”' A3 `:'GIN" FRING, ADVF.RTI:111G AND LFGAT. AND CLEPICAL SERVICE IN COIIN:L•CTICN ... .'T •lliF. COLT OF THF. ABUTTING PT OP-RTY O'7TTF.RS AND PPOVIDING 7I11 T SAME. MrtY BE i" UPOII '111 T111 YTPP PA)WIrf PLAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call :; Yeas; Co^missioFrs Bradshaw, linnnin, Nielson, Putter and Mnyor Lackey,(5). On:, '_ssioner Brarlshnm offered the following motion: C,,rcy-Reed Comnnny, Co,'re.0 t cor.trnrtcrs, hnving r•enucsted the City of Paducah to grrnt an extension of time within exte^.ei"•n of ti":e ^tich to comnlcte street paving contract #1 for 1929, and the Vnryland Cnoualty Ccs.-".ny ns surety in the construction bond for the said Carey-Beed Company having joined In t*e rc•?uest for nacT: extensicn of time I now rove that the co ^unications from C"r'7-l"><.,i !,r r,,ry <nd frons the Maryland CasuRlty Company as surety in hi^ construction contract =1 fcr 1929 be received and file-', and. t?nt further ,:c:r.,Jinv t... connilcrsticn of snid npplientions, be cieferrr,d until the neat 1.Ing, of the Isnn,rd of .,,­j,,,eienera on Monday, September 23rd,1929, ",Aor,LeJ l of the roil: ?arc; Co-r;i::;,Jon+:ra Bradshnw, 11nnnin, Nelson, Rutter rind r-ver LncFcY, Cor r::.ir,gnr L n•: 'r:c- c':'•:red the following motion: An or'inanee rr.Srtled, 1, CR- - - - , PRr' 7F- JnXC7 TrjK CF ND "URF a PFC-M THr ^rFt ... .. i-H :TAP' r •, i bw I. No. 359 .. _- .. Proceedings of _HOARD c (:0--'r'rc•rI: City o d l `e�r,.CIFR is 1929 f Pa ucai-- e-__�--�_.-- Rfl ' ' ITII AT 'NF, COST OF' THF ABUTTING PRO?,pTy G"II?'.RS Alin PROVIDITIO TI?P.T !?��Y HE CONSTRUCTIiD UPON TH" T�T1 wn rAT., NT PLAN" having been introduced and Laid over for one weck in its co::loted form, I now move that avid ordinance be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Hradchew, F^renin, Nelson, Rutter and 119yor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1929 APPROVP.D CityjClark- --~ u