HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 259, April 9, 1929W . 259 _ . _ Proceedings of _Bonen of CON.r'IP^IOIaFRS City of Paducah ,APRIL 9, 1929 At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Co -"i ssioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 3 o'clock p.m., on the 9th day of April, 1929, pursuant to adjournment of a call meeting of said Board of CoinTlesioners held at 10 o'clock in tl;e fore noon on the 9th day of April, 1929, payer Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Coffanlssioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (5)1 Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, 26th St.,Jeff to "All ORDINANCE FSTABLIERING AND OPENING 26TH STRF'T FR0M BROP.L"AY TO JFFFFRSON Bdw.ord. opening STRFT-T IN THF CITY OE PADUCAR-,-KFVTUCKY". Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshaw, Hnnnin, Belson, Rutter and Ynyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "Ali Deed from Dodds OPT]NANCE ACCEPTING DFED FROM C.Y. AND CHARLOTTE DODDS FOR CERTAIN to City -26th St. PROFFRTY TO BF USED IN FYTFUTING 267H 5TRT_'7T BLT "'FFA BROAD"'AY AND JLTFERSON STREET, AND AUTHORIZING PAY!.'FIIT 4F7PFFOR." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, H"nein, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the deed of Deed of Release- release from Usher & Gardner, incorporated, to Chauncy Y. Dodds and his wife, UsYer & Gnrdner to Dodds ordered Charlotte Dodds, to certaia property in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, recorded Kentucky be received and that said deed of release, together with the deed from Chauncy Y. Dodds and his wife, Charlotte Dodds, to the City of Paducah, be, and the some are hereby ordered to be recorded in the office of the McCrncken County Court Clerk, and the Commissiorer of Public Finance will cause said deeds to be so recorded and pay the recording fee thereof and charge some to the :Contingent. Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Putter and Ynyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the final estimate on work done by the Giorkle Con'racting Company in installing Werkle Cont.Co. sewers on 14th tr,.et, Atkins Avenue rod Thompson Avenue to the Dormitory of the final estirnte work done on ^est Kfntucky Industrial College, be received and filed, and that the 14th St.,Itt•ins s city's art y p & Thormson Ave thereof under agreentnt r:'_th the State amounting to $140.51 be approved as a claim to be paid by the City of Paducah, and that the Corr issioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue check to the said Merkle Contracting Company for said sup of :„110.51 in Nil of the smout of said claim to be psid by the City of Pnduenh nn,l chnrge snore to the Contingent Fund. Adopted 6n the cn1.l of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter.nnd 2.1ayor Lackey, (5). Coy.-isricner tradnhaw offered the follo,iz>,r, motion: It appearing to the ef t `'- Pons of Co:^ia ;.r..ner^ tt-nt shoot asphalt with stone ag,regate and convent concrete grnval aF,!?re,!nte is the most suitable mnterinl, in itn judgment, to be "ncirF; in the eurfnrir.;, oP J•f".•r^ :•n :'tee: t from ?5th 'troFt to i `2nd :itroet unr er Co,: .ract rr0.1. to i-�• lca today, and which Contract r"ll hereaftor be roft,rred to as :o^tract No. i., I non r^ve thn$ thn ccnntrr r.ior of 1, lc streets bt, muds by the .3e of con rete tete '..ith grnvel np•>r+•pnte, nc^crling to th« plana and apefifica i.^.-nc W^ -in, *ids for e,il str,�;:t it::pr,ov;m:nt, and th•-t the :nrrfaca = r cC of a la er 1 Inctcen thick, kr: rn ns binder course with stone • te, ,. a c-;z•fr,ce co+.rse of street ashh• It li inches In thickness, and ... ±.hs Lid she .t r s ccncictir. of a 3 inch asp-nnit pavement _. ct c-ncr-te Lssy, =sorted on tl:e call of the roll: Y^08; .,....Sa,H6nnin,lie1.5cnJ-utt€,r err %%yorr Lackey, (5). No. 2F0 Proceedings of pmpr e ce IG: zer: rs _ City of Paducah . UNTUCKY,_ APRIL 9, 1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offored the follow7.ng motion; It appearing from an Contract examination of nil of the bids on sheet asphalt, which has been adopted as the most '?o.l- Jef..St. suitable material for the construction of the driveway on ""lest Jefferson Street from 25th to 32nd 25th Street to 32nd Street under Contract No.1, that the bid of Cnroy-Reed Comonny is awarded the lowest and best bid, I now move that their proposal nd bid on said contract to hard surface said street on a cement concrete base under the plans and specifications stated with said bid with a 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement, consisting of a lj inch binder course with stone aggregate and 1;h -inches of shoot asphalt on top t;eroof, and all other items in said proposal or bid as shown in the proposal, specifications and bid of the said Cnrey-Reed Compnny be acceptedy-it being understood that said str<et Is to be surfaced with sheet asnbelt upon a base.as herein provided, and nil of a thickne^s and quality as recuired in the specifications; and I further move that the ?'syor be authorized and instructed to enter. into a contract .-ith the said Carey -Reed Company for the construction of said street in accordance with the plans and speelfications and in accordance with the terms of said ordinance providing for said improvement. And I further move thnt the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ALUP1^c.D;_-1 Z=� 1929 APPROVED: P -� Y CT -----