HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 311, July 8, 1929N.. ,ill Proceedings of _ __BOAR o., "� '.I.''I'N l'. City of Paducah., qx a 19.29 - At a re^,ulsr meetirc• of the BenrO of Commic"ionrrs held in the C-0--misrioners' Chambor in the City ?'.n11 Building in the City of Peduenh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the at.h dny of July, 1929, in '.he absence of Pryor I•!,ckey Cosa"issioner Nelson presided ns linyor pro tem and upon c"il of the roll the £ollo:-ing onstacred to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Rutter a d :lnyor pro tem Nelsen, (3). T.1nutes of the previous meetings were adoptel as read, ' Commissioner Eanrin offered the following motion: 71,^,Scott having applied Scott -decd to for deed to Lot No.22, Block No.4 on "!oil Avenue in the south z of :!ausoleum let in ra'•c "rove . Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of'Paducah, McCracken Uountbr, Kentucky, I now move thnt deed be issued to the said :'!,E.Scott to Lot No.22, Block 11o.4 on "'eil Avenue in the south - of Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetory, upon payment to the Commissioner of Fublic Finance the sum of $(165.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Flutter and payor pro tem Nelson, (3). Int. coupons -school Commissioner Rutter offered the followingmotion: I move the Commissioner Impv.Brnds of 1920 of Public Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months on the School Improvement Bonds of 1920, which become due on July 15, 1929 Outstanding x'187,500.00 Interest rate 5 Annual interest 9;375.00 Semi -Annual " 4,687.50 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Ilelson, (3). Int.ncnpons-school Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the Commissioner . Impv.bonds of 1926 of Public Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months on the School Improvement Bonds of 1926, which become due on July 15, 1929 OutstandInterest rate X175,000.04 3�4% Annu61'interest 8 312.50 Semi -Annual " 4,156.25 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com^11-aioners Hannin, Rutter and I•'.ayor pro tem Nelson, (3). pro tem Lnyor/Ilelson offered motion that the Power of Attorney from Southorn Roads _;u°�;oct Comaany to R, ',Thomas be received, filed and reoorded. Adopted on call of the °ms`s roll: Yean; Com-iscioncrs Hannin, Rutter and Mnyor pro tcm Ilelson, (3). Mayor pro tem Belson offered the following :notion: Ji,Rouso Contracting y E,*J tr'.-cvn to omonny h•ving executed construction bond for the construction of the alley lying between :�roaivay -nd Ee:tucky Avenue and extending back 1*;.,'.;0 fe.ot from 4th :�%ra:t tas-rds 5th Ltrevt, and having executed Contract NO.2 covering said work, "a^icin born has b—n a•,;roved by the Nayor and signed by J.LT.Rouso Contracting Cc�pnny an prinnipal r,nd the Mnryland Casualty Co.m�any of Balti--oro as surety, a.n' the 17cntrnct cpps'r vr,' by the City (?elicitor, I no*, move that s,re RtraCt and bund be rerciv^. :ul i'iln', ❑n:l tl-•It t.)rc cartified bid (stock of J,Li.)+ouno catracttr.+ .r. my be '11l.ivered to it b^ the r°..^i slop r of Fvblic Rinemce. ..-;pY. e•' ^n en�1 e" t': t, rc'1: Yen^; -..!-.innors Nsnnin, I•:u'ter rnd lln.yor pro tem p;'o tem :If•laon Offered the ••.ar..ion: .^.O'.rtl` er•n ! et °adn Comrz,ny a !r.✓ er.e-uted constriction bend for the cc ns'::a '.ipn of the dalVmway on Fridge t from tc.,e :eat end of rhe T. 1,--nd ^reek Bridge to t`0 asst Prcperty line of inz .,Ring the intIItraeotion at Brig°ge ane! Broad Str_m ts, and having Proceedings of 30: r:- i)? ;'r- ;, r•+ r City of Paducah eNecuted Contract No.5 covcrin{r roiJ :.ork, ,i;icn -,ond i--- been nonroved by the ,"ayor and .i,rncd be Southern Roads Company as principal and the National Surety Company of New Yolk no surety, end the Contract approved by the City Solicitor, I now move that said contract and bond be received and filed, and that the certified bid check of Southern Ponds Comoony be delivered to it by the Commissioner of Public Finance, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co -=di ciom>rs Hannin, Rutter and Ltayor pro tem Nelson, (3). Paducah 1layor pro tom Nelson offered motion tl;at the roport of the Paducah 'nter -ICS 'Mater ':7orks Company on mains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing dote of July Co.report 6, 1929, be received a -d filed. Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yens; Commiscionors F-inin, Rutter and Unyor pro tem Nelson, (3). _ Mayor pro tem Nelson offered motion teat a resolution ^ntitled, i "A Fr rLUiION FPOPII`IN° FOR 'Ar' CONST`UC''ION Or CONCF•T_+TE CURBS AND C.IJ..TER: ON OTII :':IDES OF W -F "r:'UFTF11ilI L'TF!-ET, F'-01.1 `;IT; ITOPTIT PFOP'-RTY LINE OF JFPFERSON STRF'-T TO P'cr'I= LINE OF LiOIIF.O' STFF'eT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, A 1:2;UCY, 70G-7H7I, ITH A`I IV1?C-SS'RY NnITHOL`.`., IIT.;KES, CATCII BASINS, SE1'FR AND DRAIN FIRE, AND AJI: NEC°'CSARY r1d0IiiF..EP.'r,C, ADWE'71'ING A1D Li GAT. ATM CI:ERICI.L SERVICE IN Ct"11"CTION TITF:ii'.7ITH AT T'TF COST OF THE AiIUT"!NG PEOPERTY O.".7T'TiS AND• FROVIDIIJG THAT 94&0LE MAY B" COIIZTT71CTED UPON THE T51T YT:AP ?rY;TNT PLAN" be introduced s nd lsy over. Adooted on call of 6he roll: Yeas; Commissioners Iio nin, Rutter and ?'ayor pro tem Nelson, (3). Payor pro tem Nelson offered the following motion: A resolution ,C1r.tLte c, -.titled, "A'RFSOIA"ION PP.O':IL`111G FOR THF C^1TSTRUCTION OF GRAVFL'ST-7,tT, AND CONCRP.TE n.1 St. ^ravel , GUTTFPS 1:NP !;RIVE'"AYS ON ":ASIITNGT011 STRF"T FROM THA' GIFST CURB LIN_ OF 97IFNTY- •ted F-1— -_ STRF'-T TO THR '.7JRST PROPIRTY LINE OF T-71ITY-SECOND STR"FT, IN THE CITY OF "..":C'Ti, McCF; `:"s11 COUNTY, KENTUCKY, :'OCFTHFR -I'tii IJ -L ITFICFSS'RY MANITIOLP•S, INTAKES, Cl', -"INS, "-' ....,'i-PdIN PIPE, ;ND AIL NECSSi LY ENGINEr•.RING, ADVi:,iZSIilG AND - , . P.I ^011':" CTION Tl "RT-'ITH AT 17IF COST OF IF AL'U TTING S.*VF "'AY B- CONEWTUCTED UPON TI1L 11'7V YE:,1R PAYI-ENT .., ....ln: c, n introduced nc laid over for one week in its completed form, I now .-ovc t rt s•id re:.olu:.ion be adopted. Adopted on aq1 of the roll: Yeas; Co- iscioners Fa -:vin, Rutt.,r and ,:n-vor pio to, Nelson, (3). -ayor pro tem 11el:en offered motion that a renobzr.ion entitled, "10" TOTI OF L'IDF-ALKS ON ; OTH CI3FS OF HA!-T,T'-ON "i Y J.11: 7 :VRTF :'TRP T TO THE FAIT ^IiRB '_I1FF. OF Ii1011TH f , :l "701'" RTY LINE OF F'OUF711 CiRH'T TO TIF 'r AST "T, FGOM THF NO! 7}7 -', 0�'7 R"Y ISM? OI'' PAIK AV'"NUE, IN TIL CITY 0" PAPTICijH, yo(,.pl C'r: _'N .._, . r,.•.. '.'":. NFOLEF, Trrq" P$, CIVE -V 1'f,, Du Let` and +r:!tled, I 1:.I. ^.11 > t