HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 271, April 30, 1929No.__ _271
Proceedings of F '' c' "1: l o,.r Bs City of Paducah 1,IrIL 1, 1929
::t a call moctinf: of the t,onrd of Com,.,lariomrs hcld in the
Co-d Monera' Chamber in the City 11011 Building in the C'ty of Paducah, Kentucky
at 10 oeclock A.1g., on the .Oth dny of April, 1929, in the absence of 1'.n7or
Lnekey,Co.:anissionor Felson presided as Tinyor pro tem and upon call of the roll
the folloring answored to Choir names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Rutter
and "syor pro tcm `Ielson, (4):
Livor pro tem ?:elson stated reason for call., to=ait: for the purnose
of orening bids for the construction of sidewalks, etc on Erovd^jay, rnd the
constriction of on alley betm.-en Broa•,wny and ;ionh,cky Avenue, and such other
bnslnese as mag come before the '"nrd.
' ComTis^loner Fannin offered the followinn mo ion: Ed Ray having npolied
Ed Ray-dcc to lot for teed to Lot Fo.52, I.loek No.5 in Oak Grave Cemetery in the City of Paducah,
in Oak Grove
McCracken County, F.entucky, I now move thnt deed be issued to the said Ed Itay
to snid Lot Fo.52, Block No.5 in Onk Grove Cemetery, upon payment to the
Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of "4,0.00. Adopted on the onll of the
roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnw, Fannin, Hutter and 610yor pro tem ?Nelson, (4).
Commissioner tirndshar offered the following motion: I move that the
Brondway-28th st
following bids for the construction of concrete sideralks and driveways on the
to LaBelle F.ve.
bids received
South side of Brooderny from the :'!est curb line of 28th Street to the junction of
for sidewn'ks
Brovay and the Lovelaceville Read; and from `hence sidevialks, curbs, gutters
and driveways alnng th.e East side of the Lovelaceville Road to the Forth curb
line of Ad-ms Strnet; end side^ntks and driveways on the Horth side of bronclray
from the '.lest curb line of 28th Stre.ct to the c^st curb line of LaBelle
Avenue, be received and filed, and that the cart.ifiel checks no'omn^ning same
be r.elivered to the Co-inissioner of Public 'innnee to be held subject to the
f,rtcer orders of the Ponre of Conmissioners:
Ynncy erot,,rrs i
J.' Rouse Contrneting Company
G,',,I,Kntterjohn & Son
Adopted on tLe call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshnw, Fannin, Huftbr
.and :,nyor pro tem i.elson, (4),
Commissioner Brsdsrnw of Bred the following motion: I move that the I
llcy cot.veen
folle•.v.inc, bids for the construction of concrete nlley lying betneon Bron&,ny
t;i•°s received for
and 1'er.tncky Avenue, from 6th Street to 7th Street be received and filed,
non:rt. ..tion
and tint t're certified checks nc-ompnning sere be delivered to the Co-rmlccloa:r
of riblic "mance to be held subject to the further onIc-is of t?he i^crrd of
So.W orn Bonds Comnnny
Yoncy Lrot. ers
Io,•cc Contracting r'om^nay
9. ., Iterjohn & Son
Ar•? I r:i • _ , ..•t. ,ntft e•cnrl of : om..-ir-toners no-,-,, reeona +.until
2 oe^lock I.' „ -n ti is ,'optad on tr,v cell of t e roll: Yot.n;
w r ,nri : nyor pro tem risen, (4 ).
T:`.?atang re-cnvr;nnr'. of L-nn ne 1w P,±!,, on thl.i .into, purr::fant to tt:e
fere it ...e,.icn with t).efr,;l .. ra prr.;uant: Co.�:,iasionora SradsAnw,
:'an•.in r... Fyor pr:-, taro ( ;.
if ion er ir: _ folluri:a notion: It no •,rIr*,
f o , tt:e e•,r..,.n tlon cf r.11 t: c for tare ccna.tY•1c.ion cf the a??ey
ly`r.>- Lct�e:>n ..rrr•'•:ay and ICs..• ,e .rc:a Cth to 7th : tr,;,-.t, being ,"ontract
Je.l, sone t0 :e _!:not-;acted 1, , :t the bit of Pfiu9e +:ontrnating
No -
Proceedings of F City of Paducah , 'u-rlucKy, !.r-r.lr, so, 1929
Company is the lowest and bent bid, I now move that the proposal and bid on nnid
Contrnct lto.l, submitted by Rouse Contracting Company, to hard aurfrce said alley
-ith 7 inch concrete slab, -ith"gravel agvregnte, and nll other items in said proposal
or bid, as shown in the propos-1, specificnt.ions and bid of the Rouse Contracting
Coapnny, be accented; and I further move that the inyor be nuthorized, empo^bred and
instructed to enter into a contract with the slid Fouso Contracting Compnny for the
construction of snid alley in accordnnce with the pinns and sancif.ications and in
accordnnce with the terms of the ordinnnce providing for srid improvement, and that
the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on
the cell of the roll: Yeas; Commisrioners hrndshnw, Fannin and 'teyor pro tem Nelson,
Commirsioner Bradsbae: offered the .follo.-ing motion: It annearing
Bron dwey-
28th "t.t"o from the examination of ell the bids for the construction of concrete sidewalks and
tve.cont, drivewnys on the .outh side of bronday from the';1est curb line of 28th °•trout to the
for si<3e-
T•niks,btc Junction of Bro-dwny and the Lovelneeville pond; and from thence sidewalks, curbs,,
i'ntter?ohn gutters and drivewnys along the Fist side of the Lovelseeville Road to the north
curb line of t.dnne Street; and sidewalks and drivownys on the North side of Brogdway
from the ^est curb line of 28th :trect to the Frst curb line of Labelle Avenue, to-
gether with nll necessnry manholes, intakes, entch b^sins, sewer and 4rain pipe, under
Contract i`.o.l, te,t the bid of G.;'.R,tterjohn S Son is the lowest ^nd best bid, I move
test t*eir proposal and bid on said contract according to the nronosal and bid
submitted i^ith the plans and specirientions, :ith gravel agvregete in nll concrete,
be accepts?; and t+nt the mayor be autborized, emeorered and instructed to enter into
a contract with G."'.Katterjohn & Son for the construction of said sideemlks, driveways,
curbs and gutters,•nnd the construction of nll manholes, intakes, catch basins and
sewers, ane' the furnishing of sucb sewer pipe as may be necessary under said contract,
in accordnnce •••ith the pinns and specifications and under the Provisions of the
ar'_inonce providing for said improvement. And I further move that the certified checks
of the unsuccessful bidders be return ' to them. Adopted on the cnll of the roll:
Yens; Cnrmisrionern !,rndsbg , !'annin •-nd 'nyor pro tem nelson, (3).
On motion etinc nd jo,irned.
A:,C„7.L,: /Z2� t(—_ 1929 AP?I-OVrr},; Yv�
ten ver pro tem — —
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