HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 236, March 11, 1929No. 1136 f- PC^`� 07 'fir-,..j�' ��'�'��"F' Cit of Paducah ,IC7-uc"'Y, "'IF" 11TH, 1922 Proceedings of Y At a regalsr meoting of the .oard of Commissioners held in the Co—iFsionera Chamber in the City Hnll Building in the City of raducab, Kentucky at t-�o o'clock p.m., on the 11th day of ''arch, 1929, '_ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hrad.shaer, Ennnin, Nelson, Rutter and ':ayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meeting More rdopted as read, Corrissioner Fannin offered the following motion: T'M. Nichols having fici'ols annlied for deed to lot for four graves in block 1/13 on Van Mecter Street in Ook deed to lot in O.Grove Grove Cemetery, I now move that deed be issued to the said T.M.1Cichols for said lot for four graves in block #13 In Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of $50.00. Adopted on the callof the roll: Yeas; Ccmmissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, stutter and Vayor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Fannin offered motion that Mrs Ida Yne Venters having " rs Ida '4ae Venters deed applied for deed to lot for four graves in block #13 on Van Meeter Street in Oak to lot in 0. Grove Grove Cemetery, I no,^ move that deed be issued to the said Mrs Ida "ae Venters for said lot for four graves in block #13 in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of 050.00. Adopted on the call of the roll.: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsha:^, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futter an9 Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hnnnin offered the following motion: Alberta Brown having t.li:erta apnl.ied for deed to Lot No.24 in Block No.3, Oak Grove Cemetery, I neer move that deed t•rorn load to lct in be issued to the said Alberta brown for said Lot No.2.4, Block 11o.3 in Oak Grove 0, Grove Cemetery upon pnyment to the Commissioner of Public -Finance the sum of X50.00. !•.!opted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co^missioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Futter an' "ayor Lackey, (5).. Co:rmissioner Ponnin offered the following motion: I move that 22 ;:hite Slay ',:nate ay lights be installed by the Kentucky Utilities Compnny at points designated lights by the Cornissirner of Public °ronerty in the City of Pn,'ucah; some to be installed in sccordr.nce with the orice and agreement heretofore made with the Kentucky '7tilities Comw ny. Scid lights to be placed as follows: On :south 4th Street. 8 lights from Broadway to Kentucky Avenue On Horth 4th Street 4 liShts from Broadway to Jefforson Street On North 5th Streot 4 lights from urondway to Jefferson Street On south 5th Street 6 lights from Bronlway to Kentucky Avenue ,lr.o that 'trert l.ightc bo inctn.11cd as follows: 1 rt 7th & !'c"Isley 1 in Lang cark cn Yetter ^trcet 1 at llth & 'ald��ell 2 " Y111 : tr—t 1 " 11th & Fern I at 61h & ^.onr:e:aee 1 " LOt:h & Palm 1 " Flcrs & . In 1 14th & Hnrslsr.n 1 luta & 'Sipple T.f,c'r. 1 " 8th & Porton i•d.opte? on r*e call of roll.: Yean; Co^mleaioners !'rndsY;n..., •:air., ^leen, Rutter ani' 1:eycr 1.• -^key, (. t. Proceedings oF... 130'-"p 01 °o' Yr TU! - City of Paducah . J='rcH 11TH, 1929 Comnissioner Rutter offored the following motion: I move t:hnt the City's part of the cost for construction of an alley; Rouse Contracting COmPanY'n City(s P^rt of cost-_.11.ey-Rouce Contrnet No.6 for sidewalks, curb and gutter on the Past side of 2Pnd Street, Cont.Co.,Cont "6 Kentucky Avenue to "'ashtngton :°tract, for ^mount of (:90.97 be allowed, and the Commdrsion'r of PublIB Finance be authorized to oay snme from the General Fund In order to r^ke final settlement rith the Contrnetors. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co—insioners Brndshar:, Pannin, Nelson, Fatter and Ynyor , Lackey, (5). Payor Lackey offere,' motion that the report of the City Board of City Coard of Health report for Health for the month of Februnry, 1929, be received and filed. tdonted on the Februnry call of the roll: Yens; Commissionerr Bradshaw, Hnrmin, Nelson, Rutter and !'nyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the ?,%Cracken County , UcCrecken County Public Henit-h League for the month of February, 1929 be received and filed. P'utlic Health Longue report for 'Adopted on the call of tele roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, i?rnnin, Nelson, Febr-unry Rutter and T.,nyor Lackey, (5). i Commissioner Bradshrw offered the following motion: A resolution a cntif ler', "A'F7FCT,TJ'fTON PPOVIT'TTTO FOR THF CONFTPTTC-ION OF FIP—tT.KS AND D'TV,"n..YS Sidawnllcs, etc on Broad^�rY from 28th nti Tii'" •FOT;SP FIT" C- EFOAf"'AY T'r, TIT F. CITIB LINT OP 28'sH FYPTT'T TO 'I'PSI St. to Lovelace - Ville ' ond-resol- Jl,-,TCTION OT' BT C+I:•'!:Y !',?7 TT?r LOV11'CFVILTF POAD; ^',1f f'FOT4 7133 *ICF S1DF.':A liw , cation CUFBS, GIFT -FE rND DPIVv"+,YS !T.071G ;Hr -'.A: T OP ',Ti^ LOVFL+CrVIT,T,F POnD TO TTTE NOF'iH I`'tfii T.IPIF. OF ADA'.'F FTF—T; AND `Ir,--'ALKF !1T1D WIV""+,YS 011 `1'HI': iTOI;TR FID° OF r,' T "" '" Y k'130;: ','- "','T -C'TFB TIF-, 0.' 287E STPF'-T TO 714F EAFT CUTB TINT, OF Lar, -T-.': '':' 1DTP ITT '-"" •"I4Y OF P`.I:iTCAT?, IdcCPAC1:7Ti-CU—iY, KFNTUCKY, ''1-11i AIL C'TCH B!.FITTS 1,7111) Z-17 TR PIPIT, AND !.T.L NFCTF-:ABY T_;:G,PLVr'SI' r'O ""! L? G! L I'.?Ti' CT41--IC!.L SrRVICF IN ('07,71CIT OTT 107' F.' "ITH AT P.,, CONT OP TTTF r.!U'PTING Il(u','?'GTY 0'T^F`.' PrOCTTI UG 1.'^t £-1.1E iL'Y bF CON:TFIXTEDU"011 ?'.i'- T -V Y'YP P?Y7F1`T PLAN" h^ving been introduced ,:net i• id ovrr for one :^.eck in it, completed form, I no,? move that said resolution be n -'opted. A Ortel on ??-e ca11 of 1hr roll.: Yaws; Con^+issionors Bradsbar-. Hnnnin, Iiclnen, ^nl• °'a7or L^ckey, (5). Conmissioner Bradsbnw offered tho follo•"in1* motion: I ^-ve thnt a 8th., 5th.,"--�'9sen, resolution entitled, "A Ff`GT7T'TOTi PPOVIDIT:G -PF '"I,T ^m"`,r,.'r r..•, ;.r• s. PRtV�'"hY Fr.:•riron a Clay £ts.,renolution 011, nth 'T .,.:•• n1T[7: rrOmr'Y I.T"� ar rT`. .. .. t" 717`.''1! for har.s,,r"ace TT - '•T .v.F-:-' FT; ATTT ON 57141 , . 1 . ,.. . OU'_II : FTY I P.lfi n T. .. T - pr ---Y ' r.: ;"T.' Y r,:7 OF 4': IT ._. -'C 'i=. .. ..'''Y'Ii': liF . .TE'.,N ..,I,TTrT ,�C" ... .. Y 871; .',: T .,... PROPP: S1 :, Ar 87E'1 1 ; 1 T 55IT Lta AND N ... ... •Ir.,. x S c,!i Ii Y, No. z.'.9 Proceedings of " rr ' is°:' cr "77v: S City of Paducah . 11'UTUCISY, LTARCH 11TH, 1929 Commiscion,.r Bradshaw offered tie rollo•.71ng motion: I move that a resolution entitled, "A RiTOLUTION PPOVIDING FOR THE cON�9R;TC7IGN OF A DP.IVEINAY IT.9th S.t., N.Sth :t., ON NOWIR 141NTH STFFFT FRo?1 TTTF faJTH PPOF^]'TY LINE Cir 1AAD'1,7011 STREET TO `rHD SOUTH ,, discn St. i resolution P OP. a TSTTr OF CLAY STPET'T, AND ON MOUTH STRTI,-T FROM 911Tr :Oli'I'H PEOF'RTY LITTE IF for herd- , snr"ce G1 L.+iT TFF;T TO TRE NORTH PPOPrM LINT OT' BURNETT STRF;T, FACr_PT -1EE INT'RSF.CTION ;:T BTS AND CLAY STRI-TS, AND ON V,1.D'IF!'N F"Ijl'-T FRn1.: TIE X,—T PPOPF-FTY LIN': 01' FIG F;TI S%F —T "_'0 'i'.'.' 7!.ST r1?OPrF..T` LINE Oi� WITVAR 1TR-,'FT, II; T':'.: CI'T'Y OF PADUCAH, MaCRACIMT Coli::Ty, 1:T°TPIU,-FY, "aiH All. NECL.".FARY CURB, GU. -TER, DRIV17MYS, Id(NHOLF£•, I1TVIi Ff, CATCH B"FINS, S .7-1) 1171) DRAIN PIPE, AND ?.LL EITGINL•'r'RIITG, ATIVrPTIMIG PTTD LFGAT. AND CLT?IC;.L S.FI'R:F IN GOTi"n('mI01T ?'T'"FT'";ZTH AT TH7 COFT OF THT': APUTT1TIG PROPPRT" 0"TTFFS AND P:�OVIDIITG '_FAT ?;LTI' &F.Y !iE CONSTRUCTFD UPON 'MTF Tr11 YEAR PAYIGFNT PLAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the cn11 of the roll: Yens; Commisaioners Bradshs:^, TT-nnin, Nelson, T+utter and :actor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follm7ing motion: I move that a 11cy be resolution entitled, "A HEFOL'J"ION PROVIDING 90H '!HF CONSTrUC,I0T1 OF AN ATLEY t-: •r cn `,Tr•,. •'r;IIC LYJ.11G BF" ".'FAN BROA D;7(,Y A1TD RE NUCKy AVPNUE, FT3011 THE ":'F.ST PROPFF.TY LINE. OF 6TH STPF•RT Ky.Ave. h^.rdrtirface TO 'IHS FAST PI:OPFRTY LINE OF 7TH STFF' T IN 11HE U111Y OF PADUCAH, MCCRCKEN COUP Y, -e-rTar lon E-17 T;,-.1- i7ITH ALL NECESSARY CURB, GUTTER, DRIVF`IAYS, MANHOLE'S, INTAKES, CAT(.1i B�.S11TS, AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL NECESFARY ENGINFTFTIZG, APIiFT-TVF111G A1TP LEGAL AND CLTRICAL SrRVICE IN CONNECTION 1'Ifi11.F..' TH AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PP,OPF.RTY Ot71TERS AND PYOVIDING '!' AT S ':7.Y BE CONSTRUCTED UPON TiIF WIT YFAR PAYMFNT PLAN" be Introduced and ley over: Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Cc missioners Bradshaw, 11nnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradsha^' offered the following motion: I move thnt a 19th.,POth, resolution entitled, "A PF.SOLUST.ON PFOVIT.ING FOR 'THF CONSTFUCTION OF A DRIVT-"!,Y ?;th ON 19% IT "._ -T, FhO1d •:H1 '.IOhTH PFOP?lr'.Y LINF OF BPOAD"IAY TO THE FOUTH PI'OPFT:',Y LINE Sts.,be- t-•een Bdr. Os• , ATID ON 20TH S'IPFFT, T•PO" [IF T:OF.TR PFOPFR'TY T:ITIF OF BROAD'"AY P: Jeff.^t; rccola`.lcr. r Y 'Vl- , T- r 7' T: "ND ON 21ST STRF'T 1wT'0Gl TI;r NORTH ,or ^ )_ Y • T 7'0 - 1: P -i T' T.T!IT OF "PERSON 3TRT'ET; ??' . .. ii iX L.1 ?. I' . .. .PT"T '1'0 IT' SOIfrH ; ' r ..- . _:T; :... i' (,IT 23RD STI.11' V TCT - ':1, 'IORITI PF O I^ l C r c•i,u oTC,r c•tY TXF OF JrFTER ON vrrJ.'?T; AND ON 29TH STRTFT S _. C•` r -AY TO IMT•' ' OUTII PPO i -RTY 1.1717 OI'' E'i, '`FH"ON T, 111 ' 1" r:., ; OF P:ILUCLII, Ido^I" .:T'IT COUNTY, 101VI'UCKY,-::1`.'H P.LL NrCE. t ^.HY .,. , CbTCH 13A -7,S, ST:':Flt A11D DR: TIT PIP.., 'Y , : _.:j.. `"1? L'tGAL AND CLYPICAL FT.FVICF' IN Ili❑ PPOP.RTY 0'"'ITERS AND i•CV'PI11G '.PAT 1::7: "'!T PLAN" be ititroduced and lay ovor. cn the rrll of tTe roil: r,_... C(,­insioners Brndshnt7, }Tannin, T:r•1_ ^en, rut ter :sr :.ackey, (5). ndopt nn o1'1--nc.: entitled, P.e' . '.Y N1''- TO J''1 . : foil `r. _ _:Y '. : Qnpt rl on the cnl7. o" 0.e roll: .Yens; i..vor Ln.ckey, (T)).