HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 234, March 4, 1929No. 234 Proceedings of Ce' —r� TO�T I �1 City of Paducah. YARCH 4T11, 1929 At a regular meeting or the Board of Commissioners held In tt-e Comjosionors, Chamber In the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at Vao o'clock p.m. on the 4th da-, of 1-TRrcb, 1929, Mnyor Lnekey presided and upon call of the roll the follo,,inC answered to their names: Commissioners Brqdsbn,,,, 11nnninp lielron, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meotinr, ve,e adopted as rend. Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion t'at the ?,!nintennnce i3ond of the southern hern Roads Company for maintenance of paved street on Broadway, from 25th Street Southern Rdr.co. to 32nd Street, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; 1,sintenance Bond-Bdw. Commissioners Bradshaw, Ynnnins Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City City Jail Jailor, for the month of February, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on the rtp.Feb. cnll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brodshw.v, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Chief of Police$ for the month of February, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on the call Police Dent rpt.Feb. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Puttor and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson ofrererl motion t?nt the report of J.7.3langinter, Fire Chief, for the month of February, 1929, be received and filed, Adopted on the Fire Dept• call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsba,�, Hannin, Nelson, Rdtter and Mayor rpt.Feb, Lockey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion t1,nt the claim of Classic Art Studio Classic for signs be n1lovred In the amount of C,250.00 and the Commissioner of Public rinnnee Art Studio claim -signs nutborized to pay some and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; romnissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). COTP-qissioner Ruttet offered the following motion: I move that the folloring Clqi--s cl-Ims, i�tich hnve been duly npproved for payment, be allowed and the Cormissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same and charge to the proper funds: Department of Public AfraIrs. -ra �nra Bqlxmer- first one-half of lonso Bnum,>r field 1019 %1200.00 Deonrt,rpnt of Public Works. Piety ConstrIctiOn- Chiongo Poving Laboratory $541.76 Depart.-ent Of Pullic Property. ep,tr3 to Public 7utiding-s- Bougleno 3, East fi100 00 Total �841176 f-'!Gntl9 T—e on!! of t c roll: Yens; Comnissioners Braclsinaw, 11nnnin, Nel son cy, (5). -q-1or L!" ':rr-1s7:ioner P•Wer offered notion dint the Cash Orders In the amount; of ^,a:a `r' a -p6.42 sllo:%ed n, -,d 7'-,e r or --u!-11c Finance be reimbursed by oheck on the Furdl; to bo charged to the Prop�--r departments, Adopte.,l on the cell of 07e. rc!2: Yevj...; BrAdsh, Fnrjijn Nelson, Rutt—,r and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co, f,.cd, .1"I"n th,ttho P,yrolls for fl- !,at, h91f of Payrollst of $138705.860 �rrl !1�- of Public alst h"If Pinnies be r,.j:!oj r, r, ob. !ssiomr� 7, T , -key, (5). t o n t j InI r OpIrt o" e ter Woews f'�� 1928, 'Lt received end filen. z1f.? _,rt c" I Year, H—nin, N-lian, Pu'tt,r 6926 .n No.----=35- Proceedings of BO++RD OF.CO?.VIS: IONrRS - City of Paducah . T3AiiCH 4, 1929 Commisnionrr Brnd^haw offered motion that a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THF CONFTRUCTION OF SIDF.'1ALK AND DRIVI-MYS ON THE I SOUTH SIDE OF BROAD7AY RROid THE ":'FST CURB LINT: OF 28TH STRL'�T TO THE JUNCTION Sidewnik & Drive- wnys-Fro^dway- 28th OF BROAD^AY AND THE LOV..rLACEVIL,TE ROADS AND PROM THENCE SIDMIALKS, CURBS,GITl'TFRS AHD St.to LaBelle Ave. DRIVr-.7AYS d,TXNG THP EAST SIDE OF THE /LOVFLACEVILLE ROAD TO THE NORTH, CURB LINE OP ADAI&. STREET, AND FIDF'1(ALK AND DRIVF;7AYS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROA1Y,7AY PROM THE WEST CURB LITIF OF 28TH STRFFT TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF LaBFILE AVFNUE IN THE CITY OF PALUCAN, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, "'ITH ALL NECESSARY VANHOLFS, INTAK-S , CPTCI! BV INS AND SF"FP PIPE, AIM ALL IIFCFBSAPY PNGINFFPING, ADVERTISING AIID LEGAL /.ND CT.F.PICAL S.FR`:ICP IN CO"ITCTION TF'RF"ITH AT THF LOFT OF THF ABUT17ING P.ROPFRTY 0-11 FS AIM rrW!IT`Illr TEAT FI -TT B" COTTSTR!TCTFD U?ON TIIF T711 YFP•R PAYIJFITT PLAN," be introduced wal lny ovrr. Adopted on,' -be, cnll of the roll: Yens; Cormisaioners Brndshn••-, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futter and Mnyor Luckey, (5). Commissioner 7`radshaw orfered motion to adopt an ordinance nntitled, "AN OFDINANCF AUTHOPI7.I']G THEE COtih`.ISFIONER OF PUBLIC :FORKS TO PURCHASF A Dept, of Public ,Yks.ourchase car CHEVROLET ROADSTFR FOR USE IN TNF S71 R D-PART!.rNT." Adopted on the call of the for Sewer Dept. roll: Yeas; Coiamissioners Bradshaci, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter gnd Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONFTRUCTION AND RE -CONSTRUCTION Jefferson -25th to 32nd=!ardsurface OF THE DRIV77IAY ON JEFFFDSON STREET, FROM THE ':LST PROPERTY LINE OF T'!ENTY- orlinsnee intaoduced FIFTH STRF'?T TO TIF. 'ifEST PROKRTY.LINE OF THIRTY-SECOND STREET, AND ON Lall.r= AVrNUE,'FROM THF SOUTH EROPFRTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRFFT TO TIT-' NORTH PROPrRTY LINE OFBPW9%Y STFTFT, IN ^'H"' CITY OF PAD.UCAH, McCPACKFN COUNTY, KRNTUCKY "'ITA ALL Ilr'FSS+RY CURB, GUTTFR, DP,IVR"1AYS, TUANHOLFS, INTAKES, CATrH BAFINS IND SF.'1FR PIPE, AND ALL NFCEFSARY ENGIN—FlNG „ADWRTISING AND LEGAL AND CLFRICAT, BF.PVICF. IN CO'HIFCTICN 73r.F77ITH AT TH` COFT OF THF ABUTIITIG PROr-RTY O.TIERS AND PROVIDING TPAT £.AMF MAY BF CONSTFUCTED UPON iHF WIT Y^AR FAY!^'IIT PLAN% having been introduced =nd laid over for one •-eck in its completed form, I now ove that said ordinnnce be adopted. Adonted on the cnll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshn,,, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the adoption of nn ordinance entitled, "AN ORDITUNCF. AUT1!OFIZING AND L`IRFCTING Borrow money :. ION FR OF PUBT.IC FINANCE TO BORRO• iHF `U1" 01' F'IF'TY AD ($50,000.00) DOTLARS FOR THF U;E AND BI.711-FIT CC TiR' CITY OF PADUCAII, ,0 7XFCTJTT, A 110'£- OR NOTES POR F,11D SU!.T OR SUS'S FOR AND ON B^HALF OF SAID iTY, t.iih TO 1'..°`C" _ - " VENUES of THF CITY FOR T1 FITH. T ONF-IIA 7:F OF 'PRF R 1620 AS ^. "L' -OR. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; acn-r.9 i,r r:ci.n, Nelson, Rutter end Mayer Lrckny, (5).