HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 313, July 15, 1929N<•. 313 ProccedinL+s o€.__ .o, ;;p co"""' `iC'L'r` City of Paducah __. _NLY 15th 1929 At a R„gular 11•eting of the Board of Cc-mi-sioners hold in tho Co-m'rsioners Ciha,ber in the City Hn1' Building, in the City of Pnducah, Kont•icky, at Two O'Clock P.M.. on the 15th day of July, 1929, r4nyor Lackey presided and upon cnll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adoptoO as read. Conmissioner Nelson offeree motion that John Franklin having John Franklin tendered to the City of Paducsh his check for :,10.00 in sett!.emant of one old tenders check for :10.00 corn out, obsolete mewing machine, which visa sold pursuant to an ordinance duly nc'opted by the Board of Cormi,sloners, I now move that said check be roceived in settlement of,said mowing machine, and that same be covered into the General. Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas; Co-missioners Hannin, Nolson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (4). Commissioner Nelson offeree the following motion; Duke '•:'illiams, contractor, hpving Contract '3 for the construction of gravel street on 13th Street, and being Contract ;/3, for 1928, having together with his surety in his Fxt•nsion of titre grnnted surety in his contract bond, to -wit: The Fidelity & Deposit Company, of balti- Duke TTillisms on Contract ?/3 more, Maryland, reouested a further extension or time within which to complete said contract, I now move thnt said communication be received and filed, end that the said contractor be granted a further extension of time until the 13th day of October, 1929, within which to complete said contract. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas: Commissioners Hearin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (4). Co,missioner Rutter offered motion that the report of collections Collections and disb':rsements for the month of June, 1929. be received and filed, Adopted & Disbursements on the call of the roll. Yeas; Commissi nersnHpnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lockey. (4). Co-<missioner Ruttcr offered motion that the claims for the month of June, 1;29, be allowed in the amount of :;1.1.854.37, and that tl:o Commissioner of Claims Fublic Finnnce Le nuthori?ed to pay name. Adooted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Comml^sioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (4). Co.:micsion^r Euttor offered motion ti,rt tie report of the Special 'secinl 7treet Ctr"t Improvement Fane for the month of June, 1929. be received and filed. lip. Fund ,V opted on ti•e c^ll of the Roll. Yeas: Comm.tesioners Rennin. Nelson, Rutter an ?:'nyor Lrckey. (4). Co-minsioner Rutter offered notion that the report of the Koller Xol�-r *,clan^. Lelinquent A�r.esr^ent 1,'und for the month of June, 19^9, be received and filed �o:•.r ....., vnt Fti.:nd Adopted rn the c 11 of the roll. Yens: Co-missicners Irannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey. (4). Mayor Lackey offered mot.ton t:hnt tt.o report of the Pnducah ''toter part f Fsducah .rater Moria :c7ix)ny r.r t'6 date July 1.Z, 1920, be. received and filed. Adopte on tho Works Co. 'all o' t'rc roll. Yeas: Po,—ir ^lon` rs Hannin, Nelson, Cotter and Mayor Lackey. (4) CC7'n1nn1onnr Nelnon offni-ne +•a follwing: A roaolutlon ant.itled, .. .,. T+ N F ".L<!. r,•I,t;:lt 11, . Or' `esolution 1` . . V r •'i13rw,.1k9 or risen "t. '1 r PY I^ ., FOU 1111 N.. CIr .101i.11 T1 -, FT IC•Mf 'I !'E NOI,TL TrF`''Y ",N- v. VA PN .';i•?' T I(. .'..r C YB LIN" CIF FA14Y. tV'iRTr:, 1N Tim CI'T`Y U- AN, 1tcLafCLr C,aITM z, : .L•CKY, CrT-F i -P ALL R?C^€SAHY M. hHviE&, N.. .3111 Proceedings of BOJ, hr, ()t- 00� - City of Paducah--- .PITY 3_1,th, 1^29 T` AND rrA III 'IF: , i,: TGINFITRING T'G'' ':.F) G7" Elk;'l ', fVTCT !17 CO:17CT10.; Fl. illf A5 '117F. COST OF _1:�'_ 577G 777r" i'CVlr)11?0 '11TAT Sh?.'X MAY BE COIIZTPUC!:];D UPON TITE TETT having been introluced end laid over for one -meek in its completed form, I now move ti -t said resolution be adopted. Adopted on the c-li or the roll: Yens: Co-nissioners Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (4). Co-missioner Nelson offereO the follydng: A resolution entitled, Rerolution "A F7EOLUTION PPOVIDIWG FOR THE COIIST13UCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS, GwiT7 Rq AND DRIVE - Curbs 37 jlyS ON DOTH 11DIzS OVNORTH FOURTFWITH STRFFT, PRO?: TITTV NORTH PROPLEly LINE OF G,.xtt,,rs .1. 14th 4t?, j': ' 7RFON TO 711E SOUTH PROPFRTY LINE OF YOTTROE 'TRFFT, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 'trect MccFACK-11! Cclj":Y, 17.1171TICKY, lCrGrTIT'R "ITH ALL MANHOLES, I'!TAKF-S, CATCH L'AFTY1,-, !°F.': F. A!T, DPI 11.7 PIPE, AND ALL: NECF-SEARY ETIG I11FT-n TITO, AT,'V-,PTT,-ITIC AND Lj.GAL A'11 CTIFIC`.E FFFVTCE IN COTINECTION TIfnr7TTIT AT TRT' COST PF TITF AbWTITIG PROPI-RTI IIAT T,AY eF COULTRUCTIFI) UPON TIr" TER YFPR PAY'717T PU.N" `!ruing been introrIuced and laid over for one veek in its completed form, I nota move tlrt said resolution be adopted. Adopts,' on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commission - ors Hannin. Nelson, Rutter & Mayor Lackey. . (4).-c c-11. Commissioner Nelson offered the following: I move that an ordinance entitled, "t.141 ORDINANCE -FOV1111TIG I -OR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RFCOIRSTFUCTIOTI OF THE Ordinance e,R-LVh1,7AY ON 'ITY LOVFT-ACEVIL-,F ROAD, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AT THE JUIICTION OF `rivC,.7n7 THE BLANDVIT-T-r ROAD AND CO'WTFNCIIIG AT THE NORTH FDOE OF THE IMPROVED INTERSPCTIOW OF loveince- ville 1PUP PADUCAH !'.TD 13LAYI)VILLY ROAD AND THE PPDUCAN ANEIIfOVETACEVITXX ROAD TO THE JUNCT- ,,end . 10N OF TIFF IM!IPOV--D .TT -7!7T OR DRIVr­!AY AT TFE IF!TRSFCTT')N OF BROAD77AY'AFID THE LOVE- TJ.C7VIL­ P0.!.D, TV 71- CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKIN COUNTY, FrITTITCKY, ?!ITH ALL 17FC_ 7PI! TY r;7,.'. IITT=PS% -,PTV­'AYF. J'ArF OTES, TMTAFFf.. C!TCF FIFTTTS, Z717P AND DRAIN T;TP7, 77C'17'- T7_Pr!?70­ TPF' CURBS, CUTTERS,1"T11- -.75'. ...... ITOT7S. INTAKES. CATCH �­­­ f FFT.T n1p, -.1,1 -,cVE T... q1'1- 'rTrr FAFT SIDE OF 71- -K, 1, DA 'T FTY?!-'T I,— 7Y FNGINF1 R ING. AD - l'!"17 'V7 1: 1:- -jC:.L FI.RVICE 11! T115711,'ITTF AT TITF COST OF THE y C 71- 771,VIDTNG TJ!tT . At r' T.11,Y W COT:f^"F-TICTF;) UPON TTE- T-11 YEAR be intro,�uccOl q -d lay over. AIopted on the c.n11 of the roll- Yana; 7,- 2!rn.-ro H,nnin, Nelson, Rutter and ?!.nyrr Lackey. (4). Co -1 cion r 11clson o"fered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, C. 01".7ATIO11 OF 11,07OR I3TK:E,1 AND !'OTC}? COACHFI­ (T 111FE LET--IFFN TPF CITY 0.F, PADUCAR AND POINTS OU'T'SIDE '',rdln�:ncfj regulatir_- 7 11c SAID BUSY:. PYI) '"OTOF NOT t I r, n. 1rl Dl,'�Cllt!lGr 7- 1: c 1 1 011 C� r,7- !1,7TTCj,I1,,AND rROV.!J­,(, T51JALTY FOR VTW­Ci011 "r, tre C,ill of the roll. Yens-, ComW.,.,sloncra-Hannin, Nelson, Butter 90 V,�7rr Ln -:!key. (41. ILI