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Minutes Book 18, Page 34, March 19, 1928
R,Yo. 34 Proceedings of. . Boa;tn OF COV`1S-91O`1•;gs City of Paducah JJARCH 19th, 1920 At a rcrular incoting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Comm- issionerst Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, I{entucky, at Trio OtClock P.M., March 19th, 1928, Mayor Lackey prosidod and upon the call of the roll the', following answered to their ngmos: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Liayor Lackey. (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the deed From Mrs. Adine id. Deed frcm Taylor and her husband, J.Q. Taylor and the Taylor Real Estate Company to the City of ':rs J.Q.Tay- lor to "Sty Paducah be received and accepted and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be in - accepted structed to have said deed recorded. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; Commisa- ionors Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter.-, htayoxa?ackc'y riot; voting. Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the request of the Ayer & Lord :olico porter Tie Company for the granting of police power to George Gulley, their night watchman at rrnnted Geo. Gulley the Marine ':ays, be received and filed and that police porter be granted to the said George Gulley upon his executing bond and taking oath as required by Ordinance; the said Gulley to servedwithout any compensation by the City of Paducah and without res- ponsibility to it. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to employ a dog catcher and to hire a vehicle for his use; said Dog Catcher employed dog catcher to be paid eighty (f80.00) Dollars per month; that -there be paid not ex - seeding Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per month for the use of said vehicle; said dog catcher to work during the pleasure of the Board of Commisgioners. I further move that said dog catcher, when so employed by the Commissioner of Public Finance, be given police poser upon complying with the ordinance regulating the granting thereof. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, I•lelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commission::+r Rutter offered motion that the payroll for the first half . Pa -rolls for of Larch 1928, be allowed and the Cemmissionor of Public Finance be authorized to pay first j of "arch swne and charge to departments as shorm on report. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Cor:missioners Bradabaw, Hannin, nelson, Rutter aril Mayor Lackey. (5). Co^_r,'ssioacr Rutter offered motion that the account of George l';. Kattor- jo n, amounting to y280.80 for vitrified pipe, be alloaod and ordered paid and oharFed "test. of Geo ".Y.attorjo'rn ;o the tr,3.t Department. A:ionted on the call of the roll: Yean; Cot=sissioncrs Brad - :.21 G.GG Il.o:'c:. s:',r*, Hannin, Nelion, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Mayor Lae::ey offerer: motion th:,t the motion by which the Board of Cormi- tsstonra et 'ts la t reiular •:,atiar on March 12th, 1928, received, file3 and spread ,n itea, the reaol'ation amt report of the Board of Education f+xin,,7 t''o levy yO •-:rposes anti for t•e *;:epos© of ci'r.ating n Sinlring Fund incl nnying interest ,.n for the year 1928, to near eaoonaiderod and that acid notion nn.i ronoltttIon res`Pc 9 ldo on r,Ll or t::o Tali: '[can; Cantaaim.:nra Brndsiin,r, ="s -.: ia^•cey • _fe_ea , .,Ln ti,a±: :iie.aam„unlcaitl,,zi fi-t;o the ^our3 of .s. if" , of n d.aa of PAaroir. 11ith, 1923, tr.o1::or with the D' 1 a levy for se::oo1 p<;:-pcaoa i'ar the year 1328, ie l;f iutina so nakin rind ficin;, a>ii tqx levy for y and .33) rn earn : _,t� vs_rnn of nr.onarty of public 3 ;:aria ur,a :'iftsen t;e:aa capon No._ .35_ _ Proceedings of vG, n. OF. CO3•eu:siolli:RsCity of Paducah Ia,RCH 19th, 1928 tilo Y100.00 valuation of. such property for the purposa of creating a Sinking Fund and paying interont upon theschool bonds and paying the obligations of the Board of Education, be .spread upon the minutes of this Board. "That the. Board roncind the resolution ltoretofore mode relative to the fisinr of ad valorem tax rate for current exnonses and sinking fund rata passed by the Board on March 8th by reason of the fact that the Boned was mis- informed by the C.ommissioner. of. Finance as to .the amount of State Dranchisc tax to be .received for city education purposes, and in its place I move the following resolution be adopted.". "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be and there now is imposed and levied an ad valorem tax of ninety-nine cents (9") on each. 100.00 valuation of real and personal property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, .subiact.to.taxation for the year 1928, the same being necessary in the opinion of the SBoard of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, to produce for said year of 1928 the total estimatog sum necessary to be raised to support and main- tain the P�iblic Schools of the ity of Paducah, Kentucky, less the estimated semi to be rea0ved from the State ,common School Fund." to IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be and there now is imposed an ad valorem tax upon all the real and personal property in the City of Paduc:,h Kentucky, subAect to taxation for the year 1928, of not exceeding fifteen cents t15¢) upon the >plOO.00 valuation of said property, sane being necessary to create a sinking fund for payment of bonds of the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, issued for school purposes, dated January 15, 1920 and January 15, 1926, and for.the purpose of paying the interest on said bondq when and as due'.' Vle, tho undersigned, Zed A. Bennett, President of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, and Etbel N. Rica, Secretary, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, at a called meeting of the Board held on March 14th, 1928, and same is h^.reby oertifod to the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners of said City for the attention of such Board, as the law directs. Attest; - Ethel 11. Rico �gt4Ty Board of E,iuctition, Paducah, Kentucky Zed A. Bennett ro3 en• Board of Education, Paducah, Kentucky Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradahaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and mayor Lackey. (5). Cocmissionor "utter read an Ordinnnce entitled ".',IJ ORDIIJAICE Borrow money $50,000,00 AUTH011ZIIJG _:i:D DI1WTIRG TILE MAYOR OLID COMMISSIONER of PODLIC FI`IANCE TO BORROT: ViE SLIM OF FIFTY TIIO;SfdJD (.;'50,000.0a) DOLLARS FOR T1D; USE AND BT:IJEFIT OP THE CITY OF PAD:CAH 1.1,D TO FIECUTH A IIOTF OR NOTES FOR SAID SUM OR SULIS FOR AND Oil BERALF OF S"17) CITY AND TO PLEDGE `CIt': RrWeIRTP•.S OF T1!b: CITY 1'OR T111 FIRST ONL•' HA1,F OF T1iE "I::+R 1929 ,,:P.' 9.IRITY THEREFOR. Adopted on the ealh of the roll: Yeas; Co,-mlos- ioners 1laada'naw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Coneissionar flutter offerej motion that to TUR 3T,1eEV,,F;1"T OF illE V?i'.FJE FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH FO:I `_i[E YEAR 1928 " be received and sed re- filed %nd spread upon the e:inutes of the Board. "or 19rs " , :1TICIPATFD '?FVi1YlE FOR 1928 " Auto l fico: ,e a ......................... 15,500.00 ... s �00.00 „ y 58,5 �stoot ` 9,00o.00 1,800.00 Police Cort ............................ 20,000.00 City Scales 1,500.00 ` Rlveraide Hospit•.1.....................` 90,000.00 ' Oak 4rcve acslea .......................... 2,500.00 Oak Grova .'.+;rials .......................... 3,200.00 " . ,meatal•(sty ..gar:r ......................... •550.00 ce Building Peralta, ... . 900.0() r. 3r.tsre1,000.00st paer,i Fu ,fl..... ... .. i« ry 7S0.0o i;aer,.Ic,....... ......... Saentin-.+.c I ca nerr _ ,;o) Proceedings of BOARD OF COISUISSIOUERS City of Paducah _IaAtICN 19-th, 1928 Taxes 1927 ............................... 3,000.00 Ponnitlos 1927 ........................... 300.00 Poll Tees 1927 .......................... 500.00" i Poll 'Taxes 1928 .......................... 4,470.004, Penalties 1928........ .4,700.00 ' Back Taxes ............................... :3,000.00 ' Returns from Savior Formits............... 2,500.00 Returns from County on City Block I -lap.... 2,500.00 Engineer's Refund from Secwors in Now 11500.00 172,070.00 Territory......... Assessment .... ........................23,312,520.00 Rate .................................. 2 64 GIi,75.oa: Assessment on Banks @ 2" {3901,505.00 18,030.10". Tobacco 0 15V 298,210.00 4,473.15"' Exempt property 0 1.1.3 ' 186,940.00 211.3111�16r; 659,264.94 Franchise tax ......................... 86,613.83 -5uhdry Collections ............... i6TRL 172 070.00 .Adoptad on the call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Futter offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled "AN ORDI21A"CE FIXING THE LEVY OR RATE OF THXATION ON PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADJC_,H, Tax levy for 1928 itiENTUCKY, FOR THE YEAR 1928, AND THE RATE OF TIILPOLL TAX, C!ITH THE PURPOS,S OF SAID LEVY THa3EUIDER DEFINED." Adopted on-tho call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners i Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor "ackey. (5). i Commissioner Rutter offered notion to adopt an ordinance entitled .nportion- "Ail ORDINANCE FIXIIIG Thu APPORTIOITIENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR nt ord- `_n^nee for THE YEAR 1928. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin,. 1928 Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION R=nUIRING THE PAIxrC=1I 71,,TER COIVAIIY TO EXTEND ITS MAINS ON CURTAIN STREP;TS III THE CITY OF PAUJCAH." Adopted on the call of the roll: Year; Commissioners Brad- chaw, Hannan, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of the Board of Renort Of ' E:,a:-� of Equalizers of the City of Paducah be receivi:d, filed and spread upon the minutes of ..alizers this Board. :.o, the Board of Equalizers, present the following report: "Bei:lE duly appointed, vro began our work on January 3, 1928, and co,:;nlete3 rare on Febraary 6, 1928. ;a chocked the Asse:atr+s books and found them In exce?ion': condition, Ne flat raisos :vero made on deal Estate and Improvements. Cn propnrty that had been assessed by the owner lowor than the property in the same block, tkece asaesn:zonts wcra made equal accordingly. Personal property was equalized or, tis ss .e basis.• A Parr decreases v,ore made on property that was over-aa::eccod." Gross increase on real Estate & Improvements ;323,830 r',ceroa :e, on q It & It 43.225 Nat I croace on 'eel Estate & Imp. ;280,605 Incroas nn nnrooral property 32 750 Total no': iacrn_ao i:accsaor+a total as ahem on the books x24,429,045 Bsard+s docrnr,aa 43 2^5 7o.rd+s not ircrea::e 313,820 To%& assaaLuant for 1028 w24,69+9,175 Neapact£u11y aebmi>.tcd, :31F;ne i, T;nos. H. Clayton, C!'r ti-aan Levi Brian, C1nvk Adoptel"n t�; 1,; '?e.c,: Ca�:`nl_asiaf.".; L dsha:r' Fannin, Polson, Butte And %ap act.a?. f ior+ eeting 4110:rned,