HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 337, August 26, 1929No. _ 337 .. Proceedings of _ BOARD OF C01,41IMSIONERS _ City of Paducah_AUGU5T_.26,_l929_, At a rerulnr meeting of the Bosrd of Commia^toners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building In the City of Paducah, nentucky at 2 orclock p.m., on the 26th day of August, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their n*mos: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Meyor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Coannissioncr Bradshaw offered motion thnt the power of attorney from Power of Atty Southern Rds Cc Southern Roads Comnany to R.W.Thomas, be received, filed and recorded. Adopted to R.":.Thomas on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Vayor Lackey, (5). Commisnioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Progress Estimate No.10 - Se"r Zone 9A Progrors estimateon Sewer 2orte'4A as to work done and materials furnished during the month of No.10 July, 1929, in the construction of said seiiers in said zone by Morkle Contracting Company be received and filed, and that a copy of same be furnished to Merkle Contracting Company. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Jeff. St., 32nd Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion; Carey -Reed Company to 35th & 35th" having executed construction bond for the construction of hard surface street on St.Jefr St. to C,atral -venue Jefferson Street, from the West property line of 32nd Strect to its junction with Contract No.8 filed 35th Street; and 35th Street, from its junction with Jefferson Street to the South property line of Central Avenue, and having executed Contract No.8 covering said work,' which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by Carey-Reod Company as principal and the Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, tharyland as surety, and the contract apnrovee by the City Solicitor, I now move that s -i d contract and bond be received and filed; and that the certified bid check of Carey -Reed Company be delivered to it by the Commissio ner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor L•ackey,(5). Park Commissionar Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads faI1aCP Addition Cont. Company having 'executed construction bond for the construction of hardsurface No. 6 filed sfroets in Wallace Park Addition, to -wit: Maple Lane from the ''Nest proparty line of the Lovelaceville Road to the South property lino of Buckner Lane Road, or Broodayextended; Forest Circle, from the ':lost property line of Maple Lane to the East property line of Sycamore Drive; Sycamore Drive, from the Louth prop•rty line of Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extanded, to the North propotty line of the il,neville Road; Forest Circle, from the Enr.t proporty line of :yca- more Drive to the t+est property line of the Lovolaeeville Road; "1a11ace Lane, from the North property line o" Forest Circle to the Soath Property line of Poreat Circle; Cedar Lnno, from the Hest -roperty line of Mal -lace I:ane to the :oath property line of Poront Circle; Clnrlc Street extended, from tine vl(st property line .f thr, LGv!laCoville Road to the East property line Of ,jal.lec0 Lane, +n•) h^vin, ere^.uted rc.ntrnrt No.6, covering avid .cork, :;hick bond hna been nparnved by the layor nn, :1,;ned by fouthorn Roads Company as prirwipal and •.'re r.:!, rimin �-uroty Cn:npony o1' New York as o, rat.y, and the contract approved by the City "Glieltor, I now �:ove thst a:,1%1-ontrnot and bond be received sr:d fi; .', a::a ti.at !ha eer.lf.teri n1d check of -outt3ern Roads Company be e" `'•Y.rel t;n i+s .. Lh Coe -is ler_ ublie Fln>nce. Adopted on call. of the roil: seen; ^oz�ia,ticr:,rn Fara+laha:, An, :felson, Rutter and favor lackey, (5). N. :1138 1 __. Proceedint s of BOAR -D-017 `,C7". ,I:' T`'TV '': City of Paducah._, 2TTUCK , AUGUST 2s, 1929 Southern Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Ronds Company, Rds Co., having executed construction bond for the construction of hnrdsurfnce street on Buckner Iane Cont. Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extended, from the Fast property line of 82nd Street to #7 filed the Enst property line of Vino Street, and hnving executed Contract No,7 covering said work, which bond has been approved by the Mnyor and signed by Southern Roads Compnrp as principal and the American Surety Company of New York as surety, and the contract approved by the City Solicitor, I now move that sfid contract and bond be received and filed, and that the certified bid check of Southern Foads Company be delivered to it by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Coamissionors Bradshaw, Hanni, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: N.E.Stone, engaged N.E.Stone Ln business under the name of N.E.Stone Company, having executed construction bond Lovelace- villa Rd. for the construction of hardsurface street on the Lovelacoville Road, from the North Cont .;i9 filed property line at the junction of the Blandville Road and commencing at the Nort.l edge of the improved intersection of the Paducah and Blandville Road and the Paducah and Lovnlaceville Road to the junction of the improved street or driveway at the inter- section of Prosdway and the Lovelaceville Road, and having executed Contract No.9 covering said work, which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by N.E. Stone, engaged in business under the name of N.E.Stone Company, as principal and the National Surety Company of New York as surety, and the contract approved by the City solicitor, I- now move thst said bontract and bond be received and filed, and that the certified 'cid check of N.E.Stone, engaged in business under the name of'II,E.Stone Company, be delivered to it by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and iiayor Lackey,(5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: The followinS claims hiving Clnims been duly approved for allowance and payment by the proper departments, I move the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized *d p0r same: DEPARTEIFITT OF PUBLIC FINANCE. Brady Stewart, Back Tax Collector, (Mo.of July) $193.59 DEPARTUMIT OF PUBLIC SWKS, Meets - I.C,R.R.CO., Frt. on car Rock Asphalt 102.43 Total $296.02 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com_7lssioners Brndsha-!, ilannin, Nelson, Tatter ar,d Moyer T.ackey, (5). Co:.r+i_saioner Punter offered motion that the Cash Orders in the amount of Cash Order a. u13b..9 La allo:•red, cnC the Co:=Lssioner of Public Finance be re-imbursed by check on tl:e Oene:_-1 Funds, some to be chcrged to the proper departments. Adopted on cn_l or t'cc ,.o'_1: Yean; Cerrirslorers Bradshaw, &nnnin, Nolson, Rutter and Enyor Lackey, (5). Cc=miv�icn,r Eradeha:r off,:re(' than following motion: A reaclution entitled, -A P':_OIA'ItN PI:OSI�II10 F'�:� ....,'.G!: r.' 711" -7.1,44i DPIV1.:,AYS, MIMS AND •?. , 1' ! r•L'AB MET' OF JAC?:'ON of 2Gt & tAe:er: J i`.i'C : '.'i C? T •l:er.1 Ci , ...1` .0 , :I . .'i i't117F TO ","HH to .�. f VAT O N".. 339 Proceedings of __. _ BOARD OF CO':131,> IONEFS City of Paducah_Aucu T_ 26,, 1929_ SAMF MAY BE CCNSTRUCTED UFON THF- TEN Yr'0 PAr.NP'NT PLAN" having been introduced rad laid over for one we,k in its comoletbd, I no,., move that said resolution be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll.: Yeae; Commissioners Bradabvw, Lannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mvyor Lackey, (5). Commissionrr Bradshaw offered motion that a resolution entitled, Alley between "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ;HE CONSTFUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF All ALLEY Bdw.& Jeff. 7th to 9th St. LYI11G BET;'dEFN BROAITIAY AND J17171T YO11 STRFET, F' OM THE 7EST PROPT'RTY LINF. OF SFVF,'TH STRTFT TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STRPPT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKFN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, '.7ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTA!:ES, CATCH. BASINS, SE -TR AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NPCF^SARY ENGIITF.F.RING, ADVFRTIST_NG AND LEGAL AND CLFRICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TIURE7.7ITH AT 711F CO:T G' THE ABUTTING PROPFRT'Y 0"iNFRS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY B7 COTT.'T'TTCTT ' UPON THE TFN YEAR. PAYMFI.T PLAIT" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that a resolution entitled, Paxton St., "A RFSOTU ION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVFL STREET, AND CONCRETE Bloom to Alex- ander gravel, CURBS, GUTTERS AND DRIVF?/AYS ON PAXTON STR'FT, FROM THE 1l'EST PROPERTY TINE OF ete.,recolution .BLOOM AVFIIUE TO THE :VEST PROPERTY LINF OF AILEXANT'.'R AVENUE, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKEN COUNTY, KPNTUCKY, TOGFTHP'R "ITH ALL NECFSSARY YANHOTTS, a INTLKF£, CATCH BASTNS, SE1.7RR AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NECEFSARY ENGIIFEF.RING, ADVFFTI`'ING AND LFGAL ANI CL`RICAL SFRVICE IN CONNECTION T?EE'RF"ITH AT THE COST OF THE ABUT'ENG FROPL•RT-: 0"HERS AND`PROVIDING THAT SAME b:AY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YFAF PAYMENT PLAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commisri oner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinance entitled, Adams Street- All ORDINANCE PROVIFING FOR THS CON,TTUCTION OF GR..nVEL STR-ET, AND CONCRETE 28th to 29th St. ordinence intro. CURBS, GUTTFRS AND DRIVE'AAYS OR 4DADTS PTRFFT, FROM THF 7.'EST CURB LINF OF T1,'1EN'IY- EIr.RTH STR=TT 70 T L• EAST PROPFRTY LINE OF TV.rZ119Y-NINTH STR'.FT, I1, -F" CTSY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KFN-1U',.KY, TOGEnIUR !7ITH ALL NFCF SARY MAtPTOI.'"S, INTAKES, CATCH LiAFTITS, SPTTFR AND DRAIN PIPE, AND AIS, N-CFS'-ARY T�NGINF.I'RIT:G, ADVFRiI1ING ANP LT•GAL AN' CLFRTCI.L SERVTC7 IN COTFNFCTION ';TFT""'ISH 'T T1P' LOFT OF TITF ABUTTING PROPFRIY O"NFRE AND 'ROVILING THAT SAWWY BE COTT TRUCTFD UPON 17-' SF.N YEAR PAYYENf PLAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Bradshaw, ITnnnin, Nelcon, Rutt. r and Mayor Lackey, (5) 13th ft., and Co.-.is:3ioncr hradshar.• offered the following motion: Southern Roads Cniro ,:ond pavf-' accepted CopnnJ� Contractors, having completed the constriction of paved strr-nts on 13th tract, fr..m the Fest property line of Willett Street to the Fast proporty lino of PnIn itrr t; and on the Cairo Road, from the Last rroperty line of Palm "trrot to the :lent pro- rty lire of Atkins Avenue and to the presentcity limits, and n^.nice• I.nvin� horetoforo Ln,n riven on the 21st Cray o'.' Au unt, 1929, th,rt the Bonrd of Co minr ionfrs -:aul' In tir foronoon on August 26, 19519, in:,pact acid st_,;et end ill work innIdent t!,aroto awl woulr: he in sender nt ', o'clock p.m., or, rl:e t`.6t2: da;; 0 ::u„ :at, T6:9 in the Corcdnslow•rcl Chamber in the City Hall a.i., Ing Sr. t', c ^i"y of Per:ucu!;, i;o-ntucry, to hear nny com mints or protests •iL refvrer.co to -ho „Era .ndl a5^.n;,t,+nca _^i,! ork and. t!:o cost t.!Creof as set t;.. in a„Sd ...rico, rnq 1,1d onr� of -clnsf n� rs h;raing so innpeeted aslet w:'rk T rd _....'.:n ar,r!e ;.r,a been ccmpleted In ... _ nee wit", said N.- 340 Proceedings of._ _ -Bot,T e,er_C *'r I City of Paducah.,_1LTLCILOB7C.._A�UST contract, I nor, move that said street and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Street Paving Contract No.$, Southern Roads Company, Contrsc'ors, ane' thnt•the Enginoor's estimated cost of s:;mc be confirmed and that said t estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection. And tY:nt the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as shorn :.y the Engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; '. • i Commissioners Bradshn-•r, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Conmissioner Bradshst:' offered the following motion: I move, the adoption of an Assessment Ordinnnco ordinance entitled, "AL1 OFTIIANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROP7BTY ON BOTIi SIDES OF ' 13th St k Cairo Rd. THIRT1111TH STR1 T, FROM THE EAST PPOPTRTY LINT: OF !'IILTETT STFITT 0 TIT EAST PROFFTY LINE OF P'LI1 STT'-rT; AND ON 7HF CAIPO ROAD, FROM TPF EAST PROPFATY LINE. OF PALM ST' IFT TO THE 17F'ST P- OP '3'rY LIIIF Of ATKINS AVf•NUE AND TO THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS, IN THE CITY OF PA.PUCAH, McCRr•CKFN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVED STF'T�T, "'ISH ALL NECESSARY CURB, GUTTER, DHIVF"AYS, rdAITHOLFS, INTAKES, CATCH BASTIIS, DFLIN TILF. ADD SE'?'R PIPE; AND AIL NFCF.SSIIRY FNGINEF'RTTTG, ADVFR'eISIITG AND LFGAL AND CT.FrlC',L F RVICF. III COTI—CTICIT TT.'i•PF3ITH AS •FOLT 03S: COf7 0" T''t1'*"C :iT.: FXC'WTION ON 13TH STR. iT, FFOM SH' LIST PTOP"F.1Y LI'^' C-P :'.'IIIETT STRFF'T TO r .AST PFOPFR-fY L111F OF PLLM STRT-ET: 860 ABUTTING FT'PT AT 3:7447209 PER ABUTTIND FOOT 60 " " " 4.2833333 19 " " " 5.0747368 1995.20 " " " 14.9015838 COST OF PAVING AND EXCAVATION ON THE CAIRO ROAD, FRAM THE 111,ST PROPIRTY LINE OF PALM STREET TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF ATKINS AVEITOE AND TO THE PRF£-NT CITY LIMITS: 2005.43 ABUTTING FFET AT $4.6041098 PER ABUTTING FOOT COST OF H'-ADEPS, YFSH REINFORCING, FXT1U. C07-:1'T7, 7 T r T CSTEEL 6ND FAT 1 --------------------- �0.04453261 PER DOLLAR CONSTFUCTION COST COST OF - CTION- 0.04432225 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTIOII COST COST OF-------0.01547289 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST C^ST OFC-------- -0.35 PER LIN. FT. rr r FI YS-------J0.30 PER SR. FT. r,ITRB 7F_/IOHT --- X,0.50 PFR LIN, FT. ;. ,1IP ,,.;1,'h D---- -0.60 PT.•R LIII. FT. ------ --- 0.45 P R LIN. FT. AND PEOVIi 7::: THAT THi'. COST OF SUCH COA?STPUCTION, INTPF>:ST, EXTRA :"ORK, AND AIL ' :.. -' , ADVFTTI` ING A.ND I.FGAL AND CT; RICAL ' FRVICE IN C0117-'CTION THFRF.- 'I'�"i - "' •�!' '?T: P.`."' E.^D AGAINST THE PPO PFRTY RrCEIV IMG 711- G'i1F,FIT OF SAME I ND F L'i': I G : -; .... i'.: T.... .. ':: 1:T , AS SHO^IN BY Tli'- FNG INET?R' S P:'":I - ON 9 T I F III TI'E "'i'"I .r PUBLIC "'ORKS, PND PROVIDT110 T31AT £i•,1:: 6.-... ..'.:':.U: "AY BE ". ID III ': 75L Iti"[: :.:i.' ?�, B-ING ONT PACH YEAR FORA Pi T:'TOD OF TEN YF,;iRS,a Adopted on call of, the roll: Yeas; Com-3ssioners Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Y-,yor Lackey, (5). to ^r r• I':',tCC-'- r-otion to adopt an ordinance entirled, "AN 0! TTLA C' Bt; `t., , "" 1. ^TF FT TO IFF CITY LIMITS TO BP A BGiLsVAPD to FOR VIOL-TION TIF-T-IFOP." Adopted on r..,T? or the rr,". _ Co. i aan.r� Brr:d:;hew, lrnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and "syor sioner Hreds hwi o`'fu!r of :e7n:r mol Ion- I move t'„at an or'innnre _. :1G7t:TT.UC':ION QF V I STI , AND CONCRFTF. ,21 ay :i11'il OF T.':YiY+ grs v, 1 .,r t � . No.. 341 .. Proceedings of BO?FD IT CO"I'111 110 FRS City of Paducah AUGWET 26,1929 CATCH BASINS, SE,?F:R AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NF.CFFARY FlIGINFFFING, ADV^RTI"ING AND I rGP.L AND CLEPICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TH1 PF':ITTH AT TIH3 COST OF THE ABII.TING•PFOPE6'TY 07.17IERS AND PROVIDING IIItT'SAIdF IdfY BR CONST'UCTF.D UPON THE TIN YF9F PA1:,IrNT PIAN" be introduced and lny over. Adonted on cn11 of the roll: Yeas; Corami aioners Bradshn•n, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey,(5). On•motton meeting adjourned. ADOPTED' 1929 APPROVED_-c�1�_ --_= C y e'�