HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 289, May 27, 1929N-- 289. Proceedings of___sonrn or COC*.IFF WiliTS City of Paducah At a regulnr meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 O'clock p.m., on the 27th day of Nay, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following, answered to their name: Commis::ioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Wayor Lackey, (5). Einutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Counissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads Southern Roads Cc Company having executed contract and construction bond for the construction of Copt 9th t 8th $t.,h�adiDdn St filed. hard surface streets, curbs and gutters on 9th Street from the South property line of Madison Street to the South property line or Clay Strout; and on 8th Street from the South'property line of Madison Street to the North property line of Burnett Street; and on Madison Street from the hest property line of 8th Street to the East property line of 9th Street; which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by'Southern Roads Company as principal and the National Surety Company of New York as surety and the contract approved by the City Solicitor, which contract is known and designated as Contract No.3 covering hard surface street, curb and gutter construction, I now move that said contract and 'coral be received and filed and that the certified bid check of Southern Poads Company be delivered to it by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeus; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)'. Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads Southern Roads Co. Cont.for 19th,20th Company having executed contract and construction bond for the construction 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th Sts, of hard surface streets, curbs and gutters on 19th Street from the North property filed;' line of Broadway to the South property line of Jefferson Street; and on 20th Street from the North property line of Bra dway to the South prow rty line of Jefferson Street; nnd*on ?1st Street from the North property line of Brosdwny to the South property line of Jefferson Street; and on 22nd Street from the North property line of Pron4way Io tho .'outh property line of Jefferson Street; and on `3rd Street from the North oroporty line of Broadway to the South property line of Jeffers cn Street; and on 24th `*trent from the North property line of Broadway to the :7.outh property line of Jefferson Street; which b nd has been npprove..,i by th, ?•ayor and +igned by Southern Roads Company as principal end the National surety Company of New York as surety, and the contract approved by the City :-ollcltor, which contract is known and designated as Contract No.4 c vexing hard curfr.ce street, curb and gutter construction, I noir move t•at said contract end bond be received and filed and that the certified bid check of :;outhorn Roads Company be delivered to it by the Commissioner of :ublic Pinnace. isCopted on thn r^.?'. or the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Ilnnnin, Nelson, ,'.11ttor ac^. .'ayor :_vck,q, (5), aouthern Poads ro., Ccr.:•-lssion^r .+radnhaw offornd the following :notion: Soutboj,a Gonsis Cont, cn 4th,5th, Fsd.Clay, etc filed .e -pang rev':-:- exec:ted contrnr,t an,i construction bond for the ccrostrlrction of r.re r ,-. n :U ot--e.ts, ci.rtd and cn• +,urs on 4th Ct.ro.•t from the t�outli property li v Y:e y 'trio of Clay -tr_et; and on 5th sty ? i : on tr-: t to tt e 0'ath nroperty line of "l,,y `-, t; end In 7qa ln'n L+rt. from the Wiest property line of 4tn t to t... meat nrgre: ,y 1lne of 5th Ltreet; nn^. on I?arrlann "tre^t from N. 290 _-- ProccedinIs of --BOARD of Co61US IONFRsCity of Paducak� KEIITUCKY,_MAY 27,--1929 the -'+est property line of 4th Street to the East property line of 8th Street; and on Clay Street from the East property line of 4th Street to the '!Jest property line of 9th Street; which bond has been approved by the Mayor and signed by Southern Roads Company as principal and the National surety Company of New York as•sui•ety, and the contract approved by the City Solicitor, Which contract is known and designated as Contract No.2 covering hard srufaco streets, curb and gutter construction, I now move that said contract and bond be received and filed and that the certified bid check of :-outborn Roads Company be delivered to it by the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adoptad on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and !aayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the resignation of Othal Smith, Otha1 as a member of the Paducah Fire Department, be accepted. Adopted on the call of Smith - resigns the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnw, Hannin, '•elson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter, offered the following motion: E.P.Gilson having F..P.Gilson tendered to the City of Paducah his check for x125.00, being 50% of the value of his adjustment Powell St. two lots on Powell street, in full settlement of his liability to E.L.Beyer, Contractor, for the construction of Powell Street, the amount of said bill being more than $472.83, I move that said check be accepted'in full settlement of the liability of E.P.Gilson for said improvement on said street, and that the city assume and pay said tax claim as. required by la:r. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsha;r, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Int.coupons Commisnioher Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the Commission C.St.L.& Pad.'.R, er of Public (finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for six months due June Bonds 1, 1929 on the 070,000.00 Chicago, St. Louis & Pad. R.R.Bonde (5p) $1750.00 of 1% Bank collection charge 4.38 Total1'i 38� Payable through the City National Bank, Paducah, Kentucky, for remittance to the National City Bank, New York, on or before Juno 1, 1929. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Iinn:in, Nelson, Rutter and !Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the commission of lop due Brady Brady ttewart, Back Collector, for special improvement tax bill colleetiona for the month :ltewart co•-Isslor. of A:rll, 1929, which am -unto to ;,189.22 be allowed and that the Commisnioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopter' on the ca.1 of the roll: Yeas; COmM13310nnrs bradshacr, Hannin, Nolson, nutter and Mayor scY.ey, (5). Co=inr.ionor Rutter offered the rolloTin3 motion: MMR -.-AS, the 6 months Citizens note inr,ued by the City of Paducah on :any 310 1928 to the Citizens Savings bank Ca :Ings I:ork note for r.nnunt of Z3900.00 to pay the judgments obtained by the nropnrty O,ners for zarea on ncacunt of closing 7ernen3nn Gtrnet, w!ll become due May 31, 1929, 1 move tent thn 'Lnyor *,.nd Cor Ssalonar of PuLlic Finance be nuthorized to renew same at m:,t•:rity and to pay the Interest due In the am,unt of (^,109.09. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yuan; ;o--SeaL....ss -rR191 ,kw, !!r,n -1n, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (='). of; _5rud motion thst the ea 1: ordera in fine nmount of Cash.Crd- y133.59 to al.lcaed, or., t.' -e C._r.:ia'Scncr of Ivhlic Fin.,ncu be relm;ursad by chook on e rs the Gc:+:rnl. F"Ind; sF,:3e tc to charged to the proper departments. Adopted on the call. Of thA roll. Ices,;Cor.. _is:.loar:rs :ro�'.a'>.a�r, Hnnnin, Nelson, RUtt,%r and Mayor Lack:Y.iS). No.. 291 _.. Proceedings of BOARD OF C011''t.'."IOif•:I S City of Paducah. -1929___ Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the Paducah 'ldater Works Paducah Cater Worke Company on mains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing dates odl May let, Co. extend rains May 20th and t'ay 23rd, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yess; Commissioners Bradsha•:r, Hannin, Nelson, Ruttcr and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offerer motion that the Power of Attorney of the southern Southern Roads Co., ' Porter of Attorney to Roads Company to R.'".Thomas be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on the R.W.Thoms call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Meyer Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that a resolution entitled, Ohio St., 25th St to "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TYE CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVEL STREET, AND CON(,'RY:TE 26th St.Gravel.,curb gutter 8 driveways CURBS, GUTTFP.S AND DRIVEIYAYS ON OHIO STREFT FROM THE VIEST CURB LINE OF 25TH resolution introduced STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINT OP 26TH STREET, I14 THF CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, TOGFTHL•R '^ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEVER AND.DRAIN PIPE AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THFREYIITR AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O NERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THF TEN YEAR PA)P.TENT PLAN" be introduced and ley over. Adopted on the as 11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Borrow Loney- Gilson Commissioner Rutter offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, judgment "AN ORrINANCE AUTHORIZING AND-!!'PO71ERING THE CITY TO BORROW UPON THE CREDIT AND RESOURCES OF THE CITY TAF SUM OF THREE HUNDRFD SIXTY-SIX k 83100 (,$366.83) DOLLARS:' Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Deed of Correction Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN to Hecht S.Lockey ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING THE MAYOR TO 7'X7CUTE DEED OF CORRECTION TO CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO HECHT S. LACKEY." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter (Mayor Lackey not voting) (g). On motion meeting adjourned. A DOPTFF/u__ APPROVED_ L dayor C