HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 206, December 31, 1928No. ?`O6 Proceeding's of - " _ City of Paducah 31, 1928, d,t a %e3ular 'bating of the Donrd of Co -r, iraioners head in the :Jo ':-lctorot Charber in the city }call Buil'ing in the City of Paducah, Fentueky at to o'clock p.m., on the -lot (Iny of December, 1928, 1,9ayor Lockey provided and upon onll o:' tJ : poll tho fol.L:,7i.n;., anoacred to their n^nes: Commissioners Nonnin, end "nyor Lno%ey, (4)• :'inutea of the previous mect.ing rrere adopted as read. Cc—i::_loner Ru`tcr offered motion t.h^.t the communlcntion from the "'•�-. issiont•r of PuLlic Pin^nco regar0ing A)rcgdia Grnded wchool Bond be received and I filed, nn' teat the C=7,issioncr of Public Finnnee be authorized to drat: check on the "inking 1•und for the smount of ";1500.00 to pay said bond, which will mature on January lot, 1929. Adopted on 'he cull of the roll: Yens: Cwrminnionors '.lnnnin, Felson, Rutter and :'-:yor Lockey, (4). Comracaiom:r gutter offered notion that the report of Cn.sh Orders Ch in the a cunt of u25.58 be received and Piled, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pny same and charge to the proper departments. Adopted on tl,e C-11 of tlr,• roll: Yens; Co;:misaion-rz Unnnin, Felson, Rutter and Aayor Lackey, (4). Co:-:rissioncr Rutter offored the foll,win_ rrotion: I move that the cisoi.nner of Public Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for six ,c'rs on the Arcadia Grnded school No.l mond issue due Jnnuary lot, 1929, amount of' :'435.00 Outstanding $14,500.00 Interest rate 6% Fnnusl interest 870.00 Cemi nnnusl interest 43.5.00 r'cle nt the ?'echanics Trust 8 2avirgs Bank. :.dnpt�d on th., call of the ... ... -a_: `rrrrc l?annin, Nelsen, Futter nnc, 1'-r'yor Lockcy, (4). Sotrmissioner Ruttsr offered the fo11nr.1nG motion: I move that :K,,t;.crjohn •!nrl Levi Brien, ::he are housokcnpera and owners - c c_ -:'c nll been residents of the City of Pnduoah for Toro thaw five to constitute the Pcar,i of squn",l.--ntion of the Cite of '.M nd ti, -:L anid membcra of said L'onrd be each load the sum, Adopted on the cr,l] of t.bo roll: Yoga; `C ter rnd "nyor Lackey, (4). 1a ed • oticn teat the i.'ont=a ' _ . _mate for r:c1 I, - an cn Contract 111o.5 for rM.- j.inc, ccntrnrtor, be recel.vc v.,76 .filed, incl instr•tcted to itsuo cnt 'or.rnnt ]1 of +.Ye 1,01`.: 1 . `_c•.:.ra ..'y, (4). to for ;,ark curb -a! .. , ..-:•P, r . _.. , :`7: st the or in No ---207 - Proceedings of. P City of Paducah Coyq,jjr,*rjo,jer Futtor offered motion that the 7'onthly Fotinato for 1�'orlc !'or.tl-lv '' tlrato dono -birinz! the nc.ontlr of December, 1928, on Contract No.6 for sIdevillk, J.?*.i-ouse ccnti,nct #6 drivnw-ys, curb and gnitter constrneted by J.".1lonse, contractor, be received and filed, end that the Co:lraiscviolier of "ublio Finance be instructed to issue 'nProverlont 1.7arrnnt trr,rcfor.in the ?um of !'428.90. -',dor+ted on tl,e call of :he roll: Ye a; Co-,aissicwrs Uqnrin, Volnon, Putt -r nn,' K-9yor Lpelcoy, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered notion tnnt the T-Tonthly Rstimate for .':ork done during the month of December, IM, on Contract No.4 for gravel street "onthly -znti-ntc zu c 'illi -.^,s conotructed. by rake '.711liams, contractor, be received and filed, and that tl-� • cintr.qct "o.4 Co-nissioner of Cublic Flnnnce be instructed to ispue linprovoment -,I:,rrnnt 1 rr-i- in the sun. of 5799.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yons; I. 1vinnin, Nelson, Rutter and T,.nyor L-ciceir, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered mot -Ion that the Vontlrly 1,:sLin- to roi, work "CITIthly hstimto Bene curing the month of recember, 1%28, on Contract !o.2 for gravel street Brnrer ?, Cooke contract 412 constructed by Fraser & Cooke, contractors, be received and filed, and t',nt the Co.-,isFionvr of Public Finance be instructed to izruc 1: -movement ':.'arrant 01o.rc.for in irum or X1,213.16. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co:,issicrers 11nnnin, 'Wson , Rutter and -ayor T.ackey, (4). Cormissioner Rutter offered motion tl--t the -onth17 �sLimate for --.-oric :tenthly Lrtirrnte d-ne during the mo,nth of December, 1928, on Contract '7o.4 for street paving on Zontlern Fds. Po., contract :14 BronCwa'y, constructed b; Southern Pon -13 Coinp�ny_contrnctors, be received ni-d filed, and t*,nt the Co,.--idsaioner- - df Public Finance be instructed to ic=e InroveTrent :'arrant therefor in tbe sum of '15,801.,11. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Com,:i:-,aionfrs Fnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and I-Inyor Lsek.e7, (4). Commissioner Eutt.cr offered motion that the doeO of ''aster -ecd from i.A.I'illcr Corpnic-cioner, to the City of Pnducah of the Robert Scott property on 'Torth 9th , aster Cn- lccicner to I-ity of Pott. Ctr::Ot be T-OCCivod and filed. AdOotcel On L-110 call of t'-, roll: Yen::; Scott property Com_-dscioners Hnn-Jr., Ifelf.on, BAItter and 7 ayor Lackey, (4). Mlnyor Lncico7 offered the followir-, lnot-Jcn: I move tl-nt r!j 01','Irwice fro!n :y. --TtILJ- OF-DINAIM Ac-T.,rTITIG PFFD IRON V"7TUC,,Y UTIT.Tq'IFS COTTANY" be Coto r'ity of '%Ve a,,00ted, nnA t;,nt t179 Co••inrinr.er of itIlIc linrnee b, irsti-'Icted to er!"Iso -14 d,td to to fLrt':',Itb rocor7led. AdO'ItCd on the efill of the roll: -- ' 's; "c Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and !-yor 1.,cicoy, (4). 1 11 I, n --ting ndi-til-ned. El