HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 333, August 19, 1929No. 333 Proceedings of . _ BOARD OF COI- !lSslGllrl'S City of Paducah AUGUST 19, 1929 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners holdin the Conrnissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 19th day of August, 1929, ldayor Lackey presidod and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the rules be suspended Rule suspended as to order of as to the order of business and that the question of awarding contract business on bids received on street paving contract No:9 be first taken up. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor -Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follcwing motion: It appearing Lovelaceville Rd. Bdw to Blandville to the Board of Commissioners that sheet asphalt and cement concrete baso with Rd. material selected ;ravel aggregate is the most suitable material, in its judgment, to be used in the surfacing of the Lovelaceville goad, from :the North property line at the junction of the Blandville Road and commencing at the North edge of the improved intersection of the Paducah and Blandville Road and the Paducah and Lovelace- ville Road to -the junction of the improved street or driveway at the inter- section of Broadway and the Lovelaceville Road, under Contract No.9 to be let today, and which contract will hereafter be referred to as Contract No.9; I now move that the construction of s -id street be made by the 11se of -concrete base with gravel aggregate, according to the plans and specifications accompaning bids for said street improv,ment, and that the surface thereof consist of a layer 1- inches thick, known as binder course math atone aggregate, with a surfnee course of sheet asphalt 1j inches in thickness, and .being referred to in the bid sheet as consisting of a 3 inch asphalt pavement on a 6 inch cement concrete base, together with the installation of sewers and drains as called for in the. bid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ldayor Lackey, (5). Cormisaionor Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing Lovolaceville Rd. from an examination of all of the bids on sheet asphalt, which has been adopted Edw to Blandville Pd. contract No.9 as the most suitable material for the construction of the driveway on the Love- &wsrded N.::.Stone laceville Road, from the North property line at the junction of the Blandville Pond and ccr.nenc'_ng at the North odge of the improved intersection of the Paducah and Blandville Road and the Paducah and Lovelneevill.o Road to t' -e junction of the improved atreet or driveway at the intersection of Broadway and the Lovelaceville F?oad, under Contract No.9, that the bid of 11.1.2tore, engaged in business under the name of N.;'.:)tono Company, is the lo',Yti3t and bent bid, Z now move that their proposal ano old on onid contract to hardsurface said street on a ce-rnt con:rete bane +An -1,:r tl1e pinna ane specific tions stated with said bid wl:i: a 3 inch sheet n ,;hnit pnvc:Mc, nt, COTlnistilV Of a 11 inch b,ndor course with ctora ag.:r•:gnte nod lyi .inches of chart asphalt on tep o,eof, and all other it=z In .n.n1'i propaaal or oirl as sl,o:vn in the proposal., spocirications end yid, of t.... said ?i.:i. tone, nn ayai in tr•r.lne::^ under thre name of li.',Ctone Cocmany, to ac'iepted-- It bring un;r,rstocxl t%++:t Said atre:t is to bo Mirf cod with sheet aaphalt upon r, i:ean as '-rain ,-,rc:i'•ad, and a .l of a Chl.i,t . -:esti anal utility os reaulred In r, -e ,i eifie•,cicns, togeth^r ith the installation of scai,r3 and 'rains sa ofc': ed fo: in the Li?; yrs Z flirtF:. r move that the ?%aye: be authorized Na. 334 Proceed:no+s of 130''7.^ `` ,o:. -l- lt''�1i,' City of Paducah- ,Kr:N1U2KY, AUGUST 19, 1929 and instructed to enter into a contract with the said N:F..Stone, engaged in business under the name of N.F.Stone Company, for tho construction of said street in accordance with the plans and spe6ificstions and in accordnnoa Ath the terms of said ordinance providing for said improvement. And I furtier move th•t the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be'returned to them. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; CoinTAssioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)'. Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: The Commissioner of Coal for Public Property having advertised for sealed bids for coal to be furnished to the City ! City for year of Paducah•for the coming year, and having received numerous bids and same having been opened according to said notice, and it appearing that the bid of the West Kentucky Coal Company to furnish Laine -run coal at $2.80 per ton, and lump at $3.30 per ton, is the lowest and best bid, I now move that said proposal be received and filed and that the Mayor be instructed to sign a contract with the said West Kentucky Coal Company in accordance with said bid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Ruttor and Mayor Lackey, (5). Monthly Commission:r Rutter motion that the Monthly Estimate for work done during the Est.Cont. #F3-5.R.Co month of July, 1929, on Contract No.3 for street paving constructed by Southern Roads Company, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be ,instructed to issue Improvement 'Tarrant therefor in the sum of $428.47. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and j Mayor Lackey, (5). Payrolls - Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the payrolls for the first half of first half August, 1929, be sllowed in the amount of $10,546.26, and the Con.maissioner of Publio %aueast Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Claims - Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the claims for the month of July, July .1929, be allowed in the amount of $10,362.66, and the Commiasioner of Public Finance au�borized to pay snare. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshawa, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lac'cey, (5). :special Comrissioner Rutter offered motion thatthe report of the Special Straet :t.I:npv, Improve sent Fund for .the month of July, 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on call Fund rent of Lha roll: Yeas; Com-lsaion«-rs Bradoh-w, Hannin, Nelson, Ruttor and !dayor Lackey, (5). Con-iosioner Rutter offered motion that the ronort of Collections & �%ollect- tons & Jisbarser..ents for the• month of July, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call Dlab;:rse- -antt of the rol': Yeas; Com.7innioners BrsdsPn w, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnekoy, July (5). Co.•r-•issioner Bradmhan offered motion that a resolution entitled, "A RF.SOL- hOt`h f -t. ';Tlrn Q'ii_I`1G NUR ':Ni: ''Gt4 T: JCi'IC'.I UP Ili:.'/ATKS, pRIVI:HAYS, CURBS AID GU?TFRS ON THE vo.so- I::iF C1' ....._.Sid wit"Xi,etc ', ;. .^ Tii' .OH C TJTlJtiB LINE OF' JAC{50N .^•.TRP T TO TIM, resol JN ;'Zr.N _ ;x i:._ ... ._;! :. T J l7V; L•Nli ON TRF `OUiI! :Ii), OF "'REFLEFt AV i41E, FTCV JJId ` zCS GF;•!b; I P'R f.VF1,Uli TO T!!F ',QST PRUP'IiTY L 7,_.. .�. -:1 '. ,,.;.Li ;g!?, McCitp•CY.: 11 Cr,UNTY, R�:NTUcKY, IjCG ';}C 1 ' ,ETH ANL AL1. : I Tsr F :31TH AT Tllli 'i! 1CT!<';• UPON :!AN' to lr.t:••. _...f.r,. ;r r. -,nte•l on call of the roll. ies 1:: . rs Erads'h-, ilan in, Nelr,oc, p%, LnokeY. (5). Proceedings of BO9RD OF CO'1''IL11'I0NFR No 335 . . City of Paducah-xA-UGUST 191929 Mayor Lackey offored the following motion: The City Planning, and City Planning & Zoning Commission Zonin3 Commission of the City of Paducah having adopted a resolution creating resolution-LnDelle Ave. a business zone or district on LaBelle Avenue, and having certified a copy of their resolution so creating said district to the Board of Commissioners, I now move that the certified copy of the resolution of the City Planning and Zoning Commission be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yess; Co-missioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5), Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the Paducah Water Works Paducah 17ater tike, Co.report Company on iaains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing date of August 15, 1929, be receiv, d and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brodshar.,, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered,the following motion: An ordinance Clark St.,16th to entitled, "SN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDF!'IALK, DRIVEWAYS, 17th St, sidewalk. etc ordinance CURBF AND GUTTFRS ON ,CLARK STREET, FROM THE GEST CURB LINE OF SIXTEENTH adopted STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LI"E OF SEVENTEENTH STRF.RT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAN, McCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, 'OGFTHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MATIHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SE1,7R AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ALVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNF.C`6ION TH"REWITH AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY CF.'NERS AND PROVIDING TEAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMFNT PLAN" having been introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I now move that said ordinance be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission+.rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). ::est End Addition Coamissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, plat adopted "AN OFLINANCE RECEIVING PETITIONS OF PROPERTY 0'7NFRS IN BLOCK NO.31, !?EST END ADDITION, AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLAT ON THE ALLEY IN SAID ADDITION AND DEFINING AND DESCRIBING SAID AT•LEY." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). LaBelle Avenue- Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Bdw.to Jeff.St. b-isiness zone AN OR `INAfiCE DECIARINC LuBELLE AVI'NUE, BET!'.R?EN BROAi.':'AY £TRT FT AND JPFFFFSON ST?'FFT, IN '!HE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND ALL 511E PROPT'RTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SAID STPFET TO Be. BUSINESS PRCP7RTY, PiR?�UINS TO A RF.IUEST OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING C,,!,1MISEION; PROVIDED, THAT NO BUFINFSS NUILDING OR STRUCTURE ',HALL B5 BUILT, CONSTFUCTED OR PLACED GITPIN TWEIITY-FIVE (25) F'FT OF THE SOUTH PROPFRW LI?TF. 0'r JEFF' RSON STREET." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionors Bradshaz:, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion Testing adjourned. SDOPTF.D l 1.929 AFfROVED _, / y t,_ar1c ._