HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 277, May 6, 1929No. --_272.--- Proceedings of.- _13011" of COL"'I[': IPNrRB .- City of Paducah MAY 6, 1929 _ _-• At a ro;F.ul^r muting of the Ponr9 of Commissioners hold in the Conmirsioncrs' Chember in the City Hnll Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 6th day of Yny, 1929, Mayor Lackey provided and upon call of the roll the fol.lo•atn- answered to tl•eir names: Co^-,iarionern Bradshw7, Rannin, Nelson, hitter and Ynyor Lnckey, (5). Minutes of the previous meeting wore adopted ac read. ' Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: J.M.Rouse Alley between Bdw & Contracting Company having executed cons ruction bond for the construction of the. Ky-6th to 7th-J.Y. F.ouse contract No.l alley bot•::cen Brondmay ^nd Kentucky Avenue, from 6th to 7th Street, and hnving filed executed Contract TTo.l covering said work, c:hich bond has been approved by the Vnyor and signed by J.14. Rouse' Contracting Compnny as principal, and the Vnryland Casualty Comnany of Baltimore as surety, and the contract npproved by the City Solicitor, I nor move thnt said contract and bond be received and riled and that the cer�ified bid check of J.'.%Rouse Contrncting Compnny be returned to it by the Commisrioner of Public finance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Nannin, Nelson, Rutter and '.'ayor Lackey, (5). Lrs Gels. Butler- Commissioner Rannin offered motion that the communication from 1's. renove monu^ent in Oak Grove Gels Eutler regarr'ing removal of mono -eat from Onk trove Cemetery be received and filet. Adopted on th( c^'1 of the roll: Yeas; Co-- iT,ioners Pradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and 79yor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Fermin offered the follo;,ing motion: A.Z. Hammock having A.Z. Rnm,ock-doed to lot in Onk Grove applied for deed to Lot No.l:j, Section 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, TlcOrnckon County, Kentucky, I now move that deed be issuer to tJ•e said A.Z.Ilnmmock to Trot Tio.13, Section 4, in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Comnissionor of Public Finance the sum of ,^;'40.00. Adopted on tte call of the roll: Yens; Commiesion(rs 'irndshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter rn' "ayor Lnekey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered me' ion t` -at the report. of Gus Rogers, Iolice-epnrtrent Crier of Police, for the month of April, 1929, be received and file:?. 4do^ted report for tpr.1929 on tre call of the roll: Yeas; Com=•1^.^toners Frn•'sin^r, fTnnnin, llclron, Rutter and L yor T.nckcy, (5). Com-^isr loner ", t r, n off -ere," mot ion t' •-t V -c r- port of Tom ''King, ort for City Jnllor, for tt- mon'h or April, 1929, be receiver an,' films. Adopted on tIc c''I of t. -e roll: Yens; Com^irrioners Iradcha>,, Rannin, Holcon, Iut.t:er and S yor Cos--ic(ir•ner 'Nelson offered motion t.t-•,t t.k:e rorort of J.!%Llnuahter, 'thief, for 07rent'- ne •nril, 1929, be recetw—' a[•' ftie'. Adoptot on t:he o-r.irrionrrs ira�arov;, 'Tara.in, ':el^on, ?utter tend r< .... ,.ittcr offrred the following notion: -.I) ,rens, the 6 b Ly tl'c City of P-;ueah on 'ov(.�bor 8, 1928 to the of '[t?O7.ri0 to ony the lf'.411i; ref,vid:t for r rs nn thr: 7c;;elv67 CJonntI-tctJ.,,n �. •: „ ._.w, b,:..,.,. ,,;. on y .g, 1929, I mnv^, nt t.%:,, •,;rnr :i,: .... .. be ., r1:<.:; .t) t •act ...t.'; I-ota nt .•turity .. c .. ,. '0 1 -. - A •'not . ,n c, 1 1 Proceedings of - . PD1 ' °`' ' "'' i'" 1°�7 City of Paducah KiTMICKY, Mt.Y 6, 1929 Com-iasioner Rutter orre.rod the rollo:winfi motion: "%herons, the 6 months interest .'.us 7c'QT1e3 rcnerrnl note issued by the City of Pa 'ucnh on tlovember 10, 1928 to the. Peoples Xr0l Bnnk- i:oller bi'ls ;;ntionnl Bank for »mount of x'14,212.70 for bnl..ne due on the settlement for the purchase of the unclnimed Sower Assessment Bills against propert- o,,,i,rs on the Roller Plumbing Company c^ntrnrts'in ^ewer Zones 2,4 and 5, -?ill become due on ?'.ny 10, 1929, I move that the "•yor and Commissioner of Public Finnnee be authorized. to renew avid note at mct-arity and to pny the nmount of $426.38 interest due on same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Co®mirsioenrs Brndstha', Hnnnin, Belson, Rutter nn Ynyor I L— key, (5). A.Becken_ Co^mmiscionrr Rutter offers] the rollwUng motion; A'rs 7.A.Beckcnbnugh bnugh settle- nent on hnvir,�.7 teriftred to the city her check for ^50.00, being fifty per cent of the value Fo',*cll °t of her lot on Po:vell Street, in full settle,:ent of her liability to R.L. Boyer, Contractor, for the construction of Powell Street, the nmount of said bill being more than'x230.00, I move that said check be accepted in full settlement of the .incility of yrs "'.A.Beckenbaugh for said improvernent on said street, and tient the city assume and pn•y said tax claim ns ren,ired by lrw. Adapted on the call of the roll: Yens; Cormisrioners !':rndhsav, Fannin, Nolson, Rutter and '..syor Lackoy, (5). Yonrd of Commissioner Rutter offers,' the fol'-crinF motion: I move that H.W. 'enity & Ixpv. Tval- Eat.terjohn, Thomas B. Clayton and Levi Brien be appointed as a Lonrd of realty nn:' cation anet. Improvement "valuation to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Coy^^isrioners for the purpose of ascertaining and detcrming from actual inspection the value of all buildings and lots, structures and improvements in the City of Paducah not heretofore specifically so inapected and valued by any such Board, and to prepare and present to the Board of Commissioners a complete report- of such inspection and valuation; said rnnort to be prepared under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Finance and for their services the members of said Bonr' sl -,all severally receive as compensation X5.00 per day for the time they are actually engaged in the cerfcr:rnrce of said services; aims to be charged to the ContinP,ent P'und. Adopted on th^ c*ll of tbn roll; Yens; Commissioners 'rnfth­e;, liannin, Tiolaon, Rutter and I,'.r,yor Lackey, (5). y,yo: Lackey offcrv>d motion " rt tl+o report- of tho City Lonrd of Health for City Board r,f renith the T.onth of Anril, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on ihr call of the roll- :­ort oll:.r port X.ns; tc^ iarlo;;^ra Er�'st-^ , 1'^n'in, Ttelaon, Rutter and i?rr+or Lackey, (•?). V,...or Lackey offcre' motion t",t the communication from i:.",L. "onthell -.tlOs%:ell •na cr:.'..•Sning rad suoolcnenting the terms of his bid for street si;^ns be recei:ad end '11e' r, pArt of * orl;zinal bid. Adopted on the onll of the roll: Yeas; rad n';, F!mtter and Payor Lackey, (5). .%!,In-; motion: It arnearing from an 'or, the purchase of strait si;Ins t' n the bid a bLt, l nua move t' tit. n•'Ld ht:44 be nccepted c_ . e>r nr.rnat".11thh.fos` all r.— ..n r,. .E^tt+rjohn &!'on . • dri Ye! n 1 -, - - - _ . . .. tr, - ... .• nub, nr.0 on ..- �, T',. .. .- .. .. .. ..•.m..�wonn.. Con Proceedings of _ BOAPP 01 C(1'P U 1-I.)N111._City of Paducah F?AY 6, 1929 �•n ,otirn .v . +1• 1:11nd. as principal an,' t„o National Fu.rety Company of Now York ns surety, and the contract approved Ly the Cit? Folicltor, which contract is knoem '"nd designated as Contract No,1 covering sidewalk, drive,ay, curb and gutter conntr•nction, I now move t1nt said contrnet •.nd bond be received and filed ^nd that the certified bid check of G."' KntterJohn & Son be delivered to them by the Commiseionor of Public Finance. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Co!r•,:iar.ioners Brsdshaer, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T,79yor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offerer' motion to adopt a resolution entitled, "A REFOIUTION REC;UIPING THE? MrUCP.H '.7ATEP. "!ORKS CO"PP.NY TO EXTEND ITS VAINS Pa,ticah ':star Works Co. extond m ins ON Cb'PT'IN STRI!,TF IN TIT CITY OF PADUCAH." Adoete:'on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndsha:•r, Hnnnin,-Nelson, Ruttier and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Com^�isaioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinnnee entitled, "AN OF-ITTAECF P.*ITHOFIZING TPE ?ITRC11rSE OF T•''0 "ULES FROM J.P. OBFRLiARK FOR Commissioner of Public 1"orks TFREE HUTIM^D (",`300.00) DOTLrRS, AND PPOVI-P?G FOR PAYM-,-NT THFnrOF." Adonted buy mules on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Thayer Lackey, (5). Commissioner Pradshnw offered motion thnt an ordinance entitled, Jeff. St.,32nd to 35th and 35th from All onrINANCF. PFOVIDING FOR "T'F CONETFUCTION &NL: R^CONSTPUC'iION OF !HE' Jeff to Central Ave Ordinance for H.E. DFIV-,AY,ON JF7^?RPON STFPPT FPO::: TITr ;??'T PPOP'R'.rY LINE OF 32ND STR1T?T TO ITS introduced JUIICTI'-IT "'ITH 35TH E TFFET; AND 35TH S=CT FROM ITS JUNCTION WITH JEFF:! SON _ ST%' - T TO THF.. SCUTH FROM' TY LINT' OF CT -NTT -,AL AV"NUE, IPI THE CITY OF PI LUCAI'I, Mc CI,:IM:P.PT COUI:TY, K1C:ITUrKY, -"IS" :ALL NFCFS,S!RY CURES, GUT;'FRS, DRIV i':zM, .''.iRlOT.Fc, I11TAKES, C!.TCH B�EINS, SE. -.OTR AND UFAITT PIPE, AND ALL NECE-,fRY "':IGIiI"T ii.C, ADVt>P.77111:G r;*;: T,F.IGhL 17,11` CLV13ICPL ? RVICE IN CO3ITni0TIOV TP'"F- ;7I7I1 ATT"" C0:'T OF THE ABUT' ING P1=OPT•RTY 0"1i7FS 'ND PRC)VI1'ING 11SAT SAT,ir 7';.Y BF 1'0M'TT'1'CTFD UPON TIM TzW Y, -PR FRYV1711T PIAN" be introduced and lay over. Adonted on th- c^11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hradshnw, Harmin, Nelson,. Rutter and Vryor L-ckey, (5). Co^rataaioner Futter offered tl+o following motion: I move the Borrow money- F.L. Bever pt wants adoption of an ordinance entii.lod, "AN r',' IT""CF P."TH01,I7_ING ANI` 1757'r0"'I'RING TIT'• CITY OF Ft1",MAH TO ' OF -0"! U ON 71TF CP.' TTI MP 01 ',.IT' CITY TRF "?f 0^ 'Y;T'- t?INM,,71) TTIN'TY-f'VEN & 68/100 ($497.69) DOUARS." Adopters on the en?1 of the roll: Year; Commissioners Brnr?sha-::, flsnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ".'ayor Lnckey offered the following motion: I move the adoption Valli—tir.n i.r19;2e of nn o:••irr.nce o-n-itled, "ATI ORi-INANCE APPLOT-IATITIG FIVT' i''.1HDFI3D (:500.00) C07ro-ltteo spfro- pri•,r.1^.n IOH BRIDG^ CVVITTCE FOI? ' OF AE)V;iTT.'ITIG COT— ..CT ` qH.: rI4Y 0 1 ori do ^.nll of the roil: Yens; Cn lr.•tonera Bradshaw, --or Lnekey, (5). �•n ,otirn .v . +1• 1:11nd.