HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 294, June 3, 1929N,. 294 ProcccdtnV8 of BOArr OF Co'.•1mm' I(:;:'F City of Paducah KEtfTUCRY, NNE 3, 1929 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commisnionere bold in the Commission- �. ers? Chamber in the City Nell Building in the City of Peducah, Kentuoky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 3rd dny of June, 1929, PTnyor Lnckey.prgsided mad upon cell of the roll the following answered to their nnmesr Commissioners Brsdah mu, Fnnnin, Nelson, `J Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the provioun meetings were adopted nn rend. CoTxr1srioner Hannin offered the following motion: Ed. P. Thurman m- man-Oeen-deod having epplied for deed to Soutbtrest one-half of Lot No.33 and the Southwest one-half to lot in O.Grove of Lot No.34 in block No.2 in L?ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, I no.,., move that deed be issued to the said Ed. D. Thurman to said Southwest one-half of Lot No. 33 and the said Southwest Eno-half of Lot No.34, Block No.2 in Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of '"495.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Comml .9ioners Brnd.shaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and S:ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Chief Police Dcpt.rcpt of Police, for the month of May, 1920, be receive-' and filed. Adopted on the call for^sy of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner i'clson offeir-d motion that the report of Tom King, City City Jail J-ilor, for the month of Ys 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on the call of report- � Y, p idny the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and "Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the t, res d in ?foeiery comrmrnication of Arcadia Hosiery Mills, incorporated, rem esting exemption from taxes exe.•n.ptod ills d for a period of five years, be received and filed; and it appearing from acid application that this applicant is a manufacturing enternrise and that it was organized and commenced businesn in the latter part of May, 1928, and that it employs regal-rly morn than fifteen people and is located at 28th and Adams Stroct in the City of Paeucah, I move that the s^id Arcadia Hosiery Mills, incorporated, be, and it is hereby exer.pted from the payment to the City of Poducah of all ad valorem and license taxes for a period of five Tears from the month of May, 1928. Adoptee on tho call of the roll: Yesa= Commissioners Brndsbaw, flnnnin, Nelson, Futtcr rnd Mayor Lackey, (5). 2,cceul Co+missioner Futter offered the following motion: It sppemring that Vrn ..yke I.mnrov�_^n:nt Tax Bill #22776 is mnde out ngninst Tonn. River Conf., Assn. of Sovonth ^e!cad n-z tdv,ntists for smount of ;;5.36 and thot Improvement Tax Bill #24624 is r.nde out against L.Y. Yoni'yk_e f,r nmount of 44.67 end thnt both bills through error were paid by Lemeul Vnniyke, Trun tee for Fiver ConC., Assn., of Seventh Day Adventists Cburch, arc: emuel VnnPyke hnvlrg duly requestee a refund of the total sum of _10.03 erronously city, I no- rove th,t in order to correct said mistake the Commisricner of :Iaencrr tie authorized to ise o to Letmirl. Van Dyke, Truetee, a check of the .i:y �r-ccr.t Cor t}-F, :nue of 41G.OZ on the ;spacial Stroet Improv ment Fund. _..,•ir:' ;r. „ ,. cell of the ;rol ; Yens; Conrl:mionero Brndahae:, Hannin, Nelson, huttor .. 7%.;nr Lnckey, (5). CO-micricr,'r !.utter• offs:r e' ration that the order of the Board of Park .. r, frr nrr.:nt og $221Z0.00 due John for n note $2000.00 and '.•'0. to allasr. cd n' the Cr,--iscioncr of Public 1�'lnance n,:thorrized to pny .... - - �rge to Park I.s,r:' Fur.�l. Adopted on tl-.c csil of th.., roil: Yona; f;lttr.r No. 295 ' Proeeedtnos of__.BOAPI OF COMMISf"ION''i;£ City of Padueali.___ Joh 3, 1929 .( Commiseioner Rutter o°fered Motion that the Monthly Estimnto for work Monthly Estimate done during the month of May, 1929, on Contract No.4 for curb & gutter constructed Cont.No.4-Rouse by J.M.Rouse Contracting Company, contractors, be received and filed, nn,', that the Conanissioner o" Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvo•rent ';arrant therefor in the sum of x+123.55. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Bannin, elson, Rutter and t:ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Fstimato for .Monthly estimate Cont.No.3-Southern work done during the month of May 1929, on Contract No.3 for street paving Roads Co. constructed by Southern Roads Company, contractors, be received tmd filed, and .that the Co.:missioner of Ntblic Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 17arrant therefor in the sum of $3,211.29. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter !nd Ctayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the 14onthlti Fstimate for Monthly Estimate Cont. No.5-bouth- work done during the mont' of May, 1929 on Contract No.5 for paving constructed ern Reads Co. by Southern Roads Compeny, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the sum of $8,082.05. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners rradshaw, Hennin, Pelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Monthly Lstimate Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Yonthly Lstimate for work Cont. No.2-.'outh- orn Foods Co. done during the month of May 1929 on Contract No.2 for street paving constructed by southern Roads Company, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement :Tarrant therefor in the sum of $1,892.38. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Con-missioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson,.Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5). Monthly-stimate Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the ldonthly Lstemate for trork Cont.No.l-Katter- john done during the month of May 1929, on Contract No.l for sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter constructed by 0.17.Katterjohn & Soil, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Rtblic Finnnee be instructed to issue Irrprovement Warrant therefor in the sum of x'802.06. Ddopted on call of the roll: j Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, lfnrnin, Nelson, Rutter Find Mayor Lackey, (5). CoTr issioner Rutter offered motion that the Cash Orders in the Cash Orders amount of $43.50 be allowed, and the Commissioner of 9ublie Finance be reimbursed by check on the General Fund; sante to be chnrge4 to the proper departments. Adonte^ on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Belson, Rutt r and L!ayor Ladcey, (5). L4nyor Lackey offered then following motion: The City Flnnning and City Planning & Zoning Commission Toning Commissicn having adopted a resolution creating a bus h^ss zone or district resolution on nrr,nriwoy, ;tortb Thirteenth Street, Cairo Road, Eighth UStree•t, South Sixth end Bridge street, and hnvi.ng certifier, a copy of their resolution so creating snL•' district to t2A 7•.nrl of Canais:loners, I no-.-, move that the certified copy Of tee re^nlu':ion Of tt:e ':±ty t'lnnr.ing and Toning Cormission be received finer filed. on ca1- of ti-e roll: Yonn;Co^'.ati^sionera 1,rsdshn•v, Nmnin, Nelson, putter PA�'aoat' Water <lcrka pf f'rad -:o .tr:n h.,t the rerort Cf the ;'aflucnh Water V-orks Co., report Cow_r. ny '•.r nd fir' ^,pgs In±.� ,.._ bearing dates of Alny 30th are! !!y '1st, 19::`v, be r ,. 1 r,' -... f".le:', : ,^_--P,Ced on tic ecll or t?to roll: Relf-n, Putter .nd Vsyor Locke Y, N,, . 296 -. Proceeding,+s of Bcc.Lc oT sea?.;L::: T c City of Paducah , t''Tl'Tr48Y,__NVE-3, 1929 !,!-Sor Lnckey oi'fered motion the t the rorort if the City Bonrd of Y,ealth Bonrd of Health for the month of Yny, 1929 be roceivod and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: report Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Iiannin, Nelson, Ru'tor and Moyer Lnekoy, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following potion: A resoluticn Ohio St., entitled, "A RFFOLUTION PROVIDING POR 7HF CONSTRUCTIOti OF GRAVEL STRFFT, AND COVCRFTE 25tb to 26th St. CURBS, GU77F$S ATiD DRIVF3AYS ON OHIO STFE-T FROM Till' 117ST CITRB h11iF OP 25TH STREET Gravel, c & gutter TO T11F F.AfT CURB LITIF OF 26TH STRSFT, IN THF: CITY OF PAFUCAH, MCCRACKFN COUNTY, HI•'NTUCKY, TOGFTHPR "'ITH ;,LL NFCFSEARY-MANFOLES, INTAKFS, CATCH BAFINS, SE".'PR AND DRAIN PIPE AND ALL NFCESFARY EVGIFF.FP.I"G , ADVFRTIFINO ATT' W GAL AND CL"RICAL SFr-VICT: IN COa7;FC7ICTT T111F77ITH AT TITT COST OF THF. AtriUTIINC PROPkRTY 0:711172 AND PROVIDING THAT 1VI '.'.(Y BF CONSTRUCTED UPON '11TH TEN YFAR PAYhr NT PLAN" having been introduced and lair' over for one week in its completed form, I now move that said resolution be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE City D'CLARING BFOAD'9AY STREET FROM FIRST STRFFT TO THIFTET'NTH STRF^T, AND FROM SFVLIITFFHTH Planning & Zoning STFFFT, OF. FOUNTAIN AVENUE, TO NINFTTTNTH STP7F.T, AND FROM TWENTY-SEcoND STREET TO Com, ord creating T:9F11TY-3IXTH'STFEFT, AND FFOM THIRTIETH STET:' -T TO THIRTY-SECOND CTR"FT; AND NORTH business district THIFTF.FNTH STRFFT FROM BROAD13A.Y TO PALM 'ETP --FT; AND THE CAIRO ROAD FP.Obt PALM STREET ,0 ',ill CITY LIMITS; AND EIG11TH STRFrT FROM MADIFOII STREET NORTH TO THE CITY LIMITS; AND FOUTH'SIXTH STRFFT FPOM LFNTUC'rY AVTNUE TO BFOAD STREET; AND BRIDGE STRFFT FROM BROPD STRFFT FOUTH TO THE CITY LIMITS, AND ALL OF THF PROPFRTY OTT BOTH SIDES OF EACH AND ALL OF SAID S':F.T-TTS WITHIN 7116 LOUNDARIES AFOEEFAID TO BE BUSINESS PROrFRTY, UPON THF RF::JUFST OF THE CITY PLATI"ITIG AND ZONING Z%1 !IF: ION." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adj urned. ADO1111) �A/ /D _ 1929 APPROVED /;/ F�o'r 7J^ yCitClerk