HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 318, July 29, 1929N.,- U1 Proceedings of City of Paducah..,' L�L1rKY,_JSIL�.29th,._1fl21_ :1t n regular meeting of the board of Commic­ionors held in the Com-nissioncrs'; •'harbor in the `Ity Ball Build! --g in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., cn the 29th dn;: of July, 1909, 'r.`.ayor Lackey presided and upon enll of the roll the i'ollo ins members answered to their names: Comnisslon-ra Bradshaw, ]Tannin, llelocn, Rutter and !:ayor Lackey, (5). !Tinutes of tho previous meeting .,.,ore adopted as rend. Commissioncr Hannin offered the follow'nC, motion: Emnett "!arford having ford,-+- „lr nrnlied for deed to Lot No.32, Block L'o.l in rausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery to lot ±.. �� the it of Paducsh, McCracken Count Kentuck I no- move thnt deed be issued O.Gr•, rc .. Y Y, Y, to the said Emnett "'arford to said Lot No.32, Block No.l in Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of $250.00. Adopted on cnll of t1•e roll: yeas;(5). Commissioner Hannin offered motion tint the deed of conveyance from firs i,`' JiXcClure to 'iiss 2adah Young and ',:ias tlellie Young to the :dost one-third off the to :9- :cs p.outh ono -half of Lot 11o.96 °action 6 in Oak Grove Gemeterjr in the City of Paducah, _,ur, s -lot , is :'.Grove 'eCrcc1,cn nounty, Kentucky, subject to the rules and regulations of said cemetery and subject to the conditions of said deed, be now ratified and approved by the Board of Co--nissioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Ilel^on, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter off -red motion that the cash orders in tiro amount of 516.82 be allowed, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by check on the General Fund; same to be charged to the proper dennrtments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co^nissioners Bradshn-, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 'inyor Lackey, (5). gr. Commissioner Rutter offered motion tint the commisslon of 10 due ''-rady :.en ate ?cart, ?lack Tax Collector, for bpecinl Improvement Tax Bill collections for the ronth of June, 1029, which amounts to ':181.76 be nlloied and the Commissioner of nablic :in^nee be ruthorized to pay s^me and chnr;,e ,o tie proper fund. Adopted on ^all. of the roll: Sonc; Cor-Irrionerc 'radshaw, 17nnnin, Nelson, Rutter and i'ayor Lackey, {5), Co- :issioncr Rutter offered motion thnt tha shim of Locivneod,Gasser & n _,,T_ ?oc':c;i -mint of $1684.60, havinr been duly approved for paymont by the Park :a in '. nc• • --eve '!,?,nt s!,m, be n loe:ed and the Commissioner of .ub i Finance -,ant from the 1'nrk fund. Adopted on enl' f the roll: _. radshnw, :',nn`.n, "elsan, Putter and *;ayor Lackey, (5). c.3a.ii;;1nr Pwtcr offered the follo:ria; motion: I !novo flet al.lornince be G rerol ..... .. ie::lonrr of lublie, Finance be n1,thorized to r _ st onY -:ana due nn*' pa^aLlo August 1, 19'9 109, n9.00 v. .,. _ s'1^0.00 T.ntcrest ,•,1 Eon1s 430,00 " F n " Total int, -ity i'n+ 1 m•:l rnrk to ti -r ti in•tevs of tha t �r:.lo:lnr . .. .._. r±r, t cn .nll of he roll: Yaaa; Co ri:aior:era : radahraa, N". 319 -_ Proceedings of RT' • :,'_9T_ = "' I: ;jot -City of Paducah� Con -1 :ioncr Rutter offered motion thnt allo,,nnen be 'made from the i O.P.leilmod Goncral Fund, and the Com"iesion•r of :ublic '•'innnce be authorized to pay ,,of nding Bonds Bond interest on the following issues due an,: p-'yablo August 1,1029 for deoosit In the Citizens Savings flank, General Sinking Fund: N.O. & O.R.Railroad Refunding Bonds of 1928 for ;;20,000.00 6 months interest of ,:20,000.00 ^ 41% C425.00 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissior.,ra Lraeshna, llannin, Ilelson, Rutter and T,:ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Putter offered the following motion: It appearing that II.B.Gr i^mer re- fund on Special H.B.Grim-cer has paid Special Improvement Bill 14/40694, amount :j11.56 for 'Karl St.Impv.Bill ` =40694 Golightly through error, and he having duly requested a refund of the amount paid by mistake, in order to make the correction I move that the 1�ourminrioner of ;ublic Finance be authorized to refund Ti.B.Grimmer tho sum of :.,11.56 frau the Special Stroot Improvement Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshar+, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Vayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, Paducah iter l:ks Co.report "A RFFOLUTION RrWTFTNG TTI- Pa-TIC:,H "rAV17 "'Ol'RS COTIPP.ITY TO EXTFND ITS TLZIITS ON CFFTI-.I?l STF"'TF TIT T''-" CT;.Y 0 PP, UCAU." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiscion•rs Bradshawp Irannin, I:olnon, Rutter end "ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner •radshaw offered the follo`.ring motion: A resolution Cl sk. Et.,16th to 17th -side- entitled, "A RF; OLJS_.'i: `'. 01.71-T;?G '.0!- ?-1=:' CO;:,!T'.ICTION OF SIDE77ADYS, D:'IW: 'AYS, r;olkr,ete reeol `T , FP:O1.I 71II. :mF.:: T CUr',B LI`lI' OF S L:< '" N'I1 l7. .: ..': 9UT`EF.S GTT _ TO T...- ?A3T Pi -0?? -R -Y T.T;:' C!, ' V+ ";1411: . -.`_'T, IN V'. CITY Cr MCMC CI:]i1T ".C:IP..'Y, is ;7;U KY, TOG -'.,I? R T'.?i 'Li. `i C '-"'F,Y 1:'.i1ITOTJ'` BA:'TT:H, ,-.. "L'.:CI? -T'[, 'l:i .,_. 'Y T:I:GINF'T? ITIG, :%' •'C LEG!L f.NP ,,T. 7 L,? T: %;7 r,"- .;r r „T :. TT' +. TIT: r ,.. T CO, -,T C5 TFT: A r', . SZ:1G PROPERTY 0 QCT T -?r. ' .. 'rY BT: COMT-UC'rFr UI'OS .'"I' Y,.R PAY i' 77 '11" havir-, boon introduced and laid over for one wee, in its ce,nItcd form, I no:: novo tt•nt snV revolution bm -dopted. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens; 00=_issioners Bradshn,^, Fannin, Holcon, Rutter and 3:nyor Lackey, (5). Com^isrioner P,radehnc: offored motion that an ordinnnca a:ntiticd, 8th carnets -aide- "AN Gi.iIIiA'?CE -Oi; VIII' CGtd:'•Ti'.IJC`IOt: 0:' `;I;:'"�+�TI:S riT I:'.Oi' :�71'"�� OF FF01I _<n: VFT T7 0! ' I,TY LIUL OF FC+11I 17 T a;, I'i F^.ST CURB TI'm= ''-TrliiE '-"T; AND Cil rT:'-Y ''TT:T'm'T, I:T-011 "T`' .,T ''-Ci'.I .Y LIi.I< CF roue II T - CTIFE LTITE OF EIGHTH 'T, '.I'' "L ' "T, 1.1 01+ THE M..';'I: ."C:r : i C' WME,014 f.,TM T TO iP :I;i' "r•.._ i T,r :�"� e' r..... a�cr,R_.:r:':•u cculr x x, ;';:r 'Iy r I. . T N" be introduced ark! ti, n•, Aro ted on r e t' -.o : Xen. , :c 1 ±e: cr's Brr+dnY-- P`uttrr an,! ; r,cicry, (f:). rc -i:::Icnrr Ern'.n},aa nffr.rr.,l notion ti.at on ordinance (Witled, `A"':TGA CT•' Ci'?ICP• TE CTTVW1, +:tl LIM. ALL 11 "X T' Ty !IPP, .!?I; Ate, N' R Nc. 4 Proceedings of City of Paducah, Contract betzreen rd.Grern S ?'rrkle Conc.Co. filed L:NGIYti:7:RIf;G, ADVI`-RTI°I110 ATT) L;CG.AL AHD 0' `TICAL SERVICE IPI COiII'F.CTIOA THP7i1•":'ITH AT TM CTY C - PROVIDQP'.G '_FPT 'l"Y 11E CCII<MMY'D L'PON 4.. -i? 1TI.R rtYPtFPIT PLAN",bo lnrroc•'.cc:' and lay over. �r'onted on call of the roll: Ycrc; Cor._•asrioners Braeshar:, Eannin, Ncl:on, nutter and Vryor Lickoy, (5). 21.^yor Lrckey offere,' the Sol.'o�•,in_: -wion- Ed. Creon having dolivercd to the. Cicy of Paducah, a contract botnern himself and the �crkle Contr-sting Comonny, r:nich contract bears date -of July 26, lgrg, and by Yrhich the said Ccrkle Contracting Company etteTnts to assign to the snit': ul. Green the sum of A,000.00 on account of the server contract with tbo City of Paducah and req,icsts tle City of Paducah and the City Nn+i,nnl Bank of Paducnh to pay to the s^i' Groan the cum of u5,000.00 ar.•j charge me to t•^e accocnt of s�i, "erk'e Contrnetine Company, and the ssld rd. Grern b^ -in- rea+iorted tho 5ity of Paducah to file sail contract and assignment with the nroceodings of the P•rar' of Co=irsionrre, I no-,,- move that snit contract be roceii`ed and filee, but t nt the city assume no ..1i-Lility by reason thmeof. Adopted on cn 1 of the •roll: Yeas; Co-:-.issioncra Erad'shn•••, r-on"dn, Nelson, Rittcr and Vryor Lnckey; (5). On motion meeting ad•i'urned. APiiOOvT-;) J. y 7eik---