HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 343, August 27, 1929No... 343._ _... Proceedings of BOARD. OF CC''b1ISP'WllrRsCity of Paduea6 ADGUST 27L1929 _-, _ __, _- At n'Y4=1 moetinLe, of the Board of Comnianioners held in the Co^pinissionersr Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 27th day of August, 1929, l.lnyor Lacicey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradsha%r, Hannin, nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, t-o-wit:&or the purpose of awarding Contracts numbers 2,3 and 4, and such other business as m^y come before the board. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing Ohio St.�25th to from the examination of all of the bids received for the construction of gravel 26th St.,gravel, c & g cont.#2 street, and concrete curbs, gutters and driveways on Ohio Street, from the awarded Beyer heat curb line of 25th Street to the East curb line of 26th Street, under Contract Ilo.2, that the bid of E.L.Beyer is the lowest and beat bid, I now move that his proposal and bid on said contract for the construction of said street by grading and graveling same with bank gravel, as provided in the specifientions, and by the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and driveways with grovel aggregate in all concrete, be accepted; and that the Mayor be authorized, empowered and instructed to enter into a contract with the said E.L.Beyer for the construction of said street by grading and graveling same cath bank gravel, and by the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and driveways in all respect in accordance with the plans and specifications and under the provisions of the ordinance providing for said improvement. And I furtbcr move that the certified checks of the un- successful bidders be returned to them, Adopted on toll of the roll:Yoas; :Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Her:ison, Clay Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follo-ing motion: It appearing 8th ll,Cent e ts rSde:�alYfrom the examination of all of the bids received for the construction of 00 . C , Brctherded Yoncy concrete sidewalks on•both sides of Harrinon Street, from the 'dost property line of Fourth Street to the East curb line of Eighth Street; and on Clay Street, from the ':^est property line of Fourth Street to the East curb line of F.irhth-:'treet; and on Eighth Street, from the North property line of Madison °treet to the South curb line of Park Avcnue, to;;ether with all necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins, sewer and drain pipe, under Contract llo.3, thnt the bid of 'N.H.Ysney, engaged in business under the name of Yoncy 9tot-liara, is the lowest and best bid, I move that their proposal and bid on aai.d contract recording to the proposal and bid submitted with the plans and -�—ctflcntiana, with grovel aggregate in all concrete, be accepted; and that the S'nyor be authorize , empo-;cred rnrl instructed to enter into a contract with ".H.Y••ncy, engng • In buniness under the mane of Ynncy Brothers, for the crnstruct.ion of enid nidewulkn, and the construction or all r,anholeo, Sntolres, entci bnnin_ and aew<;r^, and t:Ya furnlslln; of such sewer pipe as may be neresaory ur.A,;r ar.i contrr(:t, in oo%ora co with the pinnn and apaclflc,tiono rd ::r.'cr tl:c. cviniona of the or!Innnee provi:ing for said Improvement. e ,1 t-' .I:. I h:rt..e-. cc •:c tt.•:L ,.... CY.r•tifind nheckn of the uruucr.;asful t'_ddore to Alcipted on ca'il of the, roll.: Yea:; Canlesionera bra's` -aa, iia>r.in, n:,l::cn, er and Unyor vr;ckey, (5). Vo. 34.1 Proeeedinis of City of Paduca6,K,:rrru�7-Y,_r;Urtr;T z7,1929._. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing from tho . N.14th St. Jeff to examination of all of the bids for the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and "onroe c S g Cont driveways on both sides of North Fourteonth Street, .from the North property line of 4 awarded Rouse Jefr'erson Street to the South property line of Monroe Street, together with rill necessary manholer., intakes, catch basins, sewer and drain pipe, under Contract No.4, tont th, bid of J.A.Rouse Contracting Company is the lowest and best bid, I new move that their proposal and bid on said contract scrording to the proposal and bid sub- mitted r,,ith the nlnns and specifications, with gravel aggregate in 11.1 concrete, be accepted; and that the Payor be authorized, empo-ered and instructed to enter into a contract with J.7.1J ouse Contracting Company for the construction of said curbs, gutters, and driveways and the construction of all manholes, intakes, catch basins and sewers, and tle furnishing of such sewer pipe as maybe necessary under said contract, in ac-ordance with the'plans and specifications and under the provisions of the ordinance providing for said improvement. And I further move that the certified bid checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commiseioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Chicago Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion td•nt the communication from the Chicago Paving Paving Laboratory, bearinr date of August 22, 1129, together with their account Laboratory claim amounting to 1;1050.00 for testing and inspecting service on street paving in July and August, be received and filed and said claim allowed and the some be charged to the account of New Construction; but provided, that the same be refunded to the city out of the collections on said paving job pro ortionotely when settlements are made. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Eiayor Lackey offered motion that the communication from O.C.Appleton, together O.C.!,pplo- with his statement of sc:ount for making survey, and his survey of certain properties . ten claim for the city, be received and filed and that the plats, drawings and sketches of some be filed, and that the bill for same amounting to :;:291.00 in favor of the said O.C. Appleton be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to pay s^me an,! cl,rge same to ac ount of Contingent Fund. Adopted on.call of the roll: 'lens; Conn inrioners brndchaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and fayor.Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned ,._1929 P, i APPROV D_ _ Gam,_/ - ayor v i s''%