HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 329, August 13, 1929N.. 329 Proceedings of _ .__Bonen of Co • •I'- eon -s,; City of Paducah. AUGUST 13, 1029 At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Nall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 13th day of August, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Nannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of considering bids and awarding contracts numbers 6,7 & 8, and such other business as may come before the Board. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing to Wallnee Park the Board of Commissioners that 1,4nrrenite with stone aggregate and cement concrete Addition -Material base r:ith ravel aggregate is the most suitable material in its judgment to be selected g' ' used in the surfacing of the following driveways in Wallace Park Addition to the City of Paducah, to-rrita Maple Lane, from the West property line of the Lovelaceville Road to the South property line of Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extended; Forest Circle, from the West property line of Maple Lane to the East property line of Sycamore Drive; Sycamore Drive, from the South property line of Buckner Lane Road, or Bro niway extended, to the North property line of the Blandville Road; Forest Circle, from the East property line of Sycamore Drive to the West property line of the Lovelaceville Road; Wallace Lane, from the North property line of Forest Circle to the South property line of Forest Circle; Cedar Lane, from the '~test property line of Wallace Lane to the South property line of Forest Circle; Clark Street extended, from the 'best property line of the Lovelaceville Road to the East property line of Wallace Lane, and which contract will hereafter be referred to as Contract No.6, I now move that the construction of said streets be made by the use of co crate base with gravel aggregate according to the plans and specifications accompaning the bid for said street improvement, and that the surface thereof consist of a layer 2 inches thick consisting of Warrenite with stone aggregate, and being referred to in the bid sheat as consisting of 2 inch Warronite on a 5 inch cement concrete base. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing from 7t81190a ears Ad•lit_ ion-Contrnct nwnrd- an exomination of all of the bide on Warrenite, which has boon adopted as the ed to :cut?:ern Ada. best and most suitable material for the construction of the following drivownyn in '7allace Park Addition to the City of Paducah, to -nit: Maple Lane, from the tent property line of the Lovelaceville Road to the South property line of Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extended; Forest Circle, from the ;lest property lino of Japle Lane to the East property line of Sycamore Drive; Sycamore Lrive, from the South propr:rty tine of Buckner Lane Road, or Brondlway extended, to the North property line of the Blan-lvillo Road; Forest Circle, from the East property Ilse of Cycnaore :.rdva: to the Weat proporl;y line of the Lovelaeovllle Noad; Failace Lane, fron the Norris property lime of °orer,t Circle to the `south proporty !Inc of Fora_.: Circle; Cedar I:ane, frau the Went prop,rty Linn of Nal.lace Lana to the loath property lines of Foraat Circle; Clnrk :treat extended from the rty'.ine of the Lovt1rc5vllle Road to the East property line of ttallace Lana, u_nlar Contract No.6, tl.at the bit of Southern roads Company is the lowe3t ar_d gest cid Gad the best br.ir-nced bid, I now nave that their propodal and bid \ro. 330 Proceedings of.___ BOARD OF.CO'7"I :I�27!Rs City of Paducah,1MTZVCKX,A]LGR&T_13,_1929_ on said contract to hardsurfnce said streets with Warrenits with stone aggregate and cement concrete baso cath gravel aggregnte, under the plans and specifications stated with said bid, consisting of a 2 inch layer of Warrenite, with stone aggregate, and being referred to in the bid sheet as co-slsting of 2 inches of aarrenite on a 5 inch cement concrete base, and all other items in said proposal or bid as shown in the proposal, specifications and bid of the said Southern Roads Company be ncceptod-- it being understood that said streets are to be surfaced with Warrenite upon a base as herein provided, and all of a thickness and Wality as required in the specifications; and I further move that the Mnyor be authorized and instructed to enter into a contract with the said Southern Roads Compnny for the construction of said streets in accordance with the plans and specific tions and in accordnnca with the terms of said ordinance providing for said improvement. And I further move that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionors Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing to the Board of Buckner Lane Rd. Commissioners that sheet asphalt with stone aggregate and cement concrete base with materiel selected gravel aggregate is the most suitable material, in its judgment, to be used in the surf,eing of the drivewny on Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extended, from the East property line of 32nd Street to the Fast property line of Vine Street, under Contract No.7 to be let today, and which contract will hereafter be referred to as Contract No.7, I now move that the construction of said street be made by the use of concrete base with gravel aggregate, according to the plans and specifications accompaning bids for said street improvement, and'that the surroce thereof consist of a layer 131 inches thick., known as binder course with stone aggregate, �•ith a surface course of sheet asphalt 1i inches in thickness, and being referred to in the bid sheet as consisting of a 3 inch asphalt pavement on a 6 inch cement concrete base. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Bradsahw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). EucYncr Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appoaring from an Lone Rd. examination of all of the bids on sheet asphalt, which has been adopted as the most Contract a7-rded suitable material for the construction of the driveway on Buckner Lone Road, or .:outs ern Rds.!:o., Broa-'dwny extended, from the Fast prop,mty line of 32nd Street to the East property line of Vine Street, under Contract No.7, 'hat the bid of Southern Roads Company is the lowest omi best bid and the best balanced bid, I new move that their proposal and bid on said contract to hrrdsurfnce said street on a cement concrete base under the plans and specirloations otnted with said bid, with a 3 Inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of n 1} inch binder course with stone aggregate and 1j inches of sheet asphalt on top tner,.of, r.na all other itsms in onid proposal or bid as shown in the proposal, spectficaticns nrrl bid of the snid Crn.t,ern ponds Company be accented-- it being under- stood t'r.nt said strietn are to be olrfnced with sheot asphalt upon a base no herein Provided, and nil of a thickness and quality as required in the specifications; and I firth•;r rove that the Ynyor be nuthorized rn<l lnstrvctod io enter into a contract with ;he said rcu.tY.3rn Fonda Cc-pnny for the constluotion of said street In accordnnca with the pL-nn gad speci"icotisns and In sccorrinnco lith ti,e terma of snid ordinance pro- i'.tng for 5,11 Smpr:v-^ant. Arad 1 further rove tint the certiflod checks of the u^:.t^cessfzl tia,°ere be r�::ren_' to thea. Adopt,•i on call or the roll: Yeas; Co^-IM-ions.^s nra•"sl-- , 11 nnin, 4elarn, Fur.tcr ami ynynr t.ankey, (i:), N,,.. 331 Proceedings of _ _ ,BOARI? OP_C0'651r°:SONI?RS . City of Paducah._ AUOU_'T_13,1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing Jeff.St., 32nd to to the Board of Commissioners that sheet asphalt and cement concrete base with 35th.St., and 35th gravel aggregate is the most suitable material, in its judgment, to be used at., Jeff to Cen- tral Ave., material in the surfacing of Jefferson Street, from the West property line of 32nd selected. Street'to its junction with 35th Street; and 35th Street, from its junction with Jefferson Street to the South property line of Central Avenue, under Contract No.8 to be let today, and --hich contract will hereafter be referred to ss Contract No.8, I now move that the construction of said streets be made by the use of concrete base with gravel aggregate, according to the plans and specifications nccompsning bids for said street improvement, and that the surface thereof consist of n layer 1i inches thick, known as binder course with stone aggregate, with a surface course of sheet asphalt 1i inches in thickness, end being referred to in the bid sheet as consisting of a 3 inch asphalt pavement on a 6 inch cement concrete base, together with the instnllation of sewers and drains as called for in the bid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the fallowing motion: It appearing from an examination of all of the bids on sheet asphalt, which has been adopted Jeff.3t.,32nd to as the most suitable material for the construction of the driveway on Jefferson 35th.St., and 35th St., from Jeff St., Street from the Test property line of 32nd Street to its junction with 35th Street to Central Ave. Contract awarded and 35th Street from its unction with Jefferson Street to the South property � j pro ert Carey-Read Company line of Central Avenue, under Contract No.8, that the bid of Carey-Reed Company is the lowest and best bid, I now move that their proposal and bid on said contract to hardsurface said street on a cement concrete base under the plans and specificntions stnted with said bid with a 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of a 1* inch binder course with stone aggreiate and 1* inches of sheet asphalt on top thereof, and all other items in said proposal or bid as shown in the proposal, specifications and bid of the said Carey-Read Company be accepted-- it being understood that said streets are to be surfaced with sheet asphalt upon a base as herein provided, and all or a thickness snd quality as required in the specifications, together with the installation of sowers and drnins as called for in the bid; and I further move that the Mayor be authorized and instructed to enter into a contract with the said Carey-Reed Company for the consruction of said streets in accor-lance with the nlnna and specifications and in accordance with the terms of said ordinaneo providing for said improvement. And I further move that the certified checks of the una,:rcensful ti•lders be returned to them. Adopted on call of the roll: Yenn; ro­nlssiom ra Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). On m0ti0n w,ctinc, nd burned. / / / ADO'•:FD (.�<.- l...s ( /�- _^ 19i'9 A PPF OVb'_) r� ayor!