HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 325, August 12, 1929Ne,. 325 Proceedings of BOARD OF COMM1SSIONERS City of Paducah, --AUGUST 12,_1829_. At a call meeting of the board of Commissionera held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 10 o'clock a.m., on the 12th day of August, 1929, Mayor Lackey prosidod and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Bradsha-:, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor. Lackey stated reason Ear call, to -wit- For the turpose of opening bids on Contracts Numbers 6, 7 & 8, and such other businesa as may tomo before the board. Comrissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move that the '^allave Park Add. following bids for the construction d the following driveways in 71allace Park bids received for r'g hardsurface Addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to -:vii; Maple Lane, from the 77est property line of the Lovelaceville Road to the South property line of Buckner Lane Road, or broadway extended; Forest Circle, from the hest property line of Maple Lane to the East property line of Sycamore Drive;, Sycamore Drive, from the South property line of Buckner Lane Road, or Broadway extended, to the North property line of the blandville Road; Forest Circle, from the East property line of Sycamore Drive to the 'Nest property line of the Lovelaceville Road; Wallace Lane, from the North prope ty line of Forest Circle to the South property line of Forest Circle; Cedar Lane, from the ''lest property line of 11lallace Lane to the South property line of Porest Circle; Clark Street extended, from the 'lest property line of the Lovelaceville Road to the East property line of ;Wallace Lane, together with all necessary curbs, gutters, drivewnys, manholes, Intakes, catch basins, sewer and drain pipe, under Contract No.6, be received and filed, pending further action thereon by the board of Commissioners, and that the certified checks accompnning same be delivered to the Commissioner of Public Finance to be held subject to the further orders of the board of C onm:3s s Ione rs Mid West Engineering Co., C.A.Morino Dungoy & Cochran Southern Roada Co., Southern Paving Construction Co., W.T. Congleton Cp., N.E.Stono & Co., N,lndjoFipesi on ;call of, the roll; Yeas; Comminoionera Bradshaw, tlnnnin, Nelson, Rutter,and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co-nissicner Bradshaw offered the fallowing notion; I move that the Bdcknor Lane Rd. Bids received f,r followin i.142 for the construction and reconstruction of the driveway on hardsurfnce Buckner Lane Rood, or Broadway o tended, from the rest property lino of 32nd +a rrc,t to the East property line of Vino street, to gather with all necoaa ry curbs, ,utters, drivaa.nya, mnnholes, Intakes, catch basins, sewer and drain pipe, under Contract No.7, be rocel.ved and file', pond ng further action thereon by the board of (',W-.11Dr1oners; and that the cortified chocks accompaning Bartle be dellvered to t'r:e Cce.-ninni m or of Futlic einanco to be held subject to tho _...rther orders of the boar.: of Cr,..minaicnors; Mid 'Hest Eaginor.ring Co., C.A.Morino iungey & Cochran Pouthern ro„do Co., :southern i% vina Construction Co., Wf.T.L'ongloton Co., 1c Co., Adoptee: cn -all of the roll; Yeas; Cox dosioners nrodahaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Flsy,r Lockey, (51. v,, 326 Proceedings of bOARD- Oe cos^,Ts,:ionrb City of Paducah_ Tv'f7TUCU, AUGUST 12, 1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offered the fol owing motion; 1 move that the following bids for the construction and reconstruction of the driveway on Jefferson Street, from the West property. lino of 32nd Street to its -Junction with 35th Street; and 35th Street, from its junction with Jefferson Street to the South property line Jeff.st.,& 35th St., of Central Avenue, together with all necessary curbs, gutters, driveways, manholes, Bids reed for N.S. intakes, catch basins, serer and drain pipe, under contract No.8, be reeelVed and filed, pending further action thereon by the board of Commissioners; and that the certified checks accompaning some be delivered to the Bommissioner of Public Finance to be held s bject to the further orders of the Board of Commissioners: Mid West BngineerinZ Co., C.A.Morino Dungey & Cochran Southern Roads Co.,. Southern Paving Construction Co., Carey -Reed Co., Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5).: Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: For the purpose of Ad?o,;rnment en'labling the _card of Concnissioners to further consider street paving contracts numbers 6, 7 & 8 and the bids submitted thereon on this date, 1 move that this special and called meeting of the board of Commissioners do now adjourn until 2 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, August 13th, 1929. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradsha:n, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)-. ADOPTED 1929 APPROVED ayor —u'fty U.Leric